Need gf requirements
-hates society
-meets these requirements
-lives on the east coast
pls respond
Need gf requirements
>Need gf requirements
>-hates society
>-meets these requirements
>-lives on the east coast
>pls respond
why won't anyone respond
bump, hope you get your robot autist gf user. best of luck
I wish finding a gf was as easy as listing my top criteria on r9k.
>bump, hope you get your robot autist gf user. best of luck
ty user
lol good luck with that man
might as well look for a unicorn lmao
>I wish finding a gf was as easy as listing my top criteria on r9k.
why isn't it? i'm sure theres ton of grills here
>why isn't it? i'm sure theres ton of grills here
The best kind of girl too, since they probably aren't normalfags if they post here, but I've been looking for one here for 10 years and I still haven't met the one for me.
>The best kind of girl too, since they probably aren't normalfags if they post here, but I've been looking for one here for 10 years and I still haven't met the one for me.
same but 5 years
it's bullshit
and the longer i wait i feel the lower my chances get
>>Need gf requirements
>>-hates society
>>-meets these requirements
>>-lives on the east coast
>>pls respond
I live on the east coast but i'm too socially retarded to do anything except stay inside all day.
Can I have one girlfriend too?
I live in Iberia
>I live on the east coast but i'm too socially retarded to do anything except stay inside all day.
sounds based to me
want to give me contact? pls
[email protected]
>mfw fembot comments just to torture me
>>>Need gf requirements
>>>-hates society
>>>-meets these requirements
>>>-lives on the east coast
>>>pls respond
I'm sorry i would never be able to hold a conversation over email. my disc is Pai#8199 if you want to talk.
but are you cute though, user?
he isn't. he's ugly and expects a gf to land on his lap with no real effort on his part to talk to the fembots here. he just wants to post a thread and get e-pussy
I just wanted to you to drop your discord or something on that email so you wouldn't have to post it here but thanks i'll add you.
that depends on your preference desu
too late, I already claimed her
>too late, I already claimed her
fuck off you fucking faggot this is my thread and you claimed nothing
No i want a gf not a hookup you fucking tard fuck you.
fucking great i leave for 5 seconds and some random faggot steals my thread just great
i'll be back in like 20 minutes to see if the request was accepted
why not make you own god damned thread?
OP got cucked on his own thread. KEK
>OP got cucked on his own thread. KEK
fuck you faggot's this is why i hate the internet.
i live in the northeast usa and i fit those requirements too
some people count anything above NC as north so maybe it's not that far drop contact here?
[email protected]
lets see if i can fit this
i dont think i look autistic... maybe i sperg out every now and then
>hates society
>meets these requirements
so far so good
>lives on the east coast
maybe i can be ur gf, user! stellarskies#4890
you should describe yourself and like your interests and stuff:)
>you should describe yourself and like your interests and stuff:)
was gonna do that once added and ask her for her requirements
>[email protected]
never did get anything
Any fembots wish to live a NEET life? I make $200K, am autistic, like anime, play video games, go to cons, own a house, etc.
I can take care and provide for you. all I want in exchange is your love ;_;
>>>>Need gf requirements
>>>>-hates society
>>>>-meets these requirements
>>>>-lives on the east coast
>>>>pls respond
any anons wish to make there own fucking thread?
I own a Tesla too. My roomate is my pet parrot.
Telsa sucks get some taste
Ok, boomer
Enjoy your oil changes, paying for gas, having to change spark plugs, timing belt, gaskets, hoses, dealing with oil leaks, etc.
enjoy your overpriced piece of junk that's useless without special mechanics and a ton of money to burn
I will
>special mechanics
I'm autistic
a virgin
I hate society
and I also live on the east coast of south Africa
>and I also live on the east coast of south Africa
A South African made the car I drive.
Popping in to tell OP not to give up hope. I met my cute incel (volcel imo) on an incel server and we both frequent r9k. Anything is possible, I believe in you
do these threads even work
i doubt there are any woman above the age of 20 on r9k. from what i gathered its all self absorbed or self deprecating teenage girls
It worked for me many years ago. Problem is the girl was a fat whale and I was too beta to break up with her. It then developed into an unhealthy relationship for 8 years where we were both unhappy and both too beta to break up with each other.
Was solely because she was fat or did you not stand her from a personality sense as well? I thought relationships were about love and compromise
Both. I consider myself autistic but holy shit...she was on a whole nother spectrum...especially with her OCD and constant fear of the world and how everyone was going to die, etc.
It was mentally exhausting and tiring always having to "comfort" and coddle her. Every day it was something new. And if it wasn't something new it was something we spoke about 100000 times.
op must've died, i sent him an email
Want to talk to me instead?
not op but i am here
can i get a free gf?
sure, i sent you an email
this all seems plausible, its easy to ask for one of these "fembot" gf and not think about the emotional baggage that comes with these type of people, in your case the physical baggage as well
>-lives on the east coast
There are many of those around the world.
Sure you can, if you post a contact.
I actually have no credit because i dont trust banks
I need a better gf requirements
>please have a personality disorder or something really bad like that
>it'd be nice if you're emotionally distant so my fucked up brain will try to pursue you but clinginess can probably work i don't care
pls respond
Oh yea baby check out those lucky sevens, I'm gonna get cyberlaid tonite.
Thanks i guess i will just keep making this threads
but home many girls that meet my requirements would even be on this board?