How many hobbies do you have that are on the scientific "most attractive" hobbies list?

How many hobbies do you have that are on the scientific "most attractive" hobbies list?

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what does the fat toilet bitch have to do with any of that and yes I want you to post her bummies

How fucking shallow do you have to be to have travailing and exercise as your hobbies?
What is this retarded shit and how large was the sample size?

2 ... not bad i guess... Not great not terriblw
so whT are your terriblt intellectual deep-spirited hobbies ?

I'm not sure I follow your position.

Traveling is a huge hobby. Not everyone travels. How is traveling shallow?

Not everyone exercises. Doing it consistently is considered a hobby. How is it ''shallow''?

none, in a very original manner
I guess I can fall for the traveling meme

I like excercise and extreme nationalist politics

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theater? lmao what the fuck

everyone is constantly moving
Theatre of the mind
>outdoor interests
I have no interest in outdoors

I jerk off to pictures of myself
>watching sport
Arguing with idiots is a sport
everything except country and rap

Half of these aren't really hobbies, like not sucking at cooking isn't a hobby, moving your body from one place to another via aircraft or whathaveyou isn't a hobby, exercising is basically an essential function to being alive and isn't a hobby, watching a sport on television isn't a hobby

>just learn an instrument bro
yea so that was a lie. bitches don't care

1,7, and 8.
I'm surprised politics is on either of those lists.

Not sucking at cooking isn't a hobby, but being into cooking is. Incidental exercise isn't a hobby, but you can absolutely be into exercise as a hobby.

These are basic tinder thot hobbies


honest to god every girl says some shit like "just want to travel the world" in their tinder bio

>t. shallow toasty roasties who like to travel and can't figure out why they're shallow

The fact that I shower regularly does not make it one of my hobbies.

not everyone likes to do the same shit.
you should know that better than anyone.

Ok but people who exercise as a hobby get involved in communities, track their progress, read up and talk about it all the time. I doubt you do the same with showering.

People actually fall for this? Travel isn't a fucking hobby because if we had the money and the time we'd all be fucking doing it. Just taking gb's of photos and engaging with locals on your hippie trek doesn't make you fucking interesting.
Rate my hobbies anons.
>Cybersecurity, coding and hacking.
>Psychology, reading about it.
>Occult, reading too don't practice anything.
>Psychonaut, tried almost every drug once or twice and do it for the experience.

Exercise (gymrat), dancing and theatre. I think my bases are covered.

You're just an unattractive nerd. Nothing wrong in it, just be aware that your hobbies are a major turnoff for majority of people.

>10. Music
Not too bad I guess

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Her insta is mai_rebelo

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If by exercise we can say any sport, I have 5.
I don't like theater however I like operas.
Politics isn't an hobby and those who say that are completely retarded.

exercise, cooking and music

Music making as a Pro not a meme, Wood working, Metal working, Hunting, and of course Comfyness enthusiast.
I can add exercising, cooking, "sports", politics, outdoor interest..etc but those aren't really hobbies.

Traveling to visit meme places, take selfies, consume exotic foods and fuck cheap hookers/take miles of dick, doesn't make you interesting or any less shallow.
>Oh great, you went to Italy and took a photo of you pushing Pisa tower and posted it to social media, how very interesting and sophisticated of you.
>Oh wow, you got some Italian pizza in Italy and took a selfie while eating it and posted it to social media? I sure didn't see that one coming haha.
I would rather to speak to 40yo Gary the wagecuck at Walmart instead of you, Because he's a much more interesting person with far better stories to tell as far as I'm concerned.

Politics is not a hobby is a obsession for me. God I'm fucked up with it

>>Oh wow, you got some Italian pizza in Italy and took a selfie while eating it and posted it to social media? I sure didn't see that one coming haha.

That sounds based though

>Immerse yourself in a new culture
>Eat local cuisine
>Take pictures to foster the memory of your good experience so that you have something to reflect upon and be grateful for
>Have positive emotions

Prove me wrong.

>Prove me wrong
No, I'm going to say Hi to Gary, he's more interesting.

>Works at walmart at age 40

As in acting, I assume.

Can you still take up photography if you're a shut-in? I've heard indoor photography is more difficult to start with.

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>watching sports

>zero out of ten
Not having a life isn't all bad, right? It makes social distancing easier, at least...

>Pets and travelling
Nigger what the fuck? Why are women so fucking obsessed with fucking "travelling" now holy shit it's actually infuriating.

Anything is more interesting than "I traveled to X, ate Y, did Z", user. Don't be surprised when people try to change the subject or excuse themselves as soon as you start with muh traveling.
Now Gary on the other hand, He's about to tell me the story of how he caught Barbra steeling shit in 98.

>Me angry at travel me no like because women like

2, excersize and outdoor interest.

I love how a good chunk of these aren't even hobbies. Like how the fuck is "learning" or "travelling" a hobby. Travelling is code for "has money".
>watching sport
Also as a very bitter woman it did not escape my notice that politics is lower for women than men.

t. Bug collector, taxidermist and collector of folk music vinyls and CDs

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Yes they are. And it makes me realise how fucking boring people are with their cliche hobbies and interests. I'll just stick to my books and go online if I want a meaningful conversation because the last women I dated were terrible at it.

And as someone who enjoys traveling quite a bit, I have to say that I FUCKING HATE women who list this as their main hobby or as something the want their partner to do. It's a 100% guarantee that they're just vapid money grubbing whores who want their replacement daddy to bankroll their shopping sprees in foreign countries and know for a fact that none of them actually have any respect for the places they're going.
I swear to god if a woman says she wants a man who enjoys traveling you can be certain that she's utter garbage. I want a comfy stay at home neet gf who can actually appreciate seeing the world instead of seeing as a novelty.

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>Bug collector, taxidermist and folk music.
That sounds based as fuck user.

Agree. Gary at Walmart is more interesting. I hate listening about peoples trips because it's all the same boring shite.

Attraction is inherently shallow. It's not surprising that attractive hobbies are shallow. Exercise for example, it's a way to signal fitness. Travelling is a way to signal wealth. Attractive hobbies should also be relatable. Cooking for example. Everyone eats, everyone likes food. Photography for example. Everyone's walking around with a high def camera in their pockets and normies love taking photos. It's a great way to share and signal on social media, elevating your status. Same with outdoors activities. Hiking or mountain biking or whatever, it ties in perfectly with exercise and photography. An attractive person is first of all attractive. They achieve this through exercise and flattering photography. They cook and eat well and post it on social media. They use their fitness to enable social outdoors activities like hiking, which they can also post on social media. They travel and post pictures on social media, including pictures of food because again they're a photographer. Are you seeing a pattern? It's about signalling and effectiveness of broadcasting those signals. In a very real sense these hobbies are an elaborate self-advertisement. None of them are actual hobbies, nobody's interested in that shit. It's for social status.

College education and feminism allow women to disguise their pleasure seeking as virtuous, spiritually enlightening, and liberating.
They go overseas and fuck guys with accents and collect knick knacks in gift shops and, to them, this makes them more cultured and a better more responsible and rational adult.
they still cross the street when they see a black guy but they don't have to feel bad because that hot guy in Peru was kind of dark skinned so they're not really racist.

Women think watching sports and politics is attractive? lmfao what brainlet women are we talking about>?

if a woman has "travelling" as a hobby it's codeword for sex tourism. single women just go places and get railed by foreigners

7 and 8 doubt thats gonna get me a gf

pretty gud i guess

How is that description not as stereotypical of a channer as the "I like to exercise, travel, and eat good food" is of a normie female?
You don't know that.
>Travel isn't a fucking hobby because if we had the money and the time we'd all be fucking doing it.
Yes, and? That doesn't tell you anything?
>Traveling to visit meme places, take selfies, consume exotic foods and fuck cheap hookers/take miles of dick, doesn't make you interesting or any less shallow
To you maybe, and you're not necessarily a representative for everyone. A coworker of mine had recently gone to Tanzania, and I enjoyed hearing about it.
>a pattern? It's about signalling and effectiveness of broadcasting those signals. In a very real sense these hobbies are an elaborate self-advertisement. None of them are actual hobbies, nobody's interested in that shit. It's for social status.
I agree with you completely up to this part. However, I don't believe they do it consciously, nor that they would be capable of it, but rather that it is natural to them, much like mating calls to birds, only exponentially more complex.

woah, pretty much all of them except pets and dancing and theatre (i like those a bit but not superinteresred)

>7. politics
What? Really? Damn and I thought I was doing myself a disservice by bringing it up on mine

non, i play the harmonica pretty well but i just get called gay for doing that

How the fuck does "watching sports" count as a hobby? Sitting on your ass watching people do things on TV without the slightest bit of interaction is not a fucking hobby.

learning, music, art, outdoors, politics, and cooking!

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>I agree with you completely up to this part. However, I don't believe they do it consciously, nor that they would be capable of it, but rather that it is natural to them, much like mating calls to birds, only exponentially more complex.
I'm not that user, but I don't think it's a fully unconscious or instinctual process. They know how their actions affect how they're perceived and how to cultivate a particular image, but the process isn't exactly inconvenient or unenjoyable for them so it doesn't seem like some kind of great act of contrivance and manipulation for them and feels natural enough.
At the end of the day they're still drinking wine and eating pizza in some fabulous villa in Italy, whether or not they were brought there by their own insecurity and vanity isn't really of any concern to them.

>mudsoaked bike
>spotless everywhere else

What sorcery is this?

Figures that travelling is the most attractive one to women lol. Who the fuck are the guys who care about photography on a woman's profile though?

>Brown stains on pants

I hope that's not mud if you know what Im saying bro

Its such a shame that drug taking can't be considered a hobby (by normies) when it's ultimately probably the most interesting thing a person can do with their time.

Photographers put out, bro