>Still no tomboy gf
I'm losing hope lads

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they went extinct around 2012

>ywn make your tomboy gf wear a summer dress

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why is search history of just youtube flash games and porn desirable

or looking like a man

and dance in the wheat field?

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Because if you're into tomboys you're a fag in denial t. fag into tomboys

Pour a 40 for our fallen tomboys.

Que the real men want men tumblr pic. Only beta pussies need a fem girl.

epic reddit post you fag

Redditors should kill themselves.

Im tomboy but porn is fucking gross

That's funny coming from someone who has been railed by 20 dudes.

Someone post it and prove that is wrong and a fag

You know the one

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Thats wrong but thanks for making me laugh

2 or 20, it makes no difference. You don't get to say porn is gross unless you are a virgin, because then you are just as gross.

>coomsuming vs connection
Even if I had sex it isnt the same as being a coomer. Cope harder. Porn is worse for your brain and leads down worse roads than having sex in a committed relationship or marriage

See, this is earnest and real. No atmosphere needed. No work-shopping over some shit you just plagiarized anyway. Just empty wanting.
*This* actually hurts.

Porn - fucking cuck simp. Imagine letting your gf wtch porn. Imagine watching porn yourself.


It's prob worse than casual tinder hookups even.

Imagine being on Yas Forums where porn is unavoidable then judging people for watching it. Lol.


These unironically don't exist
You know what I hate about women? Its this constant "IM NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS" shit or "OMG IM SO UNIQUE"
When Im talking to a guy were just like "Yeah dude fuck niggers"
When its a girl they either try too hard to act like they're superior
Just turn off your mental retardation for two seconds and pick up a vidya controller
>wanting a tomboy to wear a summer dress
ok faggot retard

Literally defeats the purpose of a tomboy: to look non-feminine
Nigger detected

>"pfft, why would I blow cash on make up?"
>rosy red makeup cheeks
What did the author of this image mean by this?

The point is that no matter what they do, they can't look entirely non-feminine, retard. The tomboyishness actually highlights the feminine attributes.

Imagine caring what other people do with themselves. Lord of all cucks right here.

It's so hot seeing an awkward girl with short hair in a summer dress.

There's no hope anymore user
The world is fucked. Whatever, it's cool.

>he doesn't know that girls blush naturally

Even tomboys user. Fascinating, I know.

>secretly a sub
Fuck you, no.

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Why dont you go on Grindr and fuck a sissyboi? Seems like the only valid option for 2020.

The girls you see in real life who you think aren't wearing makeup? They're wearing makeup.

What about the eyelashes then?

I have long eyelashes and am a man. I'm pretty sure it's impacted my opportunities before.

>secretly sub
What's the point

Except that's all everyone ever fucking does -
If you do something, judged
If you don't do something, judged
kys faggots. all of you. you're all a bunch of degenerate pussies that need to be railed in the ass with a cantaloupe.

These girls do exist in abundance but theyre lesbians lol, sorry boys

Lmao cope harder
This picture (minus the gym stuff) describes my qt tomboy gf I have for over 6 years now

yup, now all tomboys are either lesbians or trans.

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Tomboy+dress is the cutest!

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Tomboys are as good as the memes say bros

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Because reverse traps are sexy

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I search tomboy on gelbooru and stuffed the link in jdownloader and am downloading over 1000 images right now. I've take the tomboy pill.


She sounds like my tomboy waifu (2D).


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>Artschool in Brooklyn tomboy gf left me

fuck me bros, I was literally living a Micheal cera movie for a while

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You seem like a good man user. Drink as much as you want, but please never take the wheel while drunk again. This shit can and will destroy lives. Take care

Bite me boomer

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Lad, very nice post, really appriciate this post

I know I can't change your mind. Maybe the wretched screams of the mother whose son you just crushed between your car and an electric pole will though.
Thanks king.

my mum is nagging me too btw

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lad, call your folk, your mum seems really worried about it, we are to mate, hope your okay

isnt this zoe from resident evil 7?

I don't know your life mate, I don't know if something happened or what happened between you and your family, but I had a similar situation where I fell out with my mother and cut her from my life for two years. I got back in contact with her for my own mental health problems more than anything. I kept getting texts somewhat similar to yours and she is worried about you and genuinely loves you, it can be hard to reconnect and forgive at first, but it's worth swallowing your pride man.
Hope you're doing good though mate, slightly mirin the abs text message, and whatever you do from now on I wish you happiness.
Also don't drink and drive faggot.

what is with the fascination with tomboys they look like literal fags

It's traps that aren't gay

hah what shes saying was you didnt take advantage and have sex with her your a cuck

Tomboys are for fags in denial

Tomboys are the ultimate straight man's choice

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If all the incels posting on reddit (which is pretty much all of them) would kill themselves... shit, that'd actually be great.
Sure, a few decent guys would be off too, but the vast majority of around 95% gone would be great.

faggots in denial i almost dated a tomboy and got sick to my stomach because she acted so masculine and then threatend me by saying her brothers would kick my ass tomboys are just woman who made their shittests into a personality