Could you defend your gf's honor? If not you should probably stay incels. Webm related

Could you defend your gf's honor? If not you should probably stay incels. Webm related.

Attached: 1584813910472.webm (640x360, 1.73M)

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is there a continuation to this?

Yeah the gf gets gangbanged by the bully

I wish guns were legal in my country.

whats the story behind this? Wtf did that guy say to him?

what the hell was even happening?

Never get that close to someone who is angry/intoxicated. Keep enough distance to not get hit by a sucker punch.

>standing up for himself
That is okay
>webm ends before we know if the gf got raped or not
Probably went no where right?
Ha ha

That went from self defense to murder real quick


there was never any defending, the guy never hit him

WHat's amazing in this webm is the woman. She clearly does not give a shit about her bf. She just watches as he gets killed/maimed for life in front of her.
If it was his mother you bet your ass she would be throwing herself on her son's body.

If you ever have a gf anons, make sure she actually loves you, it's in these kinds of situation you can see if she does.

Pick one

>killed/maimed for life
he probably has a broken jaw and/or nose at most. he'll be fine. human skulls are surprisingly tough.

She tries to help him more than twice, she was scared which is understandable. You guys are fucking retarded

He did die actually

>defending women in 2020

most women are men hating feminist who are taking your rights away. why the fuck would anyone defend them?

Why were they just standing there staring like creeps? Why did that idiot approach? Based punch-man should have gone Kenshiro on that bitch tho.

Full retarded actionmovie expert detected

enough hits in the head and that's trauma for the rest of your life, the guy will never be the same
it's what happens to boxers
hi roastie, those pathetic attempts to help were nothing
she should be trying to poke the guys eyes out and killing him to save her bf's life
most roasties don't know loyalty and love so you cant get it

Wtf is wrong with the 2 guys just standing there watching the poor lad be killed? Also, story?

You don't have to be hit to defend yourself retard

user he got ORAORAORA'd right before he got his head stomped like 10 times

This webm isn't related at all, looks like he instigated it being a drunk retard and messed with the wrong guy, a psychopath

>He did die actually
Sorry was this unclear?

the guy doing the beating looks like a disgusting gymcel loser.
acting all high and mighty after possibly beating some guy to death who didn't even fight him back.
fucking pathetic. I hope this faggot got ass raped in prison and became tyrone's bitch.

yes you do roastie keked

>the guy doing the beating looks like a disgusting gymcel loser.
He's 100% on roids. Thats roid rage.

Typical white roid rager. He killed the guy for sure and probably walking the street today.

i.e. gymcel. No chad does roids unless they are in professional sports.

I wonder how wet that girl got seeing her bf get beat up

Yeah, more so than most people. I've been teaching self defence classes for 8 years.

You can never get gangbanged if you don't have a gf

Nobody called the police, didn't even try.


is this in the UK? looks like typical UK behavior

no snitchin bro...

street culture is more common than you think.

You keep saying that, but the fact that you've given no other explanation of what's going on here makes me doubt that you really know what happened.

Someone kicks down my door. I shoot them dead.

Omg that wasn't self defense

>No chad does roids
For fuck's sake get out of your mummy's basement once in a while and see how things are in the real world.

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what are you even going on about you retard
no one here is talking about home intrusion

I'm surprised she didn't just fall onto her back, and instinctually spread her legs as she squirted in orgasmic pleasure when that chad dominated and then hardcore approached her.

>t. faggy gymcel
only insecure faggots who fell for the bodybuilding meme do steroids aside from chads chasing a professional sport career. steroids for looks screams insecurity like nothing else.

what about steroids to be able to beat up other people?

that's why you keep an extendable baton. break the faggots arm

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Im actually in awe of those gawking retards that just stand there dumbfounded holy fuck

>t. know-nothing wannabe
You've never actually set foot in a gym, have you?

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What if I take steroids because I want to be a superhero?

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I avoid situations like that because I'm not allowed to be armed. It's insane if you think about it that we walk around completely unarmed among other primates.

Guys you dont need to "defend your womans honor" I dont knownwhat was being said there but this could have been avoided by not confronting the person.

Also the girl didnl nothing to help him, and I cant believe that. Didnt try knocking his ass down, no mace, no fire arm. You guys deserve a partner, not a scared little kitten. Unfortunately it looks like this guy didnt have the chance to do anything to help himself, after the first surprise punch he was done. The jumping and all that is especially excessive I'm shocked no one tried to stop him.

For all you useless fucking idiots who can't reverse image search, from what I collected:
>happened in Russia
>guys knew each other
>supposedly woman provoked it
>victim hurried to intensive care, ended up vegetable
>perp in jail for attempted murder and other stuff.

Proof? Links?

Reverse search the webm you lazy fuck. Yandex is better. Also prepare translator.

>>supposedly woman provoked it
Then this webm makes perfect sense.
Women love having multiple men fight for them. This roastie is probably soaking wet when she thinks about the two lives she ruined.
Power makes them soak.

so you're actually a gymcel kek.
yes, i've been enough to the gym to know there are 2 kinds of guys who are in there: Faggy gymcels with trash face that look like cavemen, only hang out with other gymcels and think their nasty cavemen build makes them look alpha; and Chads who hang out mostly with girls, are prettybois, talk for like 60% of their time there and are skinny-fit or in regular shape. those guys actually fuck

of course aside from these there are normal people who just started gym or go there for 2 months in the year.

If she cause this, it probably haunts her for the rest of her life. Unless shes psychotic. I never understood the want to see men fight

>Anno Domini 2020
>with honour
There's no such thing.
Same way a bitch wouldn't lift a finger to help me in any situation I'll fucking return the favour.

>it probably haunts her
A woman being haunted for something she started.
You've never dealt with women, have you?

are you fucking japanese?
or literally never left the house?
99% of the time the roastie started the issue

I am a woman. We're people too, theres no way you could cause something this horrifying and walk away from it okay unless your psychotic. Even if she isnt the cause she'll probably be terrified of men confronting each other after this. Maybe itll teach her to act and not just stand there and scream

We should be allowed to go out in public with long rifles. Its my god given right to open up on any one who comes within 5 ft of me

>there are 2 kinds
>1. gymcels look like cavemen
>2. Chads are prettybois
You sound pretty gay, actually. And it's even more obvious that you've never been to a gym, and have no idea what a Chad even is. At this point nothing you type will convince me that you don't look like pic-related.

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you don't understand your own nature because you've never had two men fight for you cuz you're an ugly fat roastie
so you cope
pretty roasties are "psychopaths" KEK at your cope

shit like this is why humans choose to believe in hell
that man deserves an eternity of suffering without mercy

He is in Russian prison, that is worse than hell.

>t. "Chad"
Yes, prettyboys get the cooch, gymcels get the male pattern baldness.

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This is why I don't go outside lol.

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hes russian though, thats not really a big drop in quality of life