When femanons get turned on do you feel your clit getting hard or something?

when femanons get turned on do you feel your clit getting hard or something?

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No but my vagina kinda feels like it's pulsating

so is your clit always "ready to go" if you want or do you have to warm it up

mostly when I was a teenager, not as much now

>ready to go
Yeah basically but it helps/feels better if I'm also wet down there

what exactly do you think the clit is for, user?

that's where you poop from, right?
i realize it's kind of like the head of a penis but for a girl, im just wondering if it gets hard or soft

Is it possible for a girl to shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole or is that something that only happens in the movies?

>shit a dick out her pussy

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not really, its more like a feeling of needing to take an extreme piss, but its super pleasurable, your pussy gets tighter and pulsates inward cause that hole neeeeds to be filled

>shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole

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it can become tumescent, but it doesn't get as firm as a penis does
tumescence is not necessary for orgasm, but can make orgasm much easier to achieve

tumescent clit sounds like a good band name
also give tumescent clit

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>Is it possible for a girl to shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole

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ok so you get horny in the pussy not really in the clit i guess?

This is a good answer, although sometimes I feel like mine does get reasonably hard.

do your pussy lips get more sensitive at all

mine used to get pretty hard too, but never as solid as a penis can get

i haz qwestions
a girl can really cum by fingering ?
if yes why a horse dick is better than a small one ?

it kinda twitches and then gets bigger and really sensitive

does it twitch when you have an orgasm too

clit stimulation makes it even more intense



this is fucking bullshit i wanted pussy lips to be sensitive wtf is this shit fuck you jesus

they can become more sensitive when fully aroused, but I suppose it depends on the person

there's vaginal and clitoral orgasms and some girls can only feel one of them or both. it twitches if you do a clitoral orgasm and becomes even more sensitive - but it doesn't twitch with vaginal orgasm

do the different orgasms feel different

Why do retards still ask these things as if there are actually real females here? Do you really enjoy seeing LARPing men pretend to talk about vaginas that much?

1. Mobile joints making it easier to find the shallow-placed g-spot
2. No mobile joints, more girth stretches it out more and thus has more effect on g-spot

excuse me, let me talk to little boys about my big clit please and mind your business

Can you really live off of canned food?
if yes why is a grilled steak better than creamed corn?

yes very different but it's hard to explain. some girls prefer one over the other it depends who you ask

please teach me everything about clits

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g-spot is baloney, anterior fornix is where it's at

i thought vaginal orgasms were rare though

does if feel good when sucked?

>shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole
What did you mean by this?

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Do I really have to explain?

yes, I think you owe us all an explaination

>can women push things out of their vaginas

have a think about it user

Time to take a long break from hentai my dude

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>Is it possible for a girl to shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole

I wonder wats your thought process

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First you owe me an answer to my question

I don't understand what you're asking, that's why I want an explaination

What the fuck type of movies are u watching?

Ok, to the girls responding, do we agree rape is consensual, right?

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>girls get two completely different feeling orgasm categories
>meanwhile guys are stuck with the same fucking mediocre dick orgasm

You're forgetting about prostate orgasms.

Only when its Chad raping us.

It all consists in touching the head at the end, knowing that i've nutted in 2 unusual ways 1 from just touching the corona and the other one from rubbing it against the floor using the foreskin as protection and lube.
It is not biology, it is us who are at fault of our faps being boring.

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sometimes, but it's not the most amazing feeling
although persistent suction does cause tumescence

and what is your favorite way to archieve orgasm?

Hello, not a femanon but when my gf is horny her pussy (she's an innie) expands and her little roast comes out, which i assume is like an equivalent of our erections.

Just a reminder to robots.
It is useless to ask women for "what do girls like in bed" advices because their advices, just like in dating, are actually what they would like and probably not what your partner/future partner would like.

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that sounds very hot I don't know why

any way as long as it involves the man that I love

based and wholesome pure love femanon

>not being a slut
Disgusting! Out of my board, now!

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>it possible for a girl to shit a dick out her pussy like an asshole

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Femanons do girls masturbate to guys they talk to online?Why don't girls message first?

all you gotta know about clits is you gotta SMACK em and SPIT on em to get them to cum some squirt doodoo out

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