Sunday afternoon wanking, edition
whats this? starting a gobby woggins thread without warming the towel first
Someone should really make a coronavirus OP image.
No no
No no no no
No no no no
Not got the skills desu.
We need to recall our retired OP image squad members in this time of crisis for the thread.
dunno what ps4 game to play desu
1 - dark souls
2 - dragon age inquisition
3 - witcher 3
4 - castlevania symphony of the night
5 - persona 5
6 - shadow of the colossus
7 - bloodborne
8 - uncharted 1
9 - spiderman
0 - hit head with controller
>*washes hands with bottle labelled "corona virus samples" that's placed right next to the soap*
Right, time to start dinner for the lads.
Do you think it's all gonna be alright lads?
*very ominous music starts playing*
i'm going to die of corona and i never even got to shag a bird
>Do you think it's all gonna be alright lads?
What, the game choice? sure, it's a good game
they're like diazpam but better
taking a big fat shit in the bath
Fucking pissed off that I can't go to the gym, currently on steroids so looks like I'll lose my gains
just pick up heavy objects and put them back down, it's not rocket science
hope when ff7 remake comes to pc some modders rip cloud's cross dressing model for some saucy sfm videos
Unfortunately a lock down is needed as cunts are too retarded to stay home by themselves.
Can't abide cards with too much writing on them, leaves me with nothing to say
like those link ones before blacked fags ruined them
Llet's lock down the country for something that according to the Diamond Cruise data, which is by far our best source of data on this, only kills 1% of old-boomers
i took a poo and now my farts smell like shit
remember that COD game where Kevin Spacey makes a race virus? we need something like that
I don't have anything I can potentially do that with
fuck all the holidaymakers desu desu lads
they all deserve the rope
>order something off amazon
>says it'll be next day delivery
>then friday
>then saturday
>then sunday
>then monday
>then back to sunday
They're taking the piss
Finally copped a YouTube app that blocks ads. Marvelous
Give over lad it isn't exactly usual circumstances is it? Be patient, poor fucking warehouse workers and delivery drivers will be worn out
Mate they've been utterly overrun with orders since this all kicked off
>supporting amazon
we're doing our best at royal mail lad, I promise
order with us instead of those dodgy dpd or hermes companies while this shit is going on
influx of mail and senior staff going off sick but we're still hitting targets on time
On PC? Ublock origin does it all for me.
"I don't have anything heavy"
your flat is probably full of heavy things, fill your bin with water or something
I understand that. It just would be nice if they said "We're busy so we'll deliver it monday" rather than changing the date constantly. I don't want it soon, I just want it.
It's not ideal
I got an ad a couple of weeks ago even though I had ublock origin running.
Nah on me samersung S 9
Do you have prime? I've orderd a few things off of amazon and had nae bother at all, might need to level up
I bench 140kg for reps, what the actual fuck am I supposed to use that can even come remotely close to that degree of stimulation?
Moni, why have I just heard that you're trying to get your dad on the radio?
I'm assuming that you're either doing this as a stunt to boost views or someone else is egging you on to do it, but please don't. The man is an immigrant from a third-world country and barely speaks English. He'll just be frightened and confused. He'll probably hear Ebin and think it's a demon or something. Come on, have a little sympathy
Unlucky man. Hate adverts I do. Glad you got 1 sorted again.
you're allowed to go outside to exercise, maybe your local council put those big rocks in the parks to stop pikeys like mine did?
>son, aIright?
People are dying, losing loved ones, the economy is getting fucked up beyond all recognition and you're worried about looking as bent as possible in a tight tshirt for people on grindr?
second netflix rejoin email this week how very desperate
Slow thread today lads, are some of you dying or something?
Is that papa hussein?
>*cough* no lad, *wheeze* i'm *splutter* doing fine *cough*
Yeah well life goes on, and he doesn't want to get buggered any less just because everyone's ill
Where can I sell nudes
just got back from a cracking bike ride, canal path was full of filthy infected normals though
Might play through the Deus Ex games.
Made some chicken stock last night, when I checked it today it had turned into jelly which is apparently a good sign of a very well made stock. Pretty pleased with myself ngl
On the Foreign sexchange market
thats so nice
*coughs in it*
*stuffs britfeel tower's entire years supply of toilet paper down the toilet*
I've actually had the same thought lad, love 1 & HR, never played 2. Only played MD once and I'm on the fence about it but would like to play it again
Who else forgot mothers day? Shit I feel bad
I don't want to go out and get her something now to be honest I'm too sickly
*dabs an unwashed finger into it*
mmmm tastes good lad!
Good thinking. Hide it before the looting stage.
*shrugs and just picks up a small Apu and walks into the loos*
I've got prime. Just in an out of the way area I guess
if law and order breaks down do you think any lads will be visting poley?
anyone need toilet before i jump in shower lads
he'll be the first one in the guillotine
No one else forgot?
Post one and Ill tell you what its worth
*cracks open a beer*
lets get to it lads
i didnt forget mothers day but i forget my mum and dads anniversary just about every year
tbf all I did was give her a quick ring to say "happy mothers day" and ask how her days been. Didn't send chocolates or a present or card
Nah, my sister kept reminding because I usually forget.
Not much but you could get something when you feel better.
yea but i always forget so its ok
gave her my old phone the other day
Fuck congratulating that they already have womens day, mothers day, birthdays, christmas what a joke
>i forget my mum and dads anniversary
you're supposed to remember that?
yeah i've got one hell of a vinegary curry shit brewed, enjoy the smell lmao
baked mummy a cake, think I did a good job to be honest
hell yeah
*lubes up dick*
Any pictures lad? This place has been lacking in OC recently.
wait is that a normal thing? My parents are divorced so I have no idea
haven't assembled the layers with the jam and frosting yet but when I do I'll take a pic just for you xx
The experience of MD has that middle-of-the-trilogy feeling and it left me thinking "that's it?" once I finished it, but in retrospect I did like it, gameplay felt like an improvement and it really gets going once you get to Prague which was a great hub. The DLC was very good but they should've just been included in the game, because it felt short.. I enjoyed teaming up with Pritchard again and the prison one was a nice take apart from some shit bug that made the game crash repeatedly.