Fembots, are you cute enough to become the next Ciara if you wanted to?
Fembots, are you cute enough to become the next Ciara if you wanted to?
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Oh, I'm not enough mentally ill. I dont want to fuck an old man. And I don't want your heroin.
Thank you though.
too ugly to have orbiters but not enough to be a femcel
You think a guy can do this? I'm pretty cute.
So did she die or what?
possibly! that kind of internet fame does seem kind of spooky though.
post your face, I don't believe you. Also a name like Ana is too forgettable
Is Ciara actually dead? She is dead according to Plebbit.
I don't even come fucking close to being as cute as she is. No lmao. Not even a little. Not even close. Holy shit.
post rare elizas/ciaras
There isn't any good evidence of her death. Probably just faked a funeral invitation for attention. This is boring.
undoubtedly not
Is this true?? Wtf I'm crying. Is this real?
They probs rely on evidence which has been posted a million times here and took the bait. The whole thing is fishy but she looked like she was from auschwitz in her last videos so who knows
So she's dead or not? Yes or no? Fuck I hate this earth. My God I hate this world.
you don't really have to be very cute to get the men on this site to obsess over you. it's not an achievement.
Can I get them to kill themselves easily? Because they deserve it.
I want to convince the kinds of guys who made her depressed to kill themselves. They deserve it.would be more fun to stab them myself tho
if you would do something like that you're just as bad as them. they definitely deserve a wake up call and an ego check so they can grow as people, a lot of them are really quite shitty. but there's nice ones too and nobody deserves to get bullied into suicide. don't use ur feminity as a means of causing them pain on purpose, all that does is make them hate us more and possibly hurt women if they get angry enough.
Why wouId they deserve that?
They deserve it. She didn't deserve to die like Bianca. They both are telling me.
>tfw no gf to playfully touch her boobs
>They deserve it.
All did you was repeat yourself. Why do you believe they deserve it? I could explain why Ciara deserved her fate and much worse.
AII you did* was repeat yourself.
Both these girls think it would be funny to convince robots to an hero.
yes i am cute enough to overdose on fentanyl
Why then? Cos they both think it was funny to blackmail robots. Who deserve such treatment.
They think it's funny that more men are dying of covid than women. I agree too.
>They deserve it.would be more fun to stab them myself tho
Would you also slit their throats with a boxcutter?
If you had bangs, that combo would make you top high IQ.
Lmao. I'm not as cute as these girls but if I was I would agree.
Cuteness has nothing to do with high IQ.
I knew a young woman who liked boxcutters, called bangs on girls high IQ and was probably the most interesting person I've met in the past few years. She ingrained that combo into me... lol
Box cutters are awesome. I have two. I love weapons. Ciara didn't want to die she says.
Barely anybody wants to die. The ones that do don't care what happens.
I know some things about Ciara, but honestly not that much (my interesting in e-girls is passing).
What kind of boxcutters do you have? She showed me one of hers and it was surprisingly delicate. She called it cute. I even have an audio recording of her sliding out the blade in and out.
I showed her my boxcutter and... she didn't like it. lol Mainly because it's just some random, dirty boxcutter for boxcutting and not "other things".
Heck, that woman has kinda ruined normal women for me with how eccentric and unusual she was.
Maybe, if I had the effort in me to learn to use makeup and manipulate incels on on r9k for the chance to get doxxed.
she's dead, its confirmed on her fathers facebook
thank god now you brainless incels can find someone new to obsess over
Chaotic managed to do it for years on the same level but he was a 9/10 twink with an alluring personality
Way harder to pull off as male
>Why then?
Why would Ciara deserve her death or harm?
She was inviting it to herself by making constant threads here and posting her own dox multiple times to bring harm to herself and her family. She wanted to be a victim throughout her life for sympathy while simultaneously victimizing others in much more horrible ways than she was supposedly victimized.
Her overdose death is ideal because it's her fault and she can't reap as much sympathy by having the blame placed on others continuing the normal scapegoating she did while alive.
She deserved to be killed and tortured due to the similar latent threat that comes with the legal punishment that accompanied her kind of blackmailing. But harm inflicted on her by another isn't ideal because others would try to take most of the blame off of her.
Also no one she blackmailed deserved it. She was a wannabe psychopath who made a living off of deceiving others from her scamming and blackmailing.
Milk trucc just arrive
I have a delicate one and a hard one. I have better blades for cutting though
Post a link to his kikebook that says she's dead
>Ciara didn't want to die she says.
There are the Skype logs that are similar to Bianca's knifeplay fantasy where she desires being raped and murdered. Then there was her discussing on Discord how Blank might kill her similarly to Bianca for some petty drama Ciara started. On some level she wanted death clout.
Would you mind sharing a pic?
Do you collect weapons in general?
She wasn't any of those things. She's telling me. Blackmailing anons who deserved. Yes they did. The only people who got tricked by her were evil ones. Who deserved to be tortured to death.
All of her social media accounts in the link don't have any activity from the past month.
there was a picture he uploaded of him and her visiting a college and people were giving condolences in the comments, its private now probably because pasty r9k fucks were harassing him
>She wasn't any of those things.
Wasn't what?
>She's telling me.
Are you talking to her ghost like the medium Bianca's mother uses?
>Blackmailing anons who deserved. Yes they did.
You sound like you're retarded or trolling.
Yea I can talk to both her and bianca. Bianca makes herself pretty available from the afterlife. Ciara not as much. Ciara prefers to blend into the landscape of the afterlife. But bianca is something else there. Bianca has a spinning face with many compartments opening and closing like shelves on her body and glows black and gold.
laughing my heckling ass off
Yes her family has put everything on private because some crazy fucks from here were messaging her mom and dad on FACEBOOK that their daughter wasn't really dead and harassing them.
People are fucking sickos. Leave 5he family alone at least. Don't you think they've been through enough?
I am so blessed for getting to hear the beautiful Tahlia speak on here last night. I jacked off to her voice
Can't see why not t b h
link plsss
was it a vocaroo
Yes it was vocaroo
Here's one
Any links to chaotic?
Ciara is on a ship in the ocean with invisible arms like tentacles all over. Many ghosts find it hard to keep their bodies together or even remember what it felt like in this life. So the body they show me can be a sort of patchwork quilt of ideas. Ciara says ever since she was a child she had trouble finding people to play with her. She thinks it's curious & sad because all she ever wanted was to have fun.
thank you
tahlia moaning vocaroo when?
This obsession with females who will never notice you is not healthy.
I always find it hillarious how nothing splatters behind him
Imagine being that worthless
He had the smarts to build a booby trapped book yet somehow he went with a .38 instead of a .44 lmfao.
When I first saw the whole vid I nearly had a panic attack as he works himself up for it.
the chemical "trap" was copied off the internet. it was so bad the acid he used melted through itself
I don't want to reset my router to get around a ban now but a couple people on this board have my pic I think. Obviously nothing special since it didn't take off!
>can easily post on /soc/ and crosslink or post an imgur link
>i-it's illegal to post pictures, but some orbiters have a pic of me hihi