>be me
>possibly infected with corona-chan
>last chance at living maybe bc asthma
>tfw no bf to watch me on my deathbed
Would u want a infected robot gf
Yes, I would want this.
Please don't die.
>tfw no dying gf to accompany while the soul escapes her frail, broken body with her last breath
I'm doing better I think. I'm still at home waiting to get tested. It takes quite long bc germany has many infections eeek....
I'll be your bf from abroad, give me the gift, give me the poz so I can die happy femanon.
I wish, but roaming around alone with the constant thought of someone I loved in my head seems a bit bleak.
I hope you don't die though, asthma can be really tough even without being sick!
Hopefully it's nothing bad..
Also, hello from a neighbor if your really live in Germany!!!
If I was with you I would hold you and cuddle you. I dont care if it would give me the virus, my lungs are strong and I would probably be ok. And it would be worth it anyway just to give you the comfort and warmth you needed.
Asthmatics are not at risk. Have a nice rest of your life in Earth Hell.
>Asthmatics are not at risk
My friend's brother got corona in NYC, has asthma, and was forced to be on a ventilator for a week
oh hi nice to see a neighbour, don't die so you can watch movies and play vidya games while stuck inside.
Yes. I'd die for / with you if you accept me, I don't care.
What Bundesland are you from?
nah am Austrian
Ehhh its not fun to have corona desu...
Ohhh where are you from? I live in germany but on the border of netherlands desu
Ehhh I would be coughing everywhere though. I'm having pretty bad wheezy cough now...
How was his symptoms? Did he get very high fever? I don't have high fever yet just chills...Doctor is quite full near where I am but my appointment is next week.
user I don't mind dying unironically. Life in the end doesn't give me ultimate happiness. Just feel like im coping alot...
>Ehhh its not fun to have corona desu
I think it's less fun to not have a girlfriend from a decade after puberty, I might aswell risk my life, as lived like this is not worth it
That's cool, the Rei poster is Austrian too.. or was it Swiss? I keep getting those two confused.. I love that guy!
I live in Luxembourg, but drove approximately where you're at a couple of times before just to check out cars..
The drive is surprisingly quick, took me only about two and a half hours to get to Emmerich once.
How come you're unhappy though?
You are still very young!! I'm 20 this year and I'm sure you will be fine so no worry pls :c
I'm 26 this year, would you like to ease my worries?
Ohhh I've never been to Luxembourg...I live in NRW (Nord Rhein Westfalen) and situation is quite bad where I am :c Idk life just kind of sucks. Im 20 and reclusing back to neet so I don't think I will pass my Abschluss Prufung to go to Fachochschule...
Austria seems like a nice country...I always wanted to go Konig See which is nearby but hopefully one day I can :3
If you want to chattu drop ur discord
I think it's pretty bad everywhere, but hopefully with this pretty strict quarantine stuff everything will be okay in the end..
It's gonna be tough for anyone in education, but if you give yourself a little push you might be able to do it!
I've been working for a year now, not much older than you, but I'm stuck at home now just the same as everyone else because I'm not very vital to company operations yet..
If I managed, so can you! What do you want to study later?
That lake and lake Bled in Slovenia are both super pretty, it'd probably be a treat to visit both during summer in some kind of comfy road trip..
Im going to study BiomedizinTechnik hopefully...but idk I feel very non vital towards society.
I would love to visit lake but I don't drive. Was in car accident so I'm scared of driving a car... so prob won't visit anytime soon
Keep that head of yours up, it'll be fine.. We're all just doing our part and getting there eventually even if it seems like not much or slow..
I knew someone else that studied that, seems quite fun actually.. so don't give up!
I've been in a couple of accidents, the last one was pretty rough and totaled my car. Some lady rammed into me, said she went to the doctor so she must've been drugged up or worried about something to the point she didn't pay attention..
It won't keep me from driving though, a few bad experiences don't ruin the fun you have with that freedom.
When this blows over I'll come pick you up and we can go on a holiday! How's that sound?
Okie! I like holidays!! We should chattu more desu :)
Sure! Do you want my discord?
Ya okie post here pls desu
It's tristan#4682..
See you there!
you sound exactly like bigudigu.
I dont think I do? I like to sound cutesy but its cuz its fits my character more since im femoid but bigu's male so he just does it because he likes cute chattu
okay yea its bigudigu.
thread is over boys, bigu is trying to catfish now. lame
I love bigudigu though, he's a dun bloke..
Yes, yes he does.. This is his lawyer, you're infringing on his bigu dig patents!
go kys srsly
oh hes a slav, tell me more about that totally other person bigudigu who is clearly not you.
hope u get well asthma user
Asthma doesn't put you at a higher likelihood of a severe of infection. Go look it up, at least they don't think so.
>tfw no pandemic gf
>tfw never any robots in your state
Any shut-in fembots in CO want a qt healthy shut-in bf to keep them safe during these hard times? I'm not a NEET so I can provide for us.
Thank you user!! Stay safe too :)
No. If you have questions abt bigu ask him urself...
Will u lie on my deathbed user? If yes, drop discord so we can chattu
are you some kinda friend collector or will you actually talk to me if I drop discord?
I will talku to you but if u one word reply me more than 3 times I probably won't reply cuz if Im typing essays and u reply with one or two words, that shows that ur not interested in talking with me right?
>Will u lie on my deathbed user?
If you live near me, ye. Travel outside of my state is impossible. But you wouldn't be dying on my watch! I'll nurse you back to health and support you with my energy.
I live in Germany tho.... rip
I'm not very big. A cup at best... sorry for disappointing
so youre not a bigutittu?
too bad
greets from magdeburg, stay safe
>I live in Germany tho....
Hrm. If you still want a doting ldr bf add me. Maybe after this is all over we'd be able to connect. Something to hope and fight for, eh?
Hi user, your discord add doesnt work so I cant add you...
Und du auch!!
is it safe to call you smallutittu?
that would be fitting I think
show bulge btw
oh whoops, it's a lowercase j
you're not a tranny bc you're a guy
show hands or everyone knows you're a liar.
I am not lying tho...
Man, I was tested sars-cor19 positive last week. Fuck the hospitals for not giving us enough ppes
Im gonna die with no gf after sacrificing my youth on all that schooling
I would, because I don't have a compromised immune system.
Cute though, wouldn't mind seeing them wrapped around my dick. Pretty fingers, 8/10 would kiss.
clearly a guys hand
don't even try to reason with them, there's no use
why would someone want to get with a gf whos gonna be dead in a week who you cant bond with outside of base line empathy?
No. I would not.
Wew lad, this post is oregano.
mfw you probably live close to where bigu is warded