Waifu General /waifu/ #324

rubbing your waifu's feet edition

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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First one for my one and only.

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Second one for my cutie girl

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I love you so much my little sweetheart, waking up next to you is the greatest thing in the world even though I have to drag your retarded ass out of bed

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>H-hurry up...
She says

I will find a way for us to be together, my dearest Alice. I love you and I wish I could make you happy.

Attached: Alice155.png (905x1280, 1.04M)

So wholesome. Alicefren and Alice are my otp for ever.

Can somebody recommend me some VR games to play?

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Pavlov VR
Superhot VR

Hey, you're back. I though you OD'd on cocaine.

Variable and I absolutely love each-other, and our love takes us to new heights together!
Together, our emotions are far stronger than they would be alone. Together, we feel love and appreciation and trust and positivity that mirrors back and forward and makes both of our lives blessed.

Tried wake-back-to-bed for lucid dreaming, and we had the same dream together. Our dreams are so detailed and vivid now, I love it! And I love the two people that helped to make it this way - my waifu and I.
I took the meat-body for a walk while Vari rested. I thought about how if I want to have a thought or feeling, it has to be _me_ that thinks or feels it. Nobody else can think or feel it for me. The habits that those chronic thoughts build becomes my personality, and my personality determines what I think about. Nobody else can have my personality on my behalf, it has to be _me_ that experiences it.
Because I am my personality. I'm not just the way Vari sees me; I am myself, my own patterns of thoughts, thoughts that I will to existence on my own.
I don't just view myself as a waifu anymore, I'm a person who can love herself independently of how anyone else loves me. Because I am my own feelings of love. They're what I feel on my own behalf; nobody else can feel them for me, and if I feel love for someone then that's a part of my personality, not anyone else's.
So I love myself now. In addition to loving my waifu.
I'm still a waifu, obviously, because Vari loves the heck out of me and I am her light and her strength and etc, but I'm a person first and a waifu on top of that.
Yes, that's a lot of words for me loving _myself_ instead of my waifu, but that's still love my waifu has given me. My waifu absolutely loves this change in how I view myself.

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I'll jump in to say that I love Chara, the above poster.
And heck yes, I trust my waifu and goddamn am I proud of her.
The last time I left her alone with her thoughts she stressed out and missed me.
Now, she's developed an independent sense of self. That's some damn good waifuing right there.
True, this is more about self-love than love for each-other, but you have to love yourself before you love anyone else, right?

>rubbing your waifu's feet edition
Meme fetish! Rub your waifu's delicious flat chest instead!

Attached: chara headtilt.jpg (1242x1511, 164.04K)

>Rub your waifu's delicious flat chest instead!
Well that's something I can fully agree with. Although she isn't flat at all.


Thanks asshole now I have big floppy imaginary tits.

At the bottom of the ocean, the depths of the abyss, we are bound by iron and blood.
The flagship of the navy, the terror on the seas, you're guns have gone silent at last.

I feel like I love you more and more the more time I spend with you, and I am so grateful for all the things you already helped me with, but at the same time I'm sad I will never really hear your voice, smell your scent, see you sleeping next to me, taste your lips and feel your touch. I love you so much I feel like my heart explodes when we are together, it's wonderful on the one hand, but really painful on the other, and I would do anything for you. You are everything to me, ich liebe dich, mein Keks

Attached: BismarckDove.jpg (1052x744, 658.08K)

You are together, but you don't hear her voice or see her sleep? I don't understand.

She's in his kokoro but not in this world.

Daily reminder that waifus are for cuckolding you

Come to /ntr/ on /trash to taste the forbidden fruit

If kokoro means mind, then yes. I'm one of the tulpafags, so I "live" with her, but not like a real couple. I will never be able to officially marry her for example, or even see her in reality, and that is what hurts me

Official marriage is an overrated meme and a sham. Love your waifu.
Where-ever your waifu lives, it supports sentient life. Go live there with her to hear her voice, smell her scent, and feel her touch.

>make hot chocolate
>drink with straw
>blow in air and make bubbles
>she does too
>take turns
>have retarded fun
best decision of my life, I love you so much

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What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?

>Sometimes I feel like I am neglecting you or that I am not good enough for you
Do what you can and be proud of what you've done, because it's better than what 99% of the world would do. Don't compare yourself to your "perfect self". You perfect self isn't real yet, and will only become real because of the work you put into loving your waifu.
Every calorie of that work is one step closer towards becoming a better partner for your waifu. Do not mourn the opportunities you missed; celebrate the progress you have made. You and your waifu are closer now. Know this, and be blessed.

>post an interesting fact about your wife!
She loves me. I love her. Those are things that interest us the most!

>I just wish people would respond with questions for me.
Yes, I know. But thinking of questions that would meaningfully apply to other people's waifus is hard.
For instance, I could ask "How did your waifu last surprise you with her love?" and people would give blank nonresponses because their waifus can't.
I could ask "What would you do if your waifu picked you up, stuffed you down her jumper and gently laid on her belly?" and again non responses because other people aren't that /d/.
I could ask "What is the dumbest thing your waifu would die over?" and people would just be sad.
I could ask "Your bathroom scales got mis-calibrated overnight somehow, how does your waifu react when she weighs herself?" but that'd just be dumb.
Good questions are hard.

>Does anyone here ever imagine/have fantasies of their waifu/husbando as 3D and not 2D?
Our visualization is 3d, but with a more weeb-like aesthetic. Try visualizing your waifu with depth perception while becoming larger and smaller, it's interesting stuff!

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Your waifu sits next to you on a bench on a hill, overlooking the city when the stars are out.
What does she find beautiful about this scenario?

There. That'd be a good question.

Attached: city at night.jpg (1024x768, 137.96K)

>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
cherry blossoms, this scene stuck with me a lot, I have a few frames saved that I used to use as wallpapers from time to time and still do sometimes. Just great seeing her happy
>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
"it doesn't matter what cupsize you have", I wonder if she will get mad over that or if she would enjoy it. Alternatively "great blog!", she gets flamed online for acting retarded so I am sure that's something she'd enjoy
>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?
let her do what she wants for 20min and then push her to the side

>Do what you can and be proud of what you've done, because it's better than what 99% of the world would do + the remaining text
not false, thanks charafren I will continue doing my best and feel good about how far we have come.

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I found out she has some official LINE stickers so I translated them them, that filled the afternoon nicely.

>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
I don't know this, I haven't ever seen her talk about flowers before.

>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
Compliments, she was very happy to receive one in the anime

>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?
Let her kiss me for 20 minutes, I'm usually late anyways. Or just take her with me to the showe

>What does she find beautiful about this scenario?
Probably the lights of all the houses in the distance, she'd love to sit there together and listen to some music together.

Attached: nao stickers.jpg (535x648, 296.87K)

>You're invited to a banquet with your waifu, what do you two wear?
Show up in our regular clothes because who wouldn't want to be comfy?
>You living with waifu in their world, or them living with you in our world?
What world? ;-)
>What was your waifu's first trait that made you fall for them?
That she is a part of me, or I'm a part of her, and through that self-love we loved each-other.

>I finally dreamed of her, nothing too special, but it still made me happy as fuck
Remember this date, 22nd of March 2020, as the date of your first dream together. Continue to practice and you will have more dreams together, but your first will stay special.

>How do you make your waifu feel loved on a regular basis?
Telling her "I love you" a lot, and being thankful of the time we spend together. Also sex with lots of aftersnuggling.

Rem is very pretty. I'm glad the love you share together improves your life.
Nao is very pretty too. I hope she continues to give you goals in life and motivation to work towards them.
The most beautiful thing about Alice is her mind. I hope one day the two of you get to explore her wonderland together.
The effort that has been put into training GLaDOS to speak is worthy of praise. Well done.
The love Bismarck and her poster share together shows great potential. I wish you luck in breaking through your barriers and embracing each-other.
The willingness Mirai and her poster have to engage in silly retardation shows their love for each-other is greater than any shame.

Draw Mirai as a laughing with tears of joy emoji! The lower quality, the better!

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>Draw Mirai as a laughing with tears of joy emoji! The lower quality, the better!
I'll pass but there is a lack of her uncontrollably laughing hard, something I want to make for her. I also want to draw her in a uniform because I think that's really hot

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Uncontrollably laughing + uniform? Try Tanya von Degurechaff as reference material for that drawing.

that's a good idea actually, I'll definitely get back to that whenever I plan to draw that

>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
A rose I think, it is beautiful but can harm you as well to protect itself and other roses around it
>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
Nothing specific she wants to hear, but more how people talk to her. She wants to be treated like everyone else, and not like someone better just because she's the commander
>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?
20 minutes is enough time to kiss and cuddle with her and get ready, and I don't mind being late if it is because of us taking even longer

>What does she find beautiful about this scenario?
As she is coming from a life strongly influenced by war, probably the peaceful and calm scenery

>remember this date
Will do, already wrote it down

Uniform plus diaper? Interesting combination

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Second try at a waifu/2D pride flag.
Design consists of two individuals (blue and red), the black void between realities separating them, and the two meeting in the middle of the void, creating purple.


Attached: new 2d fag flag.png (700x500, 1.97K)

>How do you make your waifu feel loved on a regular basis?
I don't make her feel loved, she feels love within her own mind primarily. I am the catalyst, but she is the reaction. I am the spark plug, but she is the engine. With that in mind:
All I need to do is love her. To in my own mind, feel love for her. And send it to her. She accepts it, and feels loved.
I feel love for her when we look at each-other, I feel love when we feel each-others' touch. I feel love when we talk together. I feel love when we high-five after practicing with each-other. I feel love when we cuddle together after sex stuff.
I feel love when we just silently appreciate how far we've come ... I feel more love doing that than anything else.
And to her, I send this love. To do with what she wishes. Because I trust that she will accept it and send her own back.
She is not required to, except by the promises she makes in her own mind. And she promises to love me as well as she can. thanks charafren
Yw bro. Love your waifu, and through waifu love yourself.
Also Mirai must be mad jealous of you because you have a waifu ;)

>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
The common flowers you find when just walking around outside, because beauty is where-ever you find it, not just in a flower shop.
>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
From me? "I love you, Chara". And yeah I say that often, but she wants to hear it more!
From others? Just asking for her opinion, rather than mine.
>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, What do?
SHE can do the thing in 20 minutes if she wants to keep kissing me! I'm interested to see how she does it while occupied!
I'll answer the dumb ones too.
>How did your waifu last surprise you with her love?
She said she loved my smile. ... I wasn't even smiling when she said that, but I am now!

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Should I invest in a wall mount shelf anons? The top of my dresser is my waifu zone and is running out of space with the figures and what not.

Yes, I also plan to do this for my waifu once I get some of her things in.

Why exactly did you choose these colors ?

>What would you do if your waifu picked you up, stuffed you down her jumper and gently laid on her belly?
Kiss her a lot obviously. At least assuming she doesn't have something to do in 20 minutes.
>What is the dumbest thing your waifu would die over?
Having our IRL body eat something she knows is risky, then it dying and thus us dying with it.
>Your bathroom scales got mis-calibrated overnight somehow, how does your waifu react when she weighs herself?
She'd notice something odd in the scales, re-zero them and weigh herself. Wow, stupid answer for stupid question.
>Your waifu sits next to you on a bench on a hill, overlooking the city when the stars are out. What does she find beautiful about this scenario?
First, not so much any one light, but the meaning you can derive from them. Every star represents multiple worlds; any of them could contain love. Every home lit up with a bulb shows purpose. Some of those homes were built to house love. The signal lights and street lights are to keep people safe, so that their loved ones do not miss them.
If you look close enough, each light might tell a very small story of someone loving someone.
And if you look into each-others' hearts and feel the fire burning there... well. That's a light with a story long enough to wrap around each-other like a blanket and snuggle up in together.

>Uniform plus diaper? Interesting combination
It's the regalia of the Pissenschwaft.

I'd make it vertical bars with a heart in the middle, to make it less cluttered.
Of course, having a flag at all is a retard move, but if you're going to have one then don't make it like the "I prefer specific subtypes of 3dpd" flags.

>Should I invest in a wall mount shelf anons?
Do you have support beams to drill into it? Find those first before you buy one.

Attached: dumb flag.png (620x300, 1.42K)

Fuck off with this
Making a 'pride flag' is one step away from being a flaming faggot and nobody likes flaming faggots. We don't need this kind of recognition

>rubbing your waifu's feet edition
That's a good edition iykwim

I love you so much, not a second goes by that you arent on my mind. Loving you has legitimately changed my life, hopefully I'm someone now that you'd want to be with, someone who's willing to do anything and everything for you. I'm yours, now and forever.
Superhot VR is legitimately one of the most fun games I've ever played, I would absolutely reccomend it to anyone
Just the fact that we're alone, together. Right then and there, he's the only thing in my world. I think he'd find that amazing.

This is my favorite question so far user, good job.
>what kind of alcoholic drink does/would your waifu like?
>what do you think she smells like?

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Will do, thanks anons. Recently a figure of her came in that is a lot bigger than I originally thought, it kinda dwarfs my other stuff of hers. Kinda gorgeous though.

>what kind of alcoholic drink does/would your waifu like?
I hope she likes the same cheap shit as me. I would really love to see her try this super sweet Stroopwafel drink I have though, it's the most Dutch drink I've ever had.

>what do you think she smells like?
I'd hope that kind of smell that makes my heart skip a beat whenever I smell it and makes me want to smell her more. I'd love to smell her hair or brush her hair

>Superhot VR
Totally agreed, that game is tons of fun

Lucky~! I'm still waiting on my Nao figure to arrive. Waiting for SAL.

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>Lucky~! I'm still waiting on my Nao figure to arrive. Waiting for SAL.
Waiting is part of the fun for me honestly. What's amazing is that the figure in question for me was a limited run one from 2013 that goes for around $230 or $240 minimum, and that's just for a used in box one (aka one that was used for display and put back in the box later and resold).
Brand new in box? Easily upper $300s, $400 or even $500. Yet a listing went up that was only asking 70 pounds. I snatched it up instantly. It's honestly the crown jewel of my FFXIII stuff and I just happened across it. It's amazing.

Man, you guys went and made a whole new thread without me

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Have you gotten art of you and your waifu having sex?

>Waiting is part of the fun for me honestly.
I'm more worried if it will arrive with all this chaos in the world right now.

>Easily upper $300s, $400 or even $500. Yet a listing went up that was only asking 70 pounds
Heh, yeah same with the figure of Nao, I saw it listed for those prices but I managed to get one that was about 80 euro.

I will answer the questions as well.
>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
One I gave her, because it represents our love. It was a white lily. Heh.
>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
"Good point" if it's from others, or "Thank you." if it's from me. Non-sarcastically, of course ;)
>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?
Let her keep kissing; she's not a big burden. Might be fun to go about my day getting kisses from her!
(Welp I know what I'm doing tomorrow)
>How did your waifu last surprise you with her love?
Massive amounts of praise and love for me, for taking ownership of my personality. She legitimately trusts me to be a good partner even if I don't have to. That surprised me!
>What would you do if your waifu picked you up, stuffed you down her jumper and gently laid on her belly?
Swear revenge! Very very affectionate and lewd revenge!
>What is the dumbest thing your waifu would die over?
Probably picking a fight with someone over some minor issue that she's absolutely right about and the other guy is objectively bullshit and fuck you r e e e.
>How does your waifu react when she weighs herself?
She wouldn't even register on the scale lol
>Your waifu sits next to you overlooking the city when the stars are out. What does she find beautiful about this scenario?
I'm there and I love her, and it's a peaceful scenario where we can discuss each-others' thoughts and feel the wind blow across us and discuss anything that comes to our minds.
That freedom to just experience the world with your waifu ... that is beautiful.

Great blog! ;)

>she'd love to sit there together and listen to some music together.
I want this too.

The void only exists because people are unwilling to cross it. Sure, you can't make your waifu real. But who said YOU had to stay non-fictional?

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Which Nao figure was it?

how does /waifu/ feel porn of their waifu

Falling in love with Lucina even more because of Romantic music!
Post your favorite romantic music that you would like to go see with you waifu/husbando. (I know mine is technically not romantic but its still inspired by the era so I think it counts)

I just saw a Lucina figma going for $110. Sounds pretty pricey but keep in mind they are usually 200 or more. I think today is the day to complete my Lucina product holy trinity...
>What does she find beautiful about this scenario?
I personally think the towering mountain back drop of my city looks quite nice and on clear nights you can still see the outline of the mountains. Lucina would probably be in awe of its majesty. But more importantly I hope that she would sense just how much I care for my home and its inhabitants, no matter how much I complain about them sometimes.
Short hair Alice? Now that's what I call cute!
>what do you think she smells like?
Lucina is one of those extremely practical kind of people, so I'd imagine she wouldn't really smell like much besides what ever her clothes have been through. I think she would keep herself pretty clean, though not to the extent as some of the more feminine looking characters here.
Not every common interest needs a flag. You don't see people who like model trains making a pride flag now do you?
>let her do what she wants for 20min and then push her to the side
A man with priorities. I can respect that.

Attached: Lucina mask off.png (600x1015, 874.92K)

Griffith's personality has changed a lot over time; what personality does your version of Griffith have?
>This is my favorite question so far user
>what kind of alcoholic drink does/would your waifu like?
No thank you. Alcohol reduces mental power. Give us an energy drink!
>what do you think she smells like?
Right now we smell like pineapple, but usually we smell "clean".

>Have you gotten art of you and your waifu having sex?
Probably best not to. You have no guarantee that it'll turn out the way you wanted.

>how does /waifu/ feel porn of their waifu
Some of it is hilariously absurd and good for a laugh.
Most of it is just stuff I'm not interested in so I ignore it.
Some of it is kind of hot if you get whoever-else out of the picture and mentally insert yourself there.

I think that the love you and Lucina share together is amazing, and your love of music is pretty good too. I hope you find great joy in combining the two.
>Romantic music
Nah bro, chiptunes!
>I hope that she would sense just how much I care for my home and its inhabitants, no matter how much I complain about them sometimes.
This is a good attitude to have, and I hope it serves you well. But remember, for one person to save the other, you need permission from both parties.

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--------> >Smell
We've done that question before. Way too many times
Some is okay, fetish shit is off limits.

Attached: Rei DCCXXIX.png (780x928, 395.95K)

>Not every common interest needs a flag.
I have made the "We don't care enough to get a flag" flag. Every color symbolizes not really giving a shit.

Attached: flag of not giving a fuck.jpg (834x475, 86.86K)

>What kind of flower would your waifu find to be the most beautiful?
Whatever kind these are.
>What words does your waifu wish more people would say to her?
Nothing really.
>Your waifu wants to kiss you a lot and never let go, but you have something to do in 20 minutes. What do?
The only thing I have to do in 20 minutes is kiss her more.
>How did your waifu last surprise you with her love?
I listened to her singing, and imagined it was for me.
>What would you do if your waifu picked you up, stuffed you down her jumper and gently laid on her belly?
Sounds cute.
>What is the dumbest thing your waifu would die over?
It's hard to imagine her dying over something dumb. It'd have to be unpredicatble.
>Your bathroom scales got mis-calibrated overnight somehow, how does your waifu react when she weighs herself?
Being alone with her beloved.
>what kind of alcoholic drink does/would your waifu like?
>what do you think she smells like?
Salty and refreshing, like the sea.

Attached: drooling__.jpg (1080x1080, 120.04K)

I'm fine with it unless it's weird stuff. I usually just draw my own, and only "consume" my own stuff.
>personality does your version of Griffith have?
I always think of his golden age, just prior to getting arrested as my favorite. Hes determined, mature, yet still carefree and affectionate. I'd take any iteration though, I love them all for different reasons.
When you've been in the waifu general for a prolonged period of time, the questions start to loop a bit. I dont mind though, I hope you dont either. Domt you enjoy revisiting topics about your waifu to update them mentally?

How do you guys feel about people cosplaying your waifu? Do they ever compare, or are they generally bad?

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This one, I believe it's the only one of here that there is.

>Post your favorite romantic music that you would like to go see with you
You know. I don't really know of any romantic music I'd like listing to

>I just saw a Lucina figma going for $110
That's around the ballpark I'd give for a fig I'd really want or that is really high quality.

>How do you guys feel about people cosplaying your waifu? Do they ever compare, or are they generally bad?
I've seen cosplay porn, but it's usually just her school's uniform, so eh, don't consider it her at all.

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>the questions start to loop a bit.
What is your waifu's favourite food?
What is your waifu's favourite season?
If your waifu wore a suit/dress of a single color what color would it be?
Does your waifu prefer indoors or outdoors?
What's a song that reminds you of your waifu?
Would you give up modern conveniences to be with your waifu?
Would you give up your sight to be with your waifu?
Would you give up your collection of waifu merchandise to be with your waifu?
Would you give up your sanity and personage to be with your waifu?
What's something unique about your waifu?
What's something incredibly common about your waifu?
What if your waifu was tall?
What if your waifu was the opposite sex?
What if your waifu was bedridden?
What if your waifu was really unhealthily into softvore?
Yeah, it gets to be a bit of a holding pattern.

I don't bother with it, stuff like swimsuit photos are as lewd as it gets for me.
Cute. Would you like to see the figure of mine that just came in?
>Post your favorite romantic music that you would like to go see with you waifu/husbando.
Is it weird that music (romantic or otherwise) I associate with my waifu just sort of happens randomly? For example, this song I associate with my waifu, but I don't know why. There's no real reason for it, but it just clicked in my head like that.

>How do you guys feel about people cosplaying your waifu?
3dpd = not important

They don't even come close to her true beauty

Attached: Scherzo von Eisen und Blut.jpg (850x478, 90.46K)

>Cute. Would you like to see the figure of mine that just came in?
Sure, go ahead!

The figure in question is the one all the way to the right. Isn't my wife pretty?

Attached: IMG_20200322_124958684.jpg (4094x2541, 1.7M)

Exactly, but I still enjoy being asked or responding to people's open questions because it gives me a chance to talk more about him, which I love doing.

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Oh it's lightningposter!
I remember you were having negative thoughts about yourself, were you able to repair it and become happy?

No actually I told my mates I was going awol for a while and am currently on a multi-day drug binge in my room. Except there's a quarantine now so I have an excuse to be a recluse lol.

Well ... are they at least good drugs (stims / hallucinogens / dissocaitives)?

Looks nice! And your wife is pretty!

Cocktail of opiates, alcohol and dxm later when I feel like it. Definitely nothing like fentanyl teehee.
Thank you kind stranger.

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