Do you think sex workers deserve respect?

Everyone I see a sex worker I wanna abuse the fuck out of that dumb fucking whore.

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No, they're disgusting degenerates. Let them rot for all I care. This goes for both women and men, any kind of sex worker is disgusting.

No, and stop calling it "work".

Any guy who watches porn or girl who makes it should be jailed

Not even a little. They've lost their humanity.

No way lol be a whore, get talked to like a whore

And men who hire them?

Are disgusting as well ofc.

only marginally more

Pathetic degenerate losers.

Degenerates begging for STI's.

I don't think sex workers deserve to be *actively* treated with disrespect, but I don't respect them either, because I think what they do is immoral. Not because of any conservative sexual morals or anything like that, but simply because they are using an innate power disparity that exists between men and women to financially exploit vulnerable and desperate people.

respect yes, admiration no. like most other things in live there are pros and cons to what their offering.
seeing them as sex workers is a good thing: they should pay taxes and the bad things like pimps and forcing women into prostitution should be prevented.

Respect is earned.
Prostitution should be legal.
Men have autonomy to choose whether they want to hire one.
And calling them sex workers is gay.
They're "hookers," user.

Sex workers perform an essential service to the community. Like anybody who performs a service they are entitled to respect. Of course there are shitty, drug addicted, street hookers who will rip you off. Then there are places where prostitution is legal and regulated. Legal, regulated sex workers who provide a good standard of service to their customers should be respected. Sex work is legitimate, there is nothing wrong with it. If you don't like it then just don't partake in it.

Why do you want to abuse them? Fetish or hate? Im a girl so I never understood that. I use to live with a sex worker. She was the most annoying bitch it the world, so I can get a sense for why youd want that. If you ever get your hands on one of them I hope its her. She was an awful mean person, but it makes sense. You must get depressed guzzling all that cum

They don't deserve anything special or equal to actual professions. That's the way it is and should be. Also, it's called prostitution or being the town whore. They're nothing but objects at that point.

>Sex workers perform an essential service to the community.
What are you on about? Are you retarded? In what way are sex workers essential to the community?

They provide a basic human necessity

>sex is a basic human necessity

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Try surviving long without it, see what happens bud

>basic human necessity
I guess I'm some sort of superman who has gone without a necessity for 33 years.

Sucks for you Jesus.

>wow look at me Im a faggot boomer who doesnt function as a human being
Word. Not everyone has a hormone disorder.

many asian countries have legal prostitution of some sort. even japan. it's the ultimate panacea that stops young men dead in their tracks. make affordable sex as accessible to men as it is to women and the last force for change will go silent.

even more young men will completely check out from society. after 33 years of the rate race, i wish i could hand a woman $75 and get my dick sucked. it seems so much more practical.

i'm so tired of it all.

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You are genuinely retarded if you believe sex is in any way a necessity.

Lots of them are in it because they wanted a way out of the shithole that is their native land.

Furthermore, all slavers deserve to die. Being unwilling to legalize and regulate the sex trade has allowed them to prosper. Respect for prostitutes is a necessary part of correcting this.

I think everyone deserves respect if they're trying their best to make money.

There's no greater thrill than watching a woman's life getting snuffed out. All they have ever worked for, their memories, aspirations, all gone in an instant. Really, they were born to die to my hand but they don't know that. They think they are going to live a long happy life. Watching the slow realisation on their face, watching them come to terms with the fact that their life is over and all that awaits them is an eternity of nothingness, it's intoxicating, orgasmic even. In their little world, I decide whether they live or die. I am thier god, and they live to die for my entertainment. It's so fucking arousing.

You're the retarded shitskin.

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And you can suck my dick, post menopause whore

So edgy, so original. Go back to beating off on tumblr gore blogs faggot.

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God I love this site, seeing brain dead shits like you trying to explain how fucking sex of all things is a necessity is just hilarious.

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ITT seething roasties because they are not getting attention anymore. More men go see escorts because roasties are insufferable cunts

Ignoring facts is funny to me but keep on, girl

>pyramid of bullshit

Shh user, let self actualisation wash over you.

Based for not wasting their time on stupid shit like talking to women or dating. Based for not accepting being a virgin forever. Based for doing what all their ancestors did for millennia before the post-WWII era.

In what post did I ever mention that I was a girl user?

Its just obvious from how toasty you got

everyone dies, you need to have sex to reproduce, to replace those who have died. Otherwise, there would be no one left. But thats probably fine

You don't reproduce with a "sex worker"

This, fucking useless evil degenerate piece of shit, off yourself with a gun OP

>You need sex to SURVIVE

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eh, they're just exploiting the advantages biology gave to women, as all women do to some extent. don't think that's deserving of respect, but it's no reason to lock them/their clients up

So R9k is wrong to complain?

I just said that you dont need it to survive. I've been a virgin for all my life and its not like im gonna die or anything

You're retarded and a pseudo-intellectual. You're a retard who thinks he's intelligent and misuses science to fit his own retarded narrative. The worst kind of retard.

Debate isn't about being right or wrong.

You're retarded and a pseudo-intellectual. You're a retard who thinks he's intelligent and misuses science to fit his own retarded narrative. The worst kind of retard. origaro

Debate isn't about being right or wrong. Stop breaking rules, hooligan.

No, they're whores and after all they are still women

fucking based
(but starting tomorrow cause i just looked at some)

Some of them are based, but they don't like the term "sex workers". They prefer prostitute, hooker, pornstar, etc. and I respect that.

of course, why wouldn't they? people sell their bodies all the time, using it for sex isn't any worse than doing labour or being an actor

Then what is it about,dumbass

I don't know about respect, but they deserve safety and basic human decency. And at least they aren't panhandlers, they earn their money.

>Logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are elements in debating, where one side often prevails over the other party by presenting a superior "context" or framework of the issue.

i'd say that they don't deserve respect, if they voluntarily entered an occupation of self degradation of course nobody will respect them as respect isn't given it's earned

I don't think it should be legal or normalized tbqh.
Imagine marrying someone who used to be a sexworker and finding out later.

How is it possible to even go a month without sex and feel ok?

suck me penis

Maybe cause he is enlightened and does not need or require the satisfication of debased primal urges in order to survive?

They should be killed. All women who fuck outside of marriage should be killed

Could you try writing that again in English? You sound autistic. Maybe thats why you have no sex hormones *laughing crying emoji*

No they do not, they are worthless degenerates who should be thrown off 120-floor buildings

Any person who has watched porn or masturbated should be shot dead. Sex is only for marriage, anything else is degenerate