Weekly Family Thread

Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.

Archive(still not updated)-
pastebin.com/3G5CJ4xZ (embed)

Previous Thread-
boards.Yas Forums.org/r9k/thread/57170513#top

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Y'all really gonna make me regret making those edits.

Nobody at work has received a schedule for this week so maybe we're finally quarantining, hooray. Also our parents want us home for the quarantine which seems stupid.

>Me: People think the brain or the heart is the center of a person, like the most important part, but I think maybe the entire genital-butt area is up there too. It's not a space your share with just anyone, it drives a lot of your base human urges and functions, and sharing that area with someone is way more intense and emotional than just about anything else you can do.
>Brother: Stop talking with cheerios in your mouth.

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>Y'all really gonna make me regret making those edits.
Did you ever end up making the edit about you and your brother fucking your daughter/younger sister?

what self improvement will you undertake while in quarantine?

No, it was basically exactly the same as the coworker one anyway.
I wanna finish like 45 games and anime.

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>I wanna finish like 45 games and anime.
That isn't self improvement..... Learn a language, pick up a disaster relevant skill, knitting etc. new book would be self improvement.

A good relevant book is the Jakarta Pandemic

>I wanna finish like 45 games and anime.
Why not read the Bible?

too much incest in that degenerate book

>Also our parents want us home for the quarantine which seems stupid.
You could take this opportunity to display your loving relationship to them and attempt to change your mothers mind

These improvements sound boring. I was looking into learning more Japanese though.
Already read it.
I guess.

Mostly just parts of the Old Testament, the New Testament is better anyway.

>Already read it
Cover to cover?

You disappeared last week. I missed it. Also do you put sugar on your cheerios?

>nii has friends over drinking
>making nachos for everyone in the kitchen
>go put big plate of nachos out
>nii slaps me on the butt in front of his friends
>start to walk out slightly embarrassed he did that
>he asks me to drink with him
>feel like that might be a bad idea so say no and go into our bedroom to watch movies on tablet
>leave them alone
Hours later
>he comes in drunk
>he lays down and snuggles upto me
>smells like booze and it smells nasty
>he tells me they are sleeping on the couch and will go home in the morning
>he kisses me some on the neck but I tell him he stinks
>he goes and rinses out his mouth and comes back to bed
>he passes out and I fall asleep later

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>>nii slaps me on the butt in front of his friends
>>he lays down and snuggles upto me
>>he tells me they are sleeping on the couch and will go home in the morning
I would be willing to bet money that they either already know or he doesnt mind if they know.

They were way to drunk to know anything. They were all watching some animal documentary and providing their own commentary on what was going on. It was very loud.

But was he not cuddling with you when they woke up?

My dad's trying to get sent back home because our own county is in bad shape. My job is closed. My sister seems dazed but coming back around. She's become really affectionate, I think it's helping more feel more comfortable. A lot of her past issues with anxiety are bubbling to the surface and she needs to find relaxation where she can I guess. Also she doesn't even wear her own clothes anymore just my hoodies.

They didn't wake up until noon. I was able to make myself breakfast, do some yoga in my old room cause I don't feel comfortable doing it infront of anyone but nii, and get lunch ready.

I read all of it at some point. Once upon a time I actually had the ability to focus and concentrate on things.
I thought I was around until the thread ended? Not a lot happened late last week anyway.
I wish and also really don't wish my brother would slap my butt in front of friends.

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>I read all of it at some point
I suppose that didnt save you from degeneracy, did it?

>I wish and also really don't wish my brother would slap my butt in front of friends.
Try it in front of the coworker

Bumpity fuckity faggity something about bumps to bump the thread

Good luck, I hope you guys are okay, just be there for her.

That means you only have limited time to smash (aka progressing down the wincest route, it doesn't have to be all the way), it's now or never

You still cuddling with her?

We're fine, she's just not doing well mentally and emotionally. This is straining her a lot.

She's tried to be sensual a few times but it just seems like a momentary reaction.

Yeah, she's being very clingy at all times.

Bumpity fuckity faggity do not complain, but rather work to improve that which you would complain about

Try to keep her occupied. The news isn't helping much right now. Just act like nothing is going wrong and maybe she will feel better. When you are close to someone you can feel sensitive to how they feel and it can make you nervous. Maybe just watch a movie with her or something to get her mind off it and let her be close to you. I don't know what else to say but she seems like she is a worrier.

I have a new saying, Do not try to feed someone a pizza roll with your mouth unless you are ready for a mess.

You know, that is a pretty solid saying.

just bang and get it over with.

It's one learned from experience

So my cousins might be fucking. I aint know what to do tho.

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Let them. Who are you to impede their happiness?

I wasn't planning on stopping them.

Then just let them live their lives in peace, and maybe advocate for them if other family members start questioning them.

Those were the days. If only I could experience them again.

Bumpity fuckity faggity quarantine is really lonely

Nii is being super affectionate tonight. He's been trying to pamper me and it was nice until he fell asleep.

Wake him up with "affection"

Bumpity fuckity faggity I might grab some sleep soon

I don't know if it's the time I'm spending here reading about incest or if I've lost it but for some reason making out with my sister and finger banging her was a good idea.

How about you explain further

Is this the return of those hug your family threads from way back?

Dont bring those up here. We are not affiliated with them. These threads are just about anything to do with family, incest or otherwise. We have some trips here who talk about incest, but we also help anyone with family related issues.

oh ok so you're that faggot who ruined those threads

Oh no. That cunt sometimes comes around here and always tries to derail these threads

good to know that weirdo has wasted 3 years of his life shitposting

No they're a different group of people apparently. It's obvious who they really are though because as you can tell you get really aggressive responses about specific people here. It's funny because they don't realize how obvious they make it so when you point it out they just go "I don't who they are so it's not me" after arguing and bitching about specific people.

When has that "cunt" done anything other than hit on Anonette and just act generally suggestive though? Serious question.

There was that time a few weeks ago when he derailed the entire thread by getting everyone to talk about Kissy. First he accused Anonette of being her, then just generally kept acting like a fag for a day or two. It was a while back and I would have to look through Desuarchive to really remember, but I remember him being a cunt whenever he showed up.

Advise, my sister is lowkey a bitch and kind of a know it all at times. She can get really mean and it feels like when she talks to my mom she has my mom's undivided attention, which is ok but idk, sometimes like
i guess like
how do i not be jealous of my mom and sister's relationship? idk im the, im a tranny w self harm scars, im the black sheep of my family
how do i not feel like utter shite when i see my sister and mom hanging out having a good time when i know that she will never see me as woman or as her daughter

How do we know that was them though? It sounds like you've assigned them a role in these threads without any evidence, which leads to my point here where it's obvious that you came from the past threads with predisposed opinion on that person. I can't tell if you're trying to pretend like you don't know anything about them or if you really don't.

I can tell you more about them if you want. The answer you'll probably say is "No don't tell me I don't want to derail the thread because of that cunt" and then ignore me. The reason is because you're scared that I might change your opinion and you don't want to accept that you may be wrong.

Maybe you should accept that you arent her daughter. I know that that may be difficult to accept, but very few things worthwhile in life are easy. Maybe try getting some mental help, looking for a spiritual answer, or something else. I could actually give you some legitimate spiritual advice, but I dont want to go into that whole thing if you are not Christian.

I mean I know I'm not but it's still like...idk. Just a shitty feel. Dad is dead and I feel like......idk
like my mom loves my sister more bc she is a girl
and she loves my brother more bc he is a bit of a fuckup
and im just...
the black sheep no one wants. like she has to love me out of obligation
also I am christian. what is your spiritual advice?

I have actually never really read the old threads. I remembered that a majority of people were saying that that person was some asshole from the old threads, so I accepted that because I dont care all too much about who it was, just more so that he was derailing the thread.

>"No don't tell me I don't want to derail the thread because of that cunt" and then ignore me.
If you want to talk about him, go ahead, I wont stop you. But I honestly dont care a ton about him.

See all of that is wrong. I've only seen one person here be so aggressive towards them and they always say the exact same thing "I don't know much about them but everyone here seems to hate them so I do too." Second of all, I reiterate my point, you don't know if the person that starts arguments about the thread is that person. I don't think they are. There's a distinct difference considering that the person that you're so convinced does that is very aloof, playful, and seems to just come around to hit on people. The person that derails the thread seems to be someone with a lot of left over anger, which I think you have too, and is a part of the person in question's faction.

But here's the gist on the person that you've villainized.

Their name is Olivia. Olivia is essentially a lolcow without officially being a lolcow, because she doesn't post nudes or use her body for attention. Olivia was the original role player in the old "Hug your imouto threads" that eventually were called "hug your family" as they developed into more than typical older brother > younger sister roleplay. Olivia's original story, Imouto_Cuddler (Yeah the names were as unoriginal and boring as they are now) was a story about a younger adult, 18ish and his romance with his 16 year old sister. Now this story was obviously just smut for the sake of smut. He was hot, she was hot, and they fucked a ton. I think it ended with them getting caught and he left. As this was being written she also began to write another character, Hungry Sister Guy (I reiterate the point on names) who was a character with a younger sister that was in an underprivileged situation at home. He would then take the sister and care for her but it was a strictly safe for work story, probably an outlet for her more cute and wholesome concepts without causing a lot of drama in her original story. As this was happening a few other writers showed up. The most active character outside of Olivia's stories, was Pat. Cont...

To me, it seems like you are associating love with being female, as your sister is the one who is receiving love. But you dont want to be female, you want to be your sister. Obviously this is something that you might want to try working through with an actual psychologist, but my advice for you would be to try dropping the transgenderism, as it is likely serving to do nothing but isolate you from your family and mother. Past that, just try talking with your mother. You might hear some difficult things, but it is always better to know something difficult than to live in ignorance. As Epictetus saidThank you to Bumpanon for teaching me about philosophy
>Only the educated are free

>what is your spiritual advice?
I actually had a Church service today that could apply to your situation. First there is 1 Corinthians 7:17-24. I will have that as pic related. It basically says that you must live the life assigned to you by God. Second there is 1 Peter 2:18-25. That will be the picture in a following post. It basically says that enduring discomfort is something to be desired. When taken together, in my opinion, it seems that you must accept hardship, as everything in life has a purpose. My priest talked about how everything in life happens for some reason. If a child dies, it may serve to give their parent or sibling further meaning in life, or some other purpose. But suffering always has a reason, often improving character or providing purpose in life.

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oh storychan you're still going at it

Here is 1 Peter 2:18-25

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Pat was a lot like the stories we have in these threads. Picture perfect, everything goes to plan, etc. The twist was that it was from the brother's perspective.

So as these stories went on other writers began to pop up with their own shorter and less inspired stories. Potentially some of them were Olivia's creation, maybe not. And then Lucy showed up. Lucy was Olivia's self insert. Essentially a small, out of touch, and self-hating girl that was sexually confused and had a thing for her sister. As this was going on thread derailments like you've never seen were incredibly common. Gore spam, lyric spam, spam spam, in every other thread. Arguments about meta stuff, writing, who is who, etc were in every thread. The threads were hitting post limits and being reposted two or three times a day. Business was booming and Olivia was the center of it. Eventually the threads started to get a few more writers, a character named Laura came along, and eventually the character that you seem to know a lot about without being from the old threads. Kissy. Kissy was okay, not the best writer, and honestly a bit toxic. Mid way through Kissy's story arc Olivia revealed herself as the author of four characters. Three we've already discussed as well as College Girl, a character that had a short but cute story about fucking her older brother in her dorm room. Kissy continued on and Olivia would occasionally appear to talk to posters under the alias "Story chan". Then Kissy caused a problem. She posted nudes. Olivia is pretty damn autistic and considers posting nudes to be a seriously bad problem. So she lost it and started trying to tear down Kissy. Kissy, who was already relatively toxic didn't have a problem with fighting back and the two of them went at it for thread after thread. Factions were formed and the most autistic war was carried out over weeks. Eventually it resulted in all the writers leaving and joining up in a discord server.

I dont think its that it's more like
I have gender dysphoria and want to be a girl
And seeing how my mom and sister are makes me feel icky bc i know i dmwont have that idk i know i sound like a broken record
Nvm im dumb im going to bed
Idk ty

I don't know much about the discord server, who's in it, or the current state of it. All I know is that I actually see Olivia posting here in Yas Forums quite a lot and she probably posts in these threads a lot more than any of us realize. Olivia is a Yas Forums veteran and doesn't have a problem with flying under the radar if she needs to. If there's a chance for attention though, she's going to take it.

I actually ended up finding her old reveal post while digging around for names of the characters because I couldn't remember College Girl at first.

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Wow, that all seems convoluted and needless. In any case, maybe she is still here, and maybe there are others too. As long as they dont fuck up the thread, whatever.

Good luck with sorting this all out and getting help.

When you have a lot of passion and autism anything is possible. Really she was just a somewhat seasoned roleplayer using this place for her teenage fantasies. It's not as crazy as you think all things considered. That whole thread is actually really interesting. Seeing into the mind of a roleplayer after they lay out everything in front of you is a rare occurrence. You could really see her attention to detail and how she kept up with so many arcs at once without messing up, something the writers here couldn't manage.

I think if Anonette and Couch had the autistic tendencies Olivia had then they would have had an easier time though.