Pink pill

I am looking for a lewd pink pill discord
Would love any invites

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why would you want to be a tranny?
seriously, think about this
being trans is a mental disorder
it's a condition, and transition is a cure which only SOMETIMES works
if you're doing this for sexual reasons, or to try and get laid or something, stop
most people who transition won't ever pass, and if you do, life isn't going to change significantly as a girl
you really need to talk to a psychiatrist and not to Yas Forums
t. passing tranny

Are you that person who makes music on soundcloud?

no, i'm just a trap / e-girl / whatever
usually i stick to /lgbt/ and instagram and discord but quarantine has me bored so i'm checking up on Yas Forums
i'm trying to become more popular anyways, so posting here couldn't hurt i guess

I could use a trap server to try and convince cute bois to love me. Traps are dope af gfs in my experience.

traps / trans girls are no more psycho than anyone else who's terminally online i guess....

Youre mostly right, but the nice thing about trap trans gf rather than normal hoes (specifically white chicks) is they tend to be much more in tune with a dudes mentality. Which is nice, with girls Ive dated before they didnt appreciate masculine forms of affection like fixing a car, or taking extra work hours so she didnt have to etc. They would always just think Im cold and unaffectionate and didnt understand its difficult to me to do cutesy super romantic displays of affection, especially in public.

Source: relationships with women and 2 (wo)men

i think it depends on how old they were when they transitioned, because a lot of it hinges on socialization
i transitioned fairly young and was just a really feminine boy beforehand, so my experience is different from someone who transitioned later

just give me your discord so I can orbit you

last time i posted my discord it got posted to /soc/
just orbit me on instagram (wjllowo) instead oki?

Hi thanks for your concern Willow.
I have thought about this and i am talking to a therapist...
No i dont want to transition for social reasons (Quite the opposite is true in fact i will loose quite a few people in doing so) Also no i am not doing it to getting any dates i just dont feel comfortable with my body as it is right now

Not me
Sure that may be true, both transwomen I dated though where just out of highschool, but everyone has their own experiences. Im a rationalist though so assuming you grew up westernized and in an environment that encouraged you to stop being girly but did it anyways I think most would be able to make certain assumptions that seem to be a trait between groups of people.

you also have to consider whether or not transition would even work for you
most people are far too masculinized for it to ever work
unless you can start pre-puberty or in early puberty, your success is left entirely to genetics

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not op but what if i just wanna be a slightly feminine guy?
I want to stay a guy definitely i just dont like the idea of being a dom and would rather be a feminine sub

idk just go to /lgbt/
there are lots of femboys on hrt over there

Dont half ass being a man, that shit happens too much. This is why Im cool with trans peeps.

when did you start?
i'm almost 25 so there's basically no hope for me at all even though i had incredible genetics for it

18, but i only hit puberty at 17 and i was really feminine beforehand
i may have klinefelters

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>posting pics on r9k
nice youngshit
yeah I look a lot more masc than you, honestly "incredible genetics" is a lie, my face is masc enough that there's no real hope
not that i'd want to transition i care more about the ability to be a cute girl than being one if that makes any sense at all

i'm bored so i came to r9k
i want orbiters i guess? i'm already known on /lgbt/, but quarantine is driving my attention seeking behavior all around

eat shit and die namefag


i'm not a namefag i'm a tripfag
i just think it's easier to get attention and also have conversations if i use a trip

youre not supposed to post pics on r9k
idk just shitpost around and shill a throwaway discord or channel invites

Yeah, Im not beta enough to orbit bitches, I tend to have a chance of swooning rather than be an idiot. Good luck though, youre beautiful, Im sure many idiots will pine to your whims.

eat shit and die tripfag


>not supposed to post images

of yourself dummi c:
jannies might care but idfk

i don't think people who orbit others online are dumb or anything, i think they're just lonely and want a parasocial relationship with someone who's cute and (relatively) interesting
it just so happens that people who come to Yas Forums to cultivate these parasocial relationships are usually a little weird
not that there's anything wrong with that
lots of people who are already popular here are my friends anyways
honestly this quarantine is boring me out of my mind

it's pretty sad and one sided when you think about it though but i just want friends who put up with me but that doesn't happen because i get very mentally tiring if you get to know me, probably the same with most beta orbiters

>honestly this quarantine is boring me out of my mind
i barely leave my house anything nothing has changed for me lmao

That definitely could be the case, but I have seen dudes freak the fuck out when they find out the person they orbit is in a relationship.

i think it would be more sad to be completely alone

that looks like my boyfriend's mom LOL

it's because guys get attached to people, and because they feel like they deserve something more out of the person they're orbiting
i have a few orbiters, and honestly most of them seem like pretty nice people
one of them even photoshopped me into this painting of an ottoman princess lol
many such cases user

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well yea, but that's why they're here
idk being an orbiter is cringe to me because i get jealous of cute traps because i'm not one. might be the case for some of them as well

Hey astro

Then thats manipulation. You know each one of them are pining for your attention at a small chance to be your bf. If you have no intention of being with them, then its sad and immasculating. Too many things are pussifying the world, dont be a part of the problem by stringing along lonely desperate men who think if they are just sensitive enough in the right way you will love them.

i think they also know that i don't have any intention of being with them
it's like a form of entertainment i guess?
i do care about them in a way and enjoy talking with them and the nice things they do for me, but either way i'm just some girl on a screen

sometimes you just need to be there at the right time and show any form of interest or affection
ugh i miss her so much

Shut the fuck up simp faggot

i'm sorry user
i guess that is true though
especially when people are struggling, the people who lift them up are much more valuable to them

what ? how am i a simp ?
i'm the orbited, not the orbiter

Idk, I think thats more of an emotional bandaid for much larger wound and I doubt its actually helping. Id think of it more as a cope to be talking to a nice girl rather than working on yourself, which is hard.

On the same note I dont think youre being malicious. You want to seek attention as validation of your choice to transition as well as benefit from having people who care about you... Also the idea of celebrity, even on a small scale is enticing.

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who are you talking about?
idk if it's about my transition, more of filling the need for attention that i never got as a child

I just feel it is healthier for everyone involved to be honest with themselves. Your orbiters are looking for love in the wrong place, and do you think the dude you settle down with will be thrilled about your choice to be interactive fap material for sad grown men?

idk if you understand what it's like to have a pathological need for attention user

Where it comes from isnt so much important, attention seeking behaviour is an unresolved mental issue.

yeah i know it's a mental issue but tbhon i like having people think that i'm pretty and talk to me and do stuff for / with me
i also like helping people, and although i'm not a professional therapist sometimes people just need someone to talk to, or someone to study with or something

I dont have attention seeking behaviours, so you are correct. My point is you know you exhibit these behaviours, you should work on that, even if you cant stop yourself from seeking it.

I just have hypermasculine fantasies about fucking small weak feminine men because its the biggest power move I can think of. The only thing that gives me a similar feeling is working on my truck, or setting up drywall and other shit thats stereotypically manly.

i used to be a small weak feminine man and now i'm just a girl / trap lol

I mean... You do you. But if your honest with yourself, you know that youre probably doing more social damage to these weak men than good. And I know that because you arent a professional.

It doesnt really matter to me what people call themselves, if they dress like cute girls then I want to fuck them. What they identify as is their problem.

god i wish i could trap
i could with a mask but obv that doesn't count

Being a trap means you're still a weak effeminate man retard

i'm a tranny lol i just call myself a trap because it's fun and upsets people who think it's a slur

I love fucking bitches like you. Traps have no idea the power feeling of getting some person who cant cope with the struggles of being a man that they just submit and worship your dick. It makes you feel like a fucking god.

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i need a good dicking unironically
i'm not a trap though

Didnt you say you could pass with a mask? Just hit up dudes in your area in your mask on tinder

just use grindr user

well yeah but passing with a mask doesn't count

not right now quarantine and shit

Attention to all the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising Yas Forums for attention and gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

know the difference, it could save your life!
t. blanchard

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