ITT: You are an adventurer and are going on a quest. Choose your weapon.
ITT: You are an adventurer and are going on a quest. Choose your weapon
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I'll be taking a shortbow and a longsword as well if I'm allowed to take 2 weapons.
If the halberd looked like pic related and I had a party then I'd take that.
Where we going OP? What kind of people and enemies will we meet? Are we going to the desert? Or the woods? Mountains? Or epic journey as in lotr?
I will take the quarterstaff.
11, 13, and 1. Yes, all of them. There's room on my back and hips for all.
I'd take the dagger or handaxe. I'm quite weak desu and the other weapons would require some practice or strenght.
>choose goddess instead
Also didn't notice the sling but if it was OP would surely take it.
Since wielding a shield doesn't seem like an option, I'll go for the Morningstar
if i can only choose one, 2 (bow)
if i can choose two, then 2 and 13 (spear)
>I'll just whommp on niggas with my great club dawg
2nd page 1. The halberd is the ultimate melee weapon. It has reach, it can chop, thrust and bash. It is a knight destroyer. And 9 out of 10 times the guy with the halberd will fuck you up unless you also have a polarm.
Scythe because of my fantasies
Taking something harder to wield and use is part of the fun user. You'd train everyday and get fit so you could use it more efficiently.
>he believes he can use a longbow
Very very based.
I'll take that, nigger.
Oh no no no..ahhahah this guy, this guy here. Hahahahah he actually thinks, listen here, he thinks he can use a longbow without many many years of practice, oh jeez this is just cracking me up.
I'll take number 3, the Gretaclub.
What a fucking asshole, just but down the bow. You suck at it and always have. Kill yourself before you get your party killed.
im already an archer you fucking faggot
8 as main weapon
3 for melee
4 as a last resort
Warhammer for me
>b-but I am an archer!
Shooting a small kids composite bow doesn't make one an archer user. Anyone knowing literally anything about archery wouldn't take a longbow for this scenario or really almost any scenario ever.
Id take the spear. I think I could fight a little more confidently with a long weapon keeping the enemy at a distance and poking a mf in his ribs.
i go for the bow and snipe enemies beyond their line of sight
Crossbow, Handaxe, Dagger
Is that from the 4th edition player's handbook? Good taste, user.
I will take all of them so you fags cant have any of them.
>iM aLrEaDy An ArChEr
>I take a shield and nothing else.
>there's another one
Thank you OP for making this glorious thread so I could laugh at these fools
7 cz im the main character
Taking anything but a polearm and a heavy crossbow is cringeful.
Rhodoks 4 lyf!
ill take the spear and poke at them but not actually poke them
Hand crossbow
And a Shield(although that isn't mentioned here)
If I can't have a shield, I'll take
Longsword or scimitar(I have saber fencing experience so hopefully that transfers)
Engage the enemy at the furthest effective range and run like hell as soon as they start to pursue you or else you will get raped. Dont try to stand your ground or do some cool trick shots.
Perfect Patience and guerilla tactics. Anything less and you will get gored.
.375 H&H bolt action for wyverns and dangerous fauna, then a SBR .22 nosler for fodder like goblins and orcs.
But what about when you run out of bullets?
Mmh user I get where you're coming from but I don't think .375 and .22 rounds are that common in a fantasy world.
I'll take 6
I don't wanna sacrifice mobility and smaller weapons are easier and quicker to use especially in closed spaces
Magic runes to use my guns are wizard staffs and project energy out of them effectively making them magic blasters
spear is better in a 1v1 fight, but a sword is more generally useful. Whether that's hacking down branches, or sharpening stakes, or whatever you need, there's more edge there to work with. Bow is pretty good, but requires a stock of arrows.
You have to be a fool to choose the scythe, a literal farming tool. A club is a poor man's weapon, heavy weight at the end of a long lever moves very slow and awkwardly. A mace is only useful against armored opponents. An axe is used by cultures who lack the sophistication to create swords.
Will say the sword, longest I can get.
>Not taking something like a SV-18 for dragons, KS-23 for close range larger monsters and a AS Val for silenced take downs and fodder
Pa-fucking-thethic, you've got shit taste famalam
How the fuck are you going to carry all that shit dumbass
Spear if only allowed one. Spear and shortbow if allowed two
This is true. I chose spear because I dont think I could confidently fight with the enemy so close. I guess I'm fucked when I'm in a cave or castle.
Wouldn't a stabby weapon like a spear be better in closed spaces?
Give me a polearm and if I can pick two weapons give me a crossbow
spear would be best, in actual combat situations in those times spear>sword.
Your range would be significantly better than you opponents if they were holding a sword
You know I see your point, it would be, especially in a long hallway but in a more cramped situation I think a knife or sword would be better than a spear.
Indeed spears would trump a sword
Heres a video that demonstrates a bit
I also replied to the wrong person dammit
was meant for
why do I keep messing this up god dammit
Was meant for ****
It's so cute when people screw up on image boards.
Im half drunk and loaded with caffeine and clicking around too quickly
>A mace is only useful against armored opponents
Because unarmored opponents are impervious to crushing blows, also a mace is basically a steel club
>An axe is used by cultures who lack the sophistication to create swords.
>comparing axes to swords
Axes cut through armor and flesh, they are better, more sophisticated than mauls and clubs. Not to mention they are good as tools.
A sword does rape people who have no armor but in this setting you want to go for a broad one. Medieval swords are built more like baseball bats because they needed to get past light armor.
But yeah swords are one of the better options generally speaking.
Short Bow,
Lars Andersen
And popcorn
I would just watch him Steamroll everything
>Yeah, based police? It's this guy over here
the club as a concept is not a good one, because you are concentrating weight at the end of a very long lever. It makes for a slow swing. Try it yourself, grab a dumbbell or something and try to swing it around. It doesn't work well. A sword is balanced near the hilt (for a reason) and you can spin it all around easily.
Easy question, long sword. Everything else is shit and bad in general combat.
i wholefartedly agree
That's cheating user, I'd rather give you an RPK-16 with a never ending drum mag than him with a bow.
>its slow
Not really. Maces were made as light as possible. Like no more than 8 pounds. You can strike repeatedly in a matter of seconds. Swords are more nimble but not as powerful. Its not like a fucking dumbbell. Youve never held an actual mace.
I'm taking my wits and charm with me instead of those weapons.
Where the fuck is my rapier?
I'd go hand crossbow because I'm a pussy and if I can get sneaky ranged hits I will
And a scythe for maximum GRIM REAPING