Heloo I need more people who will cutu for me. Why is it making my chest feel good?
Heloo I need more people who will cutu for me. Why is it making my chest feel good?
Can you remember what sound a cat makes?
committing bloody sepuku
for master digu
making his dicku
nice and bigu
You're such a gross psycho...
Why don't you "cutu" yourself?
What's the audience of people who cut themselves for you? Is it mostly tranny discordfags?
Why poser? Baka.
A catu makes *meow*.
Heloo why psycho? I'm not psycho. Baka.
Who knows?
Well if youre making trannies cut themselves, then continue. In fact, whatever loser is willing to cut themselves for someone theyll never meet probably deserves it. Keep up the good work bigudigu!
why u call them loser?
Cutu yourself and record it, then watch it.
I heard slicing the neck is real good, it just leaves obvious scars
anyone who cuts themselves in an attention faggot. its even worse doing it for someone online that theyll never meet.
No new cuts, but here's some scars. The "bigu digu" didn't really leave a visible scar.
Forgot to attach the pic of the scars desu
They aren't losers. Most of them are nice.
I'm in a psych ward. I can't cutu.
No cutu also gives people an endorphine rush. That's a bigu reason why some people do it. Why would they do it for attention when I'm the only person who sees them? I'm only posting disappointments desu but 1 time I posted 1 from a nice person bc it looked really good.
Your scars look good too. Hmm sad that bigudigu didn't scar but it's oke.
Hey Bigu. I don't cut, but I burn cigarettes on my body, is that sufficient?
I am sure bigu would invite them to cuddle with him.
Does it feel nice? I don't know much about burning.
Cuddling is nice.
How about you "cutu" your fucking trachea you annoying faggot
Have any girls cutu for you, on only boys
It hurts a bit, but I find it to be very cathartic
That's pretty fucked up, boyo.
Fuck off attention whorino
kys faggot nigger stupid retard
fucking shihead disgusting fuck
you dumbfuck piece of shit kys already you are scum
disgusting retarded asshole
fucking attention whore kys
abhorrent sick fuck stupid subhuman retard
Samefag. Probably OP tbqh
Why are you so mean?
Who knows?
Sounds interesting but I think cutsu look nicer.
No u.
No u.
Why are you so angry at me?
No it's not me.
Well done! Your soo cute, yes you are, Yesh u are aren't u, om nom nom, can you remember what sound a.....COW makes!?
niggerfaggot stop posting and kys already
you dumbfuck piece of shit kys already you are scum
disgusting retarded asshole
A cow makes *muuuuh*.
No u.
No u.
ffucking annoying faggot kys
Because you are a worthless sociopath who is beyond any sort of healing
What's that sweetie? Couldn't hear you! Could you say it again love?
down the street not across you fucking attention whoring niggerfaggot
No u.
I'm not a sociopath. I got tested for personality disorders and result was only schizoid. I don't have aspd desu.
bigu has the digu
it keeps getting biggu
we all succ his digu
then he put us in the kigu's
consume the hog
To quote the Missouri Department of Conservation.
"A social group of ten hogs can destroy 10-20 acres overnight, including crops, causing financial burdens on Missouri's landowners and agriculture producers. Damage caused by hogs was estimated at more than $1.5 billion 10 years ago in the United States and is much higher than that today. Feral hogs spend a lot of time rooting and wallowing, behaviors that contribute to soil erosion, reduce water quality, and damage agricultural crops and hay fields, as well as destroy sensitive natural areas such as glades, fens, and springs.
Feral hogs will eat nearly anything they come in contact with, including many species of native wildlife. They compete directly with native wildlife by eating acorns, a major fall food source for deer, turkey, and black bear.
Feral hogs are known to carry diseases such as swine brucellosis, pseudorabies, trichinosis, and leptospirosis. The reintroduction of these diseases into domestic population could be devastating to the agriculture industry."
aw well done! *pats head* CUTE
Do you mean kigurumi with kigu? T-That would be l-lewd eeeeh.
No u.
Some kind of giant concussive audio speaker than play Fortunate Son
I feel cold anddd
why are bears more valuable then hogs?
true plus very real also
you okay cutie? is something happening?
Am I blindddd
Why do you feel cold?
Eeeeh I'm oke.
You look cute with all those scars *pats head*
Baka and I don't have scarsu.
Do us all a favor and neck yourself you fucking retarded faggot
I really hope none of you actually cut yourselves for someone in a mental ward's entertainment.
Why are you so mean?
I an show you some picsu of my collection desu.
You're STIILL in the ward? How long has it been, 20 weeks?
Tuesday starts week 16 and I'll probably stay another 3 weeksu ya insurance keeps paying.
I feel like being in the ward hasn't help you, if anything, seeing this and the previous thread, I think it made you worse.
What do you think?
>cutting some mentally ill spergs discord name into your arm
>getting off to retards cutting your discord name into their arms
Why has this place become so pathetic? Im just glad none of you will reproduce.
It helped me bc I'm away from mom now and I'll get neetbuxx in a few weeksu. It wouldn't have been possible without ward.
I don't have autism baka.
these faggots are even worse than the coomers
d*scord was a mistake