Tfw no clingy, obsessed...

>tfw no clingy, obsessed, mentally ill stalker gf who'll dedicate her entire existence to me in exchange for my unlimited love and attention
Can anyone else relate? I know some of you are gonna say "hurr you don't actually want this" but it's exactly what i want.

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i have an idea
op (faggot) kills himself
great idea isn't it bros

Yeah I'm thinking you nailed it

Soon, maybe

I just want a girl who will kill me. Why is this so much to ask for God?

hurr you dont actually want this

t. girl that stalks

Because you want it you won't get it. Stalkers and mental freaks get off on torturing unwilling normies, that's the whole point. It's no fun when it's consensual.

no. its better when its someone who wants it. the case is thrilling but what is better is the catch. it gets too frustrating and exhausting and painful when its some normie you constantly face rejection from. if its somebody that is mine and mine alone, we both know and love and cherish and accept this, its better when its consensual. i dont want to corrupt and hurt the other person. i want my life to be theirs and vice versa. i want a bond that goes beyond words. you dont understand

I do want it more than anything
Maybe you've got a point there, fuck

hi, can you stalk me please? many thx

no user you dont understand i want boy to love me unconditionally and overprotect me and brainwash me and keep me his forever

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I mean, I can do that but I want the other side to reciprocate. I don't want to be the only one who puts in the work, I want us both to be crazy for each other

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i've had someone said this to me and now she doesn't want me anymore :(

I want to date a girl who is able to love as intensely as me. Ideally we'd be obsessed with each other and we'd spend every second together, enjoying each other's presence. I really long to be obsessed with someone, to feel that intoxicating feeling of love throughout my entire body. But I just know I wouldn't be able to find someone who could feel love in the same way I do. They'd probably feel
overwhelmed and leave me sooner or later.

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Nigger I just wanna grill

You probably only stalk Chads who won't reciprocate

>I do want it more than anything
this is what someone who wouldnt really want it would say

Wanna bet? I'd date you right now if I could

Honestly most guys who want this stop wanting it once they get it.

i dont need to bet, i have experienced it

this is very true

>just because one guy didn't like it, it means no guy does
This kind of logic is flawed. Everyone is different, generalizations lead nowhere

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The stalking only works because the guy isn't interested in me, otherwise I'd already be in a relationship. It just happens so that the guy always has a requirement I don't match, like being a part of the orthodox church or something like that. It leads to me being too scared to approach, and what leads to is stalking, because there's simply something wrong with my head.

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If you were different you would have someone stalking you

>If you were different you would have someone stalking you
I made this thread in hopes of fixing that

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This doesn't even describe the character in your image FYI.

I'm aware, I just like her design

I can try stalking you if you want. Tell me about yourself? I want a broken schizoid boy. He can't like trump. It's a deal breaker to like trump.

Well, I'm not into into politics at all. I just like manga and other cool things

>tfw no stalker

Yeah agreed, do want.

Don't usually give a fuck about women either desu.

Sorry kid, chad only.

I am a bit obsessed about a guy I met here. I know where he lives, his full name, where he currently studies, where he used to atend hs, I've went through all profiles he follows on instagram so I could feel jealous about him following other girls, I'm constantly looking at his steam/discord accounts to check if he's online, and lurking r9k to see if I can recognize posts made by him. He doesn't know about it, because I try to not be clingy when talking to him. He usually ignores me, also. But I can't help myself.
I don't like being like this desu. It really hurts and consumes me. I wouldn't want anyone to be like this towards me

my bf won't brainwash me..
>cries in sub

Insane clingy bpd stalker girls only want Chad. Its the fact he is high status and elusive that makes them want him more.

The fuck is wrong with youJesus man

God approves, my child....

>The fuck is wrong with you
I wish I knew

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what mental illnesses make up a guy like this? where do I find one? tfw no infatuated stalker kidnapper bf

>what mental illnesses make up a guy like this?
I have obsessive love disorder and aspergers. Probably not the best combo if you ask me
>where do I find one?
No idea, I don't leave my house often

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Idk. I don't even have BPD. I'm just obsessed about a random robot who lives too far from me

become obsessed with a non human subject instead

I'm already obsessed about other things. Too many things, if you ask me, given I have OCD and it also consumes my life. I just wish he loved me as much as I love him.

hm figured it would be something like bpd but old? seems uncommon I've never heard of it til now thanks anyways user

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you defunitely wont want it
and it never lasts
t. girl like this

Yeahh I don't think I've got BPD but I'm not sure. If I do then I'm capable of idealizing permanently at least

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Where the fuck do you even meet people on here, let alone females? Like I get stalking but how does it even start on an image board like this?

by just talking to anons in threads!!
but also alot from discord
(i do not recommend)

>you defunitely wont want it
I know what I want. And I know I'd be able to make it last.

ur just idealising one part which seems rly nice 2 u cuz ur attention deprived/lonely
even if you think you'd make it last by not leaving her, all her insecurities/jealousies will make her eventually leave you
looking for someone stable will make you much happier

I don't need someone stable. Only someone like this would be able to understand love the way I do. That's why I can make it work. A "stable" person would leave me in a heartbeat the moment I'd start acting at least a bit clingy

i think its better then to work more on yourself as a person to understand why you act this way and what can help to change it (validation, filling your void)
i understand it is easy to idealise such romance and to think that if both are clingy and obsessed that it'll be literally fireworks but in reality the fireworks are actually aimed at u and when its too late you realise that and you'll be permanently hurt

>but in reality the fireworks are actually aimed at u
What does this even mean? That she's going to hurt me eventually? Why adopt this pessimistic mindset at all?

not her necessarily, just this type of love
cuz i've been thru it enough

>cuz i've been thru it enough
Then you're just projecting your personal experiences on others. I get it, it didn't work out for you but that doesn't instantly mean it won't work for me as well. Humans are all different and have distinct ways of handling things.

nah its just bpd, not that special, and never works

Of course it never works if you've got that kind of mindset. Now I'm feeling twice the determination just so I can prove you wrong

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kek well good luck user, hope it works for u

I know it will, it's all about how much confidence both you and your partner have in making this work.



This reeks of bait but consider this: One bad relationship experience is not enough to justify you hating every single man out there.

i don't hate all men
and my relationship itself isn't a bad experience
but i just feel like the longer you are with a man the more he stops making and effort and stops caring as much. whereas i just love him more with each day.

I feel like that's just a broad generalization. Just because the man or men you've been with stopped caring as much doesn't mean all men won't. Either way it doesn't apply to me since I've got OLD, basically I need someone as obsessive as I am.

men are naturally inclined to spread their seeds and they get bored with just one woman. no matter how good of a woman you are and how much of an effort you make. nothing is ever good enough for men long term.

Do you have any basis for that claim besides your unsatisfactory relationship?