Women hate thread, lets fuckin go bros

women hate thread, lets fuckin go bros

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imagine the wretched stench of that room jesus

orgies dont look fun at all

This looks extremely unholy.

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Imagine lobbing a few white phosphorus grenades into that room

post moar of this shit.

What's a women

>iamgine being a w*men

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Must smell heavenly.
I would tongue each and everyone of those qts butts clean

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Just gonna post this and be off on my way

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What I really want is an orgy with an absolute fucking shitload of obese women. Just huge, enormous fatties everywhere who all want my cock more than they want air, with an infinite supply of viagra so I can root them all forever, and an infinite supply of donuts so they can keep getting fatter and fatter oh my god I am so hard typing this out

This is a screenshot from my favourite porno in the world, imagine this scene but when more girls.

Attached: 4BA0BC25-9F4B-4A12-8E12-A0060C4D8761.jpg (1125x638, 553.82K)

Can I join? I don't have to bang them though. I just want them to take turns sitting on me and smothering my face, preferably as they stuff themselves


Gay faggot detected. The smell of pussies is intoxicating.

my peen is literally harder than diamonds right now

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That girl is wearing those silicone butt pads, you can see the outline as well as the way there seems to be an unnatural extension on her ass.

How are you guys still robots? There are millions of fatties and they are all desperate for cock.

I wish I had a group of male/female friends who just got together fucked each other with any pressure to perform or hook up.
Just exploring our young bodies together for fun.

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I'm not a robot. I just like to post here sometimes, usually on the topics of large women, brap posting, cooming, and so on

>groups you'd love to machine gun down

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Same, feels good being a bichad

>silicone butt pads, you can see the outline as well as the way there seems to be an unnatural extension on her ass.
Kek, no she isn't...

Attached: fFJeasT0.png (635x839, 576.21K)

Her ass looks substantially smaller here than it does in the clothed pic. Typical lying/photoshopping roast.

>orgy thread

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Why you're probably a fucking virgin, and will die as such.

>Her ass looks substantially smaller here
Looks about the same...
One's a close-up with a better angle, and the other isn't;
Not to mention ass always looks better & shapelier when it's packed in tight clothing.

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t. low test faggot

i think we all know what the answer is.

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don't you mean envy

your inherently worthlessness and self-loathing is why you don't get women, all of whom are categorically superior to you in every possible way

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the emperor protects

>sehr sehr original.. happy r9k

i wish i was a woman desuuah

I am officially submitting a request for you to post the link to said porno.

normalfags get out
post women hate

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Here we go here we go origami flesh

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incelfag get out

Only robots allowed

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I think the image speaks for it's self.

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god damn what a based gentleman

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Cringe thread lad.

He's right. This part of the ass is developed in a way that isnt possible. The whole ass would be bigger and rounder, it wouldnt be pointy like that.

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You'd be amazed at how many glute exercises a woman does
Most of them don't even train any thing other than legs

Post the origami link please

Pls get your own harem, I find males repulsive and do not want them anywhere near me in a sexual environment.

Yes I got a stiffie typing it up

Just because I want them doesnt mean they want me.

Sorry dawgs, I have zero idea where it came from. I accidentally stumbled upon it while trying to get the whole big and brutal series, it was a series of fortunate clicks that led me to the right direction

better a virgin than to base your self worth on what others think of you

its that guy that killed ciara

>better a virgin than to base your self worth on what others think of you
Worf Approves.

Attached: worf-honor-roll.jpg (550x278, 51.63K)

even Klingons aren't immune to peer pressure

Keyword: PEER
"you are still a member of the house of martok"

also, Worf was consistently halfway between Klingon/Federation before Ezri, so she is a peer in this way as well

and besides everyone agreed dueling Gowron was badass

Contrast with getting pressured by people who don't truly have your back.

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No , I assure you it's very holy.

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that's not my point, I was saying Ezri's right. Even an honorable man like Worf was willing to accept the worst kinds of corruption from Klingon leaders simply because it was expected of him, for "the good of the Empire". Basically, everyone to some degree bases their self worth on how others view them, even the most stoic among us.

Ooooh you pwned me there, thanks for the correction.

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Whole room smells like fishy fish and wet dog

Rare footage of the Corona virus

Based and redpilled. The only good woman is a BBW who will sit on my peepee

so fucking annoying having to post comment for every file

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There is no higher exaltation of the human spirit than an orgy.


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Bet it smells like armpit and cheese in there.


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latinas are godsend


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Why the fuck is the one on the right holding a gun?

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Any girl by the age of 13 should be enslaved

>Why the fuck is the one on the right holding a gun?
It is a large dildo she forces into a few different girls holes