Do roasties and simps have one LOGICAL rebuttal to incels, blackpill, genetic determinism, pessimism, etc? Most of the time they just bitch and moan about being the object of hate and how you shouldnt be mean to them. Boo hoo.
Do roasties and simps have one LOGICAL rebuttal to incels, blackpill, genetic determinism, pessimism, etc...
I suppose one thing they do is the mirror perspective on the red pill, a.k.a how men treat 'em from a scientific view, like how we get violent and shit or fuckin, I dunno, something legitimate though
Someone explain this image to me? I feel like I'm looking at a different languaage.
it's a combination of the "time for your dick flattening" meme and the "haha money printer go brrrr" meme.
Midget abominations land hottoes there all the time
any time an ugly man has a success with women, it's because he has money
Incels cannot find a girlfriend because you don't want one, you want a sex and domestic slave. You want everything handed to you while putting no work in or having empathy for anyone else.
they don't, they just use anecdotes and screech about confidence and charisma. they also have this obsession with using extraordinary people to make a point about how "anyone can make it" and when you point out how they are using something that is very irregular, they just tell you to be extraordinary.
the blackpill completely breaks their mind and they dont know what to do
It's an unfalsifiable hypothesis and thus not science. Since once an incel gets laid it's said that he wasn't a true incel. Ergo you can't test the hypothesis that incels never have the hope of a good romantic life since no individual who's considered an incel could disprove the theory by getting laid.
>You want everything handed to you while putting no work in or having empathy for anyone else
Yes because that is how women get to treat men. Why do women get to be useless fucking slug people but men dont?
It's not a zero sum game. Just because women treat men like slaves, and lack work ethic and empathy, doesn't mean incels want to be like that, too.
The real fun is that you probably had this argument countless times but still hate your life. No kids, right?
Sure, here you go.
These guys are the complete OPPOSITE from rich guys.
This girl is uglier than the girls they normally get, so uh
and what about incels that don't get laid lol. plenty of men die never attracting one single women and they only have sex because they paid prostitutes for it. i know a guy like this
Women do far more work than men ever have. For most women, work doesn't end when they get finish their 8 hour shift and go home to play minecraft all night, women go home and then do domestic and child rearing labour all night until they go to bed, with maybe an hour stolen away for television. Historically as well they have also been forced to perform sex acts on their partners when they didn't feel like it. Incels are mad this arrangement has ended, which has been good for women, and would be good for men as well if they could accept it. But no, incels are mad they've lost their guaranteed domestic and sex slaves upon reaching adulthood and so have basically decided to become sexual terrorists.
More I get older, more I think that most men are as trashy as most women are in their own ways. Most people sucks, thanks god there is exceptions if not I would go full Ted Kaczynski.
Broadly speaking, I think a lot of it comes down to the concept of inferiority. Genetic, social, and cultural/environmental inferiority or superiority.
Nature vs. nurture and to what extent humans can battle certain aspects of each.
Questioning the existence of true altruism and justice/liberty in terms of what people earn and what they deserve for merely being human.
Whether you genuinely attempt to see someone else's perspective or refuse to believe their reality.
Whether any of this makes sense or if I'm just rambling.. what do normalfags think?
Seems both they and incels agree that they're inferior in one way or another, itsl is just a matter of what determines that. Incels just believe DNA plays a larger role than normalfags care to admit while thinking the same of personality. I'm not sure if normalfags genuinely believe that or just unconsciously maintain it while sweeping all cognitive dissonance under the rug because the destruction of their Disney-like concept of "love" would shatter them.
That's not enough to support the incel hypothesis. Inceldom is about having absolutely no hope for a happy romantic life. But they have never proved than any single individual has no chance to get there ever.
What the fuck?
This can't be real, you're fucking shitting me
The incels are right regarding just about everything. "Disputing" them is simply denying biological realities in order to baby women and deny them responsibility and autonomy with the vain hope of receiving pussy as a reward. However, the reaction/conclusions of incels (give up and die) are retarded.
what? you're skipping way ahead. you do know what the blackpill is right? it's just saying looks play a very large part of your dating success. it's pretty obvious to me, and i'm not even an incel, i've had sex before. some guys are just extremely ugly and their only hope is prostitutes
lmao the arrangement used to be men work and provide and women stay at home being a neet. no work other than changing a diaper and making food.
the people who want that back are conservatives and fascists. not denying incels overlap with them, but #notallincels. Im glad it's gone for entirely selfish reasons and dont give a fuck if you are "empowered" because you have a job cause i know having a job isnt empowering, it's subjugation by the jews. Fuck paying for womens bullshit.
Instead of settling for your looksmatch you lust over Stacy and are angry that she only dates Chad. Thats because Chad is her looksmatch, retard. You most likely arent willing to settle for your looksmatch. If you looked around you, you would see that 90% of guys who are married are bald, average looking, manlets etc. But of course you dont notice those couples because the woman isnt Stacy, she is just the average looking dudes looksmatch. You could get a gf too if you lowered your standards.
>However, the reaction/conclusions of incels (give up and die) are retarded
not really. mgtow kind of proves that many times the juice isn't worth the squeeze. those guys have experience and they just fuck off out of it all. yea sure many of the mgtow guys are just losers that are just doing the "you can't fire me, i quit" thing, but there are plenty of divorced guys in those communities that have been in fucking relationship disaster scenarios
Oh, I meant in a more general sense, how a bunch of incels will just want to lay down and die. My point was about those people. Life is a horrible struggle and it feels the same to struggle as to give up so you may as well just flail until you die.
Marriage is dysgenic, ugly to average men were supposed to wife Chads leftovers and raise Chads bastard. But no, arranged marriage has lulled you into a false sense of cockiness and now you think you are entitled to a 10/10 virgin qt. Incels need to step up and perform their societal duty of raising Chads kid, then we will have fine genetic specimens raised in stable two parent households, the best thing for society.
even your looksmatch has 100 orbiters you have to compete with and chad who has 5 gf he is all cheating on and she is one of them
Not the guy you answered to, though I have to say from what I saw, South America in general is the place to go find girls if you're an "incel", wayyy better than Asia, especially if you're a manlet
kek it is real, and common
Majority of women don't care mucb about money, height, dick, anything, really.
They want a confident dominant male, which is what all of these hoodrats are.
Chad doesnt fuck any girl who is under a 7, because he doesnt need to. Your statement is false.
chad just wants to fuck as many girls as possible. that is how high test men behave.
lol bullshit. chads fuck average looking girls all the time. they're easy for him to get, if he can't get hot pussy for the night he'll go match with some average looking girl and dick her down
This doesn't exist. Women consider most men to be fucking hideous trolls so an average looking guy's "looksmatch" is a 2/10 obese pig.
Chad fucks everything from a 5 to a 10 because he can.
No it didn't. That was only ever a thing among the middle class. And they weren't "neets" their job was domestic labour and child rearing, which is legitimate work. Its not paid, but its still work that takes up many hours and needs to be done. Outside of the middle period of the 20th century, women have always worked both domestically, performing sex labour and industry. Women (and children) in industrial Europe often had the lowest paid, worst jobs around, working in incredibly dangerous textile factories and around chemicals used to make things like soap.
Of course, you are ignorant of all this and the oppression women face because you don't care, its not you who has to suffer for it. You're just selfish and people know that.
confidence and dominance are products of those things
Religious fags are pathetic and submissive by nature
Do you mean they do their actual obligation when they are done with their 8 hr play work?
You are right, how dare those horrible toddlers not raising themselves.
based and dommepiIIed
you're talking about thugs, you can't use thugs as an example of the average guy. women like hoodrats because they're usually violent drug dealers. just be a thug bro lol
Why should I care if they arent putting out or dating me?
Why is it solely women's obligation? Men have hands and legs and a brain as well don't they?
False. Ugly hoodrats are confident because they're not depressed shut ins.
Or try to tell me the guy I posted is a Chad.
And the fuckers slay.
no, they use wet holes as an argument. "I bet you are an incel if you think like that" "you will never get laid lol" Women use vaginas to argue
Exactly. You don't care about anyone except yourself, so why should anyone care about you.
Nah, there are more hot girls than ever before and they are all competing for Chad dick, he could have a literal harem full of 8s and 9s and some left over still. He absolutely does not have to fuck fatties or anyone below a 7, not when 9s are lining up to suck his dick and let him piss on them.
despite what the internet wants you to believe, hoodrats don't usually get with 9/10 blonde stacies constantly. they usually fuck ghetto whores
You can fake both quite easily
>Nah, there are more hot girls than ever before
This is absolutely false since obesity rates are 50% or higher in most western countries. Per capita there are fewer attractive women than ever.
original 2
One is the provider and the other takes care of the house and kids. Feel free to be the provider if you can make more than you husband and you are willing to support him, so he can stay at home and take care of the kids.
Just settle for a 2/10 obese pig then. Problem solved. No such things as incels, only volcels.
i'm a 6'2 320lbs
tfw no tiny gf to dom me
I have pride for some reason, so I can't settle for some horrible cunt who is so worthless she can't even stop stuffing her face with cake. Nobody deserves anything, but if I have to choose between having something I hate and having nothing, I'll choose nothing.
There are 100 Stacies for every Chad.
because being a simp white knight DOES NOT get you laid
women complain if you are mean to them and complain if you are nice to them. it's a catch 22. Im not going to give a shit about equally selfish roasties who demand sjw vagina worship from me but they never put out for anyone but chad.
>just date the physical embodiment of sloth bro!
Truly is over for the average man these days
And you totally have the right to do so, volcel!
fuck outta here with that shit, women can only be doms in fucking pretend land
jerking off to porn and remaining a virgin is better than fucking some nasty trailer trash
So you hate fatties/uglies with a vengeance then complain that women are shallow. Riiiiiight.
I gotta believe.
"Feel free to be the provider if you can make more than you husband and you are willing to support him, so he can stay at home and take care of the kids."
Well you say this, but this exactly what incels are reacting against. They want access to the patriarchy that was in place for most of human history (not everywhere, but in most cultures), and they've been denied it. For anyone who cares about liberty for all humans, this is a good thing. But for incels, the loss of this has driven them to violence and intense misogyny.
I don't care if it gets me laid. I support women in their struggle because I care about them. Its not about sex, you have a mother, grandmother, sisters ect don't you? Don't you care about them?
So you made your choice, good, quit bitching about it then.
Nothing shallow about hating fatties, being fat is a product of an awful personality and attitude. They're usually extremely lazy and smell awful as a result. Most of them have absurd standards any way because they're retarded and thus delude themselves into thinking they're more valuable than they actually are.
I care about myself because nobody else is going to.
Because being fat is disgusting and a choice. I was fat, I lost weight, I am superior to them. Wanna know how I did it, champ? I woke up every morning to go for a 7km run until I was puking and collapsing, because I am strong. If you are fat, you are weak. It's really that simple. Be better, you don't deserve to be loved, nobody does. Fat people deserve scorn, especially YOUNG fat people.
no, i get enjoyment out of making you annoyed. stop being annoyed and i'll stop
Porn has flooded your dopamine receptors to the point you cannot find your looksmatch attractive anymore. This is actually the most common problem for men now, the women you feel entitled to and think are in your league are actually out of your league.
Well nobody else will is all you want to do is exploit other people for personal gain. I understand this society and system is fucked. It produces selfish, money chasing and uncaring people. But its the system that's the problem, not the people. How is anyone meant to be any different when society drills it into your head from birth owning property is the greatest good and the sole meaning of life? The people who change this aren't incels, they're people who realise this system is corrupt and based on inequality, and fight to change it.
i like women around my level very much because i'm not a fat goblin, the women around my level keep going for more attractive men though
Cope, I'm colombian, I've seen this already.
Not an outlier at all, ask another latino BORN AND RAISED IN LATIN AMERICA about this if you don't believe me
>Well you say this, but this exactly what incels are reacting against. They want access to the patriarchy that was in place for most of human history (not everywhere, but in most cultures), and they've been denied it. For anyone who cares about liberty for all humans, this is a good thing. But for incels, the loss of this has driven them to violence and intense misogyny.
The point is that the kids wouldn't be neglected. In this scenario you would be already married to a guy who's willing to do that, so what incels think would be irrelevant.
The thing is, if you make less than your husband then by default he is the provider. In this case, when the woman insists on working, she is neglecting her primary resposibilities of taking care of the kids.
Nobody is saying fatties are attractive or admirable, the point is you are still judging people based on how they look yet seethe when women do the same. Also uglies have no say in being ugly but you still wont touch them, so stop pretending this is about principle. Nobody is buying that shit lol.
Why do you think the left is collectivist? Because they are cooperating for selfish ends. To take down capitalism because it is a system they struggle in. It is just as selfish. Am i going to get laid from mutual fucking aid. Fuck no. That's why the left can fuck off when it comes to social issues.
you're a woman aren't you? we don't care if you judge men on their looks, but the way women rate men is completely fucking insane. that's what the problem is, they consider very good looking men as average.
The point, you subhuman fucktard, is that judging a fatty judging someone based on their personality. You have to be a disgusting freak to remain fat when you're given all the options to not be fat. It shows a weak, pathetic, simpering personality. Women can hate fat men all they want, too. Genetic ugliness isn't a sign of a rotten, weak personality the way being obese is.
I'm not a women. But the point is not to make people "providers" and "carers". These are not inherent personality traits, these are roles that people fill and can leave or join. People who are leaders for example are not leaders because they have some moral insight or superiority over everyone else. They are leaders because they take their role seriously and educate themselves on leadership. This is the dsame as any role, they're all equally important. Unfortunately, society doesn't see it that way, because of capitalism, only *profitable* roles, which are often the most frivolous, are seen as important while things that are essential for humanity to survive are seen as so low they're not even paid.
That's not why socialists are socialists. We're collectivist because its for the good of humanity. If I was selfish I wouldn't be a socialist, I'd use my knowledge of capitalism to accumulate as much I could for myself. But I don't want to do that.
I thought dick flattening was just a euphemism for sex or something though, does it have some different meaning?
The thing all blackpillcels have in common is that they are incredibly negative and generally a drag to be around, nobody wants to be around that type of shit. They type of people still bitching in the nursing home when they are 90 and shitting their pants. You have to actually be likeable for people to want to hang out with you.
yea bro we all act exactly the same online and in real life. how stupid are you? you're probably a completely different person irl compared to who you are online.
Because you know you would fail. Capitalism is a competitive system with winners and losers. The left is an alliance of losers. The humanity bullshit you are spewing is ressentiment because it's more comfortable to tell yourself you are a good person instead of a weak one.
>But the point is not to make people "providers" and "carers".
These are responsibilities that need to be taken care of in a family. When a woman who makes, for instance, a third of what her husband makes insistis on spending 8 hrs outside of the house working for some company, and then when she gets home she still has some child rearing to do, that doesn't mean she works harder. It just means she spent 8 hrs of her day doing some useless shit, out of a whim, while neglecting her primary responsibilities.