
So tried my luck on tinder and this is the first match I got. Did i miss the memo where asking someone's intentions became offensive?

tl;dr: what the FUCK?

Attached: Screenshot_20200322-120358_Tinder.jpg (1080x1052, 169.82K)

Other urls found in this thread: dic shit test

just be witty bro

Fuckboy question OP, bad way to start a convo

You're supposed to entertain her and send her a free pizza, bro. Maybe she'll put you in a reddit screencap.

she wants to see if youll fight
its a shittest

anyway, abort and dont simp

Why though? Literally all she had to do was give an honest answer and I'd know if we're on the same page. Why is that concept so difficult for normies to grasp?

Because she gets asked this question by 1000 autists daily. Uninstall tinder now youre hopeless.

It indicates that you are basing your conversation on what she is looking for.

Women dont know what they want, so when men ask, it shows they dont know women. Women hate clueless men.

I hate saying this because I sound like an incel faggot but the truth is that Tinder is a game for Chad. You matched with that girl because she or her friends accidently swiped right on you.

Every girl on tinder is looking for a man at least a little better than they are (socially, finacially, looks especially) and she clearly felt you were beneath her.

You might be able to get somewhere by matching with fat girls, alternative chicks and ratty single moms, a lot of the time they recognise how low they are and percieve you as better than them in some sense. OR you can go out there and score a 10/10, proving me wrong ;)

I've noticed that wit only helps if you're at least slightly attractive. If youre ugly (even a little) then it's game over

lol. this is a lame opener but not a bad one. some women are just braindead bitches. open by talking about something in their bio or photos

>Literally all she had to do was give an honest answer
"Not you" is an honest answer though.

This is literally her bio, what do i do with this?

Attached: Screenshot_20200322-121935_Tinder.jpg (1066x470, 68.21K)

She isn't even good looking, what kind of high horse is she on?

Attached: 1531305401145.jpg (399x322, 25.24K)

Ask for her cashapp because you're a massive cuck for swiping right on this. Lol dude c'mon

she is clearly looking for tyrone.
there's literally nothing you can do OP, unless you can transform yourself into a 6ft tall African drug dealer.

I don't know how long you spend swiping and deciding,but I don't get a lot of likes so I just mash the button and see check matches later

She's clearly looking for men to buy feet pics. "No timewasters" and "know my worth" should be a tell. How can you all be this naive?

what was you thinking OP

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-22 at 7.25.49 PM.jpg (200x280, 9.5K)

looks like a mutt
high chance of STD
abort OP, abort!

lol i bet her cousins fuck her errday

>Women dont know what they want
lol ain't that the truth

Yeah, but it's retarded because it was her decision to match with him in the first place

I know, right? Literal spastication on display.

tell her you're not interested in trans women

Don't worry, embrace the incel.
>If youre ugly (even a little) then it's game over
You clearly know what's up

What's a shittest?

My comment does not have to be brand, spanking original, Yas Forums. Forfuck's sack I' trying to ask a simple question and cannot even do that because of your twatty nonsense. Ballfuck.

look bro.. maybe that girl aint looking for a date.. maybe girls look for that validation? to prove themselves that they are desirable

i think they get some sort of high when a guy matches them

>Women dont know what they want, so when men ask, it shows they dont know women

But if women are just clueless on what they actually want, why is it the fault of a guy asking what SHE wants? Men aren't mind readers.

Yes. Your offense was asking a neutral question which is bad because women have low attention spans and they're repulsed by you because you're boring,.
The average zoomer wigger is insufferable, uppity and high energy which is apparently an indicator of a personality.
You need to have a very specific and fine tuned vernacular where you talk like a nigger that only lets out simple sentences (normies can't stand grammatically complex sentences).
It mostly takes the form of something goofy happening and you reacting cool or goofy to it..
Also don't "simp" (talk to her like she's a person instead of a meme/fuckhole). Basically playground love, except whatever the highschooler version is. If you use anything else other than your surface thoughts you've already lost (jokes should come from the surface as well).

This isn't reddit, you don't need to put that there. Enjoy your stay by the way.

Attached: ES9Z0FBXsAA6caD.jpg (420x450, 20.68K)

It's funny that men have to initiate all the time, be careful with what they say, make sure your pictures and bio are at their best possible while women........ they just have to be a woman and can do literally nothing wrong. Men will always be interested

Women swipe just to see how much attention they get. It's about boosting their ego rather than actually finding someone.

Of course, if she does bag a Chad then she'll open her little legs for him.


if you dont meet her quota you definitely boosted her ego

They're all on a high horse user. That's what society has been teaching them for almost a decade.

Yeah I've noticed this. Most of the time they either ignore you, or have a conversation with you with no intention to actually meet up. I hate dating apps. It inflated the ego and self worth of women so much, while it made most men depressed

Abort Abort Abort you fucking mongoloid. The tiniest chance you will get your cock in this worthless fuckbag is not worth the effort.

Just imagine her showing you this side of her on an actual date. Trust me it's not pretty. Thankfully she's shown you how she thinks right up front. Not even a cope, she would be miserable company.

>for a decade

Oh you sweet innocent boy, they've been learning that shit for eons.

You know, for all this bullshit talk about women generally being more empathetic and caring than men they sure can be as cold as ice

NEVER ever ask this question. Women want to live in the moment, to "live love laugh" and shit. They want to ride the cock caroussel sure, but they need to tell themselves that "it just happened" everytime they wake up next to chad, their holes oozing with last night's cum.

So by asking "what are you looking for" on an app which mind you is DESIGNED to give women free access to attention and chad's cock, you're forcing her to think "wait am I a whore ?" and obviously she hates that. Never ever ask a woman what she wants ESPECIALLY in a sexual context. Do, or do not, but never ask for permission or what their intentions are or this bullshit. Keep their fairytale going if you want the slightest chance of getting what you want.

they don't swipe right by accident, they did this specifically to reject you, it's a power trip to them. some hot guy probably took a shit on her and she felt bad so she sought you out to reject you to make herself feel better

Why would you even match with this disgusting mutt OP?

This is so true. My god I hate women.

Based. But if you're ugly you don't stand a chance anyway, so no loss

That was a harsh move, she's obviously a bitch too stuck up her own ass, she's the type of slut who only goes for chad cock and fucks anyone else off as she sees fit, and judging from her pic she isn't hot enough to do it in the first place. Don't even look back you dodged a bullet

bitch looked like she just took a stroll back from easter island what is wrong with her fucking head

Do you realize that 80% of tinder users are male? She gets the same autistic questions hundreds of times a day

You only hate them because you've been taught that they are just like men. You have constructed an image of what women are based on the false information society forcefed you since your birth, and when you finally open your eyes and see that the reality of women is nothing like that, you feel betrayed and lash out. Honestly it's a waste of time, anger and hatred are not good for you user. Elevate yourself in noble pursuits, take time to admit that life is not what you have been sold and try to forge a way to your meaningful life.

if she's attracted to the guy he can say the same thing this guy said and she would love it

You're 100% right about that

lmao go join a monastery

I am unironically considering it. Right now I still have a few things I consider worthwhile, but once its over I'll probably choose going monkmode over anhero.

If he is white then he will never be attractive, he can only be a beta bux provider simp

Fuck off, Chinky.

My comment is original, Yas Forums.You are being chinkier than ever.


Who actually spends money on that shit? Did people forget porn sites are free?

The internet is full of simps

Theres this big tity girl who doesnt even post nudes just like lingerie pics and she makes 150k a year

No, they are nothing like men. You've misunderstood completely.

>still is stuck up and retarded
tinder was never an optiion

>half nigger being entitled on tinder
I'm so glad I uninstalled all those apps

Don't take this app seriously, just use it for shit posting.

It's calling you a lazy idiot. dic shit test
were this reddit I'd be downvoted for this.

Holy fuck, even if there is a sign with MINE FIELD right in front of you, you still don't see danger ahead?!

Aint that the truth, we have all been lied to. We now must find our own truth

Once again amazed how clueless the average incel is.