I'm worried about the coronavirus. They said it was just a flu, that it was only in China...

I'm worried about the coronavirus. They said it was just a flu, that it was only in China, but every day I hear of more and more cases, more and more deaths. Italy has already exceeded China in cases and deaths. It's spreading more and more in the US. The stock market crashed HARD, three times, and keeps going lower. America went from "hoax" to "nothing to worry about, it'll be over soon" to "Try this shady drug, what have you got to lose?" A few people are still in denial but everyone else is waking up. I think the only people still denying it's a problem are people who live in the middle of nowhere who have been completely unaffected by it. People are saying there's at least 1,000,000 cases of it in the US alone, and that's just so far. Businesses are shutting down, events are being canceled, people are out of work. Governors are ordering statewide lockdowns. The only countries that have managed to avoid having much trouble are ones that went on lockdown immediately. It's getting worse and worse.

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God I love braindead tourists so much

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who cares, its made normies into a laughing stock

it's hard to describe how full of rage i am at this situation and how trump allowed it to become a full-blown crisis. same amount of rage goes out to everyone who didn't take it seriously. or still don't. look at taiwan and south korea - both countries took this virus incredibly seriously from the very beginning with aggressive testing and containment measures and now they both have the situation under control. the vast majority of their people can go on with their normal daily lives.

but not us. no, we have captain dipshit claiming at the beginning that it's a democrat hoax and eventually moving on from that to doing absolutely nothing - just sat there proclaiming it would go away on its own by spring. down from 15 cases to 0 in no time he said... because he's a fucking expert in germ theory apparently. all the while there was ample warning and preparation time to do something - this did not come out of nowhere. he dismantled the NSC's entire pandemic response team in 2018. did he get it back together after being warned of an incoming pandemic in the month of january? no, he fucking did not.

we have businesses halting operations, people being put out of work through no fault of their own and not getting any help from the people that put them in this situation due to their negligence, incompetence and cartoonish greed. legit sociopathy. and obviously all of the unnecessary death and suffering of those afflicted, including a high school friend of mine who died at the age of 34. he was an awesome guy.

and don't worry everyone, this shit hasn't even begun to pop off yet. give it another month or two.

fuck anyone who supports him.

bro I work at a restaurant I just lost my fucking job were all unemployed now. I was actually going places now I'm the same NEET loser I was 2 years ago. if this shit just keeps going I'm just gonna run through all my savings eventually and end up starving to death in my room this fucking sucks shit man

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Lol if you browsed Yas Forums back in January you would have known about how bad it actually was and should have prepared for this situation.

>bro I work at a restaurant I just lost my fucking job were all unemployed now. I was actually going places
Literally lol'd, thanks for that.

>I was actually going places
is this the trickle down economics?

>trump allowed
Come on now

>Businesses are shutting down
>people are out of work.
These are the most worrying of all imho. What's the plan here? Just lmao print moar money like the Fed's been doing for years except give it directly to the masses instead of ceo's and shit?

stop watching the news, it's emergent globalist propaganda

He straight up encouraged the spread by telling his supporters, who obviously are incapable of thinking for themselves, that it was a hoax. Even though everyone with a brain realizes by now that it is very real.

murrica will soon exceed italy and maybe even china

Apparently, yeah, but that's too good an idea so there's rumblings that Trump's cabinet is trying to stop it.

>one of the earliest countries to get the virus
>all is doing well, we stuck below 100 confirmed cases
>one dumb faggot with the virus (which recently flew to Korea) went to a large religious gathering with 27000 attendees.
>the gathering was discouraged in the first place, but no, they wanted to pray the flu away
>ff now, country-wide movement control order, the gathering formed more clusters of cases within the country.
I'm worried too user, I'm in the high-risk category, Dengue fever knocked me to the ICU a few years back. I hope everyone well

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Apparently a lot of people are getting seasonal flu and either freaking out or saying lol see it was a nothingburger lmao. Take care niggy, im high-risk too, fat, alcoholic and smoker for 15 years

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Nobody believes society is going to collapse until it already has.

Experts predicted everything. I believe them when they say the majority of the population is going to get COVID-19. Nobody wants to admit it, but viruses are here to level off the old and the weak. A single death is a tragedy, an equalizing of this over-humaned planet is necessary.

I'm sure thing will recover. Perhaps people will realise how they've wasted their lives commuting to pointless bullshit jobs.

For me, I'm going back home and building a small van home, gonna live on the road and be prepared for doomsday.

Well I'm both glad and disappointed that it's not just America who has idiots who think prayer is somehow going to fix the coronavirus. The irony is that there's a passage in the Bible. Matthew 4:7 - "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

It is interesting that you mention this. I've seen a number of people realizing "Holy shit, now that I don't have a job to tire me out every day, I finally have time to work on my house, or read that book I've been meaning to read" and so on.

I'm just going to go ahead and leave this here.

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yeah because for the ost part an 8 hour workday is a fucking scam. At most I work 4 hours out of the 8 hours, the rest of the time is just bullshitting or improving my skills online because I'm fucking bored. (I work in IT btw). My coworkers in accounting and payroll work maybe 3 hours a day and most of the time I see them messing around in their offices.

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> a bunch of rambling about god and prayer and how the company has been graced by god
>pls pray for us abloo abloo
>btw no paid time off, raises, sick pay, or closure teehee

I cant wait until I can become a NEET again

Why don't you just apply for unemployment?

Why don't you suck on my bing biddly bong bong?

I'm pretty sure that it's just gonna be a worldwide depression, instead of total collapse. I'm preparing for both either way. I live 20 minutes outside of town. I got stocked up on bullets, food, and water. I'm currently building a chicken coop, then I'm gonna start my garden. So far I'm thinking of potatoes, maize, butternut squash, beans, and sunflowers. The potatoes for all around food, the squash because it helps the maize retain moisture, the maize for cornmeal, the beans for protein and because they'll use the maize as a trellis, and the sunflowers for sunflower oil and chickenfeed; and I should be able to supplement all that with fish, and maybe hogs. Also an herb garden, because no seasoning can affect morale, and there's 7 people here. Does anyone have any other ideas, something I missed, knowledge that I should hoard before the internet goes down?

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>senate and congress knew about it sinc janurary
>did nothing but sell their stocks

They aren't the ones who disbanded the pandemic response team.

>Italy has already exceeded China in cases and deaths.
Because Italy didn't shut off an entire region right away, like China could. But they both have an equally terrible third world health care system.

>did fuck all for 3 months, didnt even so much enact travel advisories until the end of last week after every instagram traveler spread the virus

Are you fucking serious? Italy is known to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. That is how fucking dangerous this virus is. They let people gather and this happened.

>first world health care
lol, youre about to see some shit in the next week

Trump: preventively closes borders


Hawaii judge: overturns

Coronavirus: starts pandemic

Dems: ha trump did this.

Not sure why you're talking about the US, I'm European and have no interest in the US.

No you don't.
All of Europe is laughing at your and has been telling you for years how utterly garbage it is.
The conservatives that you retards put into power didn't help either.

>Italy has already exceeded China in cases and deaths.
>believing china
did you believe them in january when they said the disease wasnt able to be spread person to person?

stop the actual economy and defer all commercial and private loan payments
the (((New york stock exchange))) has been working on a "pause" button to stop commercial trading in the event of an emergency like hurricane sandy or a market run that can reset market trades back from 24 hours to a whole week, the faggot (((SEC))) put a bunch of stupid requirements for it so a lot of implementation might not even exist

He didn't close the borders until long after the pandemic had started, Trumphumper. It was going on for LITERALLY MONTHS before he closed them.

but Yas Forums overhypes every potential crisis, most of which end up being nothing. If you turn every little thing into a HAPPENING!! thread, you'll eventually be right once.

The irony is that this is the one incident that Yas Forums was in denial about so they weren't even right. Every coronavirus thread is filled with them calling it fake.

everyone knew about it since january. Articles were on the front page of the New York Times about the coronavirus late january but no one payed attention because Kobe died. The Congressmen who sold their stock before the market crash did not have secret insider information.

And lefties are still for open borders despite this. Lmao.

That's a right wing lie.

Until the actual death toll is in the millions it's just another excuse to strip our freedoms. Nothing to see here, just another day in washington.

Yep, look at the encryption bill they're trying to sneak under the radar.

We're fucked. Robots might come out better than normies, but society is fucked.

People like you are exactly why the death toll is going to end up that high. You selfish fuck.

Coronavirus is the perfect opportunity to create a new world order

Who cares, it's just old people. The ones that got us in this mess in the first place. Besides, I'm not selfish; I've been quarantining myself for the last two weeks. If I didn't give a shit, I'd continue to go out in public just to catch it, and get it over with.It wouldn't surprise me if Trump didn't close the borders before it was here just to cause this, so that they can strip freedoms. It's what they do every time there's a disaster.

Let's say only 10% of Americans get infected. You would expect to see 10 million people dying from the virus if that happened.
Bad flu seasons have infected up to 90% of the US population over the length of a season.
The difference between a bad flu and coronavirus is that the flu only kills 0.1% of the population, coronavirus kills 3% of the population.
Facts don't care about your feelings.

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It's literally not just old people. Young people are highly vulnerable to the virus too. "It's just old people" is the talking point kids have been using to downplay it.

We have too many people anyway. I'm a healthy 25 year old, so whatever.

Meh, parents shouldn't let their kids go out then. If I had kids, I'd lock them in their rooms, so that I don't accidentally spread it to them.

I fucking HOPE it ends up that high, which isn't even that much. There's almost 8 billion with B user, in the world. 2 million is a fucking rounding error.

This is a fucking childish attitude for someone who is 25 and should know better.

How's that? It would really be a good thing. We have too many people, and not enough jobs. Most people don't make shit because of it. I'm just saying that it would be a big deal if a couple million die, in fact, it would be a good thing. I'm not advocating for it, and I'm doing my part to keep it from spreading. I even talked my dumbass parents into staying home, because they thought that it was, and I quote, "a liberal conspiracy to take down America". The government always uses situations like this to erode our freedom, and I bet Trump let it in to do just that.

"Wouldn't be a big deal" I meant to say.

no theres too many people, get sick and die

Look at all the moral fags in this thread seething about the remote possibility of a few hundred thousand easily preventable deaths. In the time it takes me to type this there probably at least a few hundred children dying of starvation or war somewhere and you don't seem to give a fuck about THAT. Don't try to high road anybody you hypocritic double niggers.

>I just lost my fucking job were all unemployed now.

it means your job was not important to the economy and the stability of the country. the government couldn't shut down my job because it was too important for the economy and the country as a whole.

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>We have too many people anyway. I'm a healthy 25 year old, so whatever.
You'll find out quickly that you prefer a world with too many people rather than too few people.

Apply for unemployment. What's the problem here?

It won't get that far. That would be a ridiculous number of deaths. Everyone would quarantine after a few million.

The virus is a meme. Like 2 people under 40 died in Italy. Even if everyone got infected, you won't see millions of death outside of the elderly.

I actually want to die so im not particularly worried at all. I am a bit nervous about a long, drawn out, slow and painful death, but also I figure who cares as long as it actually kills me. Suffering is temporary, but death is (hopefully) permanent