anyone lonely wants to talk??
i will reply to anything owo
Anyone lonely wants to talk??
helo im tranny
give me that sweet (You) that i crave
You guys are my only friends the only friend , the only friends since third grade
are you a biological famele????????
I keep eating things that constipate me, mentor would be disappointed in me, I know I am
Nice dubs anonkun
why u tranny
Do you like my dog?
because i am mentally ill
thanks, haven't gotten quads in a while
why the knife eating girl?
henlo how is the life of a tranny
there u go 888anon
Why do you think Kasper never responds to my messages, but she will message, let me be clear on that, SHE WILL MESSAGE random people who talk like utter retards in the youtube comments.
>its what i aspire to do
Eating a knife or being a girl?
If the first one then why?
How's the NL dealing with covid?
Having pets is really nice.
Not sure about being the pet tho...
It probably sucks more than it seems attractive lmao
I did i pooped thank you
it's literally torture
Are you ever coming back? We miss you.
who is kasper and idk have you asked her befoer? im sorry user getting ghosted by someone you care sucks alot :(
however anxiety/avoidant and other mental issues can prevent one from replying
eating a knife cuz i wana die
damn how do you recognise me
i had the cops at my house a couple days ago!!! doxxed by the cops, they came to check up if im ok based on some old suicide pact i had with a boomer that apparently got arrested and has a investigation going on about him :o
all schools/restaurants/publics spaces are closed and a lockdown is expected soon too, well my lifestyle hasn't been affected by it
kinda funni when it got announced there were immediate like 50m queues of ppl for smart shops
what about your country???
i either wana eat a knife or be a cat
in what way can it suck??? most comfy neet life
>there u go 888anonSMILE now please
thanks :D
>damn how do you recognise me
The way you type and the small things you've mentioned in the thread.
Do you who am I? I wont mention my country because that'd be an easy giveaway.
Has everyone you've been close with on discord hurt you? There has to be some genuine people out there.
Kinda miss talking to you, you were fun.
not that user, but kasper is this girl. she ghosts alot of people. a real heartbreaker that girl. you kinda talk like her.
>eating a knife cuz i wana die
anoon dying is not good, why would you want that?
I wanted to be a girl ever since around age 10 or 11. Why? Who knows. Mental illness. I shoved it to the back of my mind for 11 or 12 years to try and live a normal life and I ended up constantly being thrown in the psych ward due to how unstable and suicidal I was.
So I decided to try transition as a last ditch effort to save myself. It did nothing. I'm not ever in the psych ward anymore, but that's because I've learned to cope better, not because transition has helped at all.
Every day is awful. I hate talking. I hate seeing myself. I hate how people treat me. I don't want to continue living if this is the best life has to offer. I have literally no way to cope with how bad things make me feel. Mental illness is rough.
Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy, hey, mommy mommy, MOMMY, MOMMY?
I just want a girl who will cuddle and talk to me... AHHHHHHHHHHH why is it so hard to find?
i always recognise people by their avis....
s-so u have to tell me ur country
>has everyone you've been close with on discord hurt you?
yes very much again
>kinda miss talking to you, you were fun.
>id be the worst mom
Into the trash it goes.
yes throw me away thank you very much
>yes very much again
Sorry to hear that. Take your time maybe you can eventually heal from it.
>feeling more worthless than usually recently
Kek same I don't even know why I'm here, haven't read or posted on this trash board for months and the moment I come back I see a thread from you.
I hope I did nothing to hurt you, when you disappeared I figured it was just a meltdown but nothing related to other people. Take care idiot. Also that police incident is hilarious
Won't tell you my country but pic related should be enough
>why not try getting frens or a kot
I'm too afraid to talk with others. kot?
aw its you
Why are you such a stupid fucking faggot?
Kill yourself already fucking piece of shit.
too much effort, you kill me pwease owo
>she looks cute
yeah... she is cute...
Is this miyako?
Your server has gone to shit
i cant do anything im dead
>what about talking to others online?
When there is one on one conversation, I start to get nervous. There was a girl that I ghosted out of nervousness(still feel bad about it). She wanted to do voice chat and it scared me.
i relate with that, i end up avoiding replying cuz of anxiety too. what about serbers though? there is less pressure and you can zone out when it gets too mcuh
another user here
i try my best to attempt making friends on discord but the anxiety is too much. i thought online would be much easier, it seemed to be the same :(
i'm trying to get help for it too, therapy, psychiatrist, but I lack the motivation to.
hi lonely i am also lonely
hi r9k tranny trip i see everywhere
hi hi
wan wan
aw i feel u :( well i complain about being all alone but it seems like subconciously i rather have it this way regardless. im unable to mantain any friendship, and find it too much pressure. often im just really dull, blank, boring and find myself too uninteresting which results in being too anxious to talk to people. i even sometimes have this with psychs. i just immedaitely hate everything i say. what makes you anxious?
i think at the end it all comes from a very low self esteem/self hatred, therapy can defo help with it! i get the lack of motivation to get thru with it, when i ignored my psychs for a month one of them turned up at my place. i never want that again kek. therapy/psychs do really help though, really just try to not ghost the psychs and be as open as possible. also let them know if the current method/therapy isnt working cuz there is many more to try
lonely gang lonely gang lonely gang
this was the zoomer thing ive done im really sorry
henlo:3 how r u today
this was the most zoomer thing ive evr done*
Is that really your dog? It's adorable.
>how r u today
ok. not much going on tbqh
I have been working on self-improvement with the ultimate goal of ending my loneliness and getting a gf for the first time.
Coronachan has really put a damper on things. Everybody is staying indoors and avoiding socialising - i.e. everybody is behaving how I behaved my entire life at the one time when I don't want to.
I'm craving human contact now. I really want to sniff a female, bury my face in her armpit and breathe deep.
I am 30 and I'm tired, I don't want to live this life anymore if it's all it has to offer to me.
having an end goal seems nice it at least you have an incentive to improve, makes me jealous on the tfw no gf people
i honestly really dislike irl contact it is way too draining, i dont get lonely so not sure what that is like but sometimes feel the need to fulfill social needs which gets done online by a thread like this
just try finding way to improve when inside i guess
i really wonder how people enjoy being alive
how do you cope user :((
Life will have you stuck with yourself for eternity, that's how it was from the beginning.
you ok? how is today?
what have you done today?
I want you to tell me you love me.
Thank you.
Why that horrible image?
Do you have a problem that you would like to talk about?
fuck you OP unro
I spent so much time trying to be your friend, just to have you leave without an explanation
You never cared about anyone and you deserve to be alone
I'm not OP but...
I love you, user.
You're a sweet and nice guy. and you deserve whatever good fortune you find.
Well, what better place to vent than to Yas Forums,
haven't posted anything on this board in years.
>girl always craves attention and someone to share her problems with
>showers me with praise and will often bring up how i'm the only person she actually bothers to keep up with regularly
>will always be "weirded out" and stop talking as soon as she's on the receiving end of someone else's problems or gets asked difficult questions
It's a real dealbreaker, everyone I know has told me to drop it because it's unhealthy, and I think that may be true and i'm just too far invested and obsessed. Acceptance and moving on is probably going to be the biggest hurdle in this.
Thank you for listening random r9kposter/thot/really don't give a rats who you are.
I want love so bad... I would love to have lots of children, but it's clear at this point that I'll die alone. I never imagined I cared for others, I thought I preferred being alone. My parents are the last people that care, I'm going after they go
>how do you cope user :((
I don't
I don't want to.
I'm not, I want to kill myself.
Woke up, played world of warships, watched anime, gonna cry myself to sleep now.
I can't, i just can't anymore. I don't want to continue. What should i do?
You don't love me.
Original post!11!!1
OP is not female however.
lol, women are a pickle, I write with a few every month on badoo or tinder, i ask them questions about their life, job, hobbies and such. and then they just cut everything short when they have to contribute anything to a conversation. I dont get why what you mean when people you know tell you to "Drop it" that's retarded.
Bitch shut up. I fucking love you dude, what's a guy got to do to make you understand that!