Hey anons, who's your waifu?
Choose your waifu
Other urls found in this thread:
ripe angel kasper
Marky, without any doubt. I feel sorry for her, she would have been a good tradwife/maybe can still be one. But her History is bad.
Ayy they basically all look the same
RIP Eliza.
Marky, the sweetest of all angels
I love her so much
She'll be always in our hearts.
They're all kind of gross.
I'll pass on all of them thank you berry much.
Allana, even though she's a boy. There's just no one prettier and sweeter
Youre a man of Culture aswell
imagine fucking somebody thats smells like a average teenage dude
thats shit nasty as fuck
post more allana please, I love her/him.
bottom right, bottom left, middle left
This isn't a tranny thread
The other day, she said that she uses strawberry scented soap...
This faggot can use as much soap as he wants, he will always smell like a faggot.
but would fuck his ass tho.
Its a cold reality that none of these girls will ever give a damn about us, not one will care as we suffer night in and night out, hoping for an escape from this loneliness. Its a hard punch in the gut. They will keep smiling, keep flourishing, getting endless attention from their tik toks, their insta photos, as we wither away and die inside
this is why you try to better yourself everyday. Start working out, start reading books, start socialising.
Woman love "High Level" man. Being a good looking man makes yourself one, but a good woman will prefer a man that has more than his good looks.
Try to better yourself user, you will make it.
for me, it's Katya
Why is Muffy not included in this list? She is the best one after all.
Tahlia was the only woman who ever made me think there might be somebody out there compatible with me.
>sex is scary
useless bitch
Bro, it's over, she's getting filled with cum by the gyno pig monster RIGHT NOW. It's time to move on and forget all about her.
I recommend playing a dating sim. Have you tried Fureraba? It's a very good coping mechanism
Why do all of them look mediocre/below average?
I don't understand why you felt the need to write that.
I've no interest in coping, I'm going to accept my reality and deal with it.
>1 like
so much attention
>I don't understand why you felt the need to write that.
because I'm coping with the situation myself
Fair enough. I wish there were more girls like her out there.
half of them look the same wtf
She's completely worthless, you mistook her LIES for reality.
If she was compatible with you, you would be with her right now, simp. Instead shes being pumped full of a narcissistic fakecels seed. Get over it dude.
tfw anya isnt on there
>picking an egirl waifu
Randy Taylor seems like the only one that hasnt become a complete degenerate because of this place. She just does her own thing.
I only know one of them there, can someone tell me the rest?
>If she was compatible with you, you would be with her right now
What a ridiculous statement. I said we were compatible, I didn't say we were soulmates or any dumb shit like that.
starting at the top, going left to right (Op's imagine NOT mine)
kasper, ciara, sunny, ????
marky, audrey, agatha, asteriaa
rose, ??maxie??, tahlia, kennedi
Autistic monkey. Continue to worship fake thots. I hope your idiotic heart breaks a hundred more times.
>no Ashley
your waifu roster sucks
holy shit this picture gave me a good laugh.
My favorite, forever. She's an angel.
You shut your god damn mouth. Im so sick of you. Some people are hanging by a fucking thread , a simple hello from one of them would be like a drop of water in the fucking desert for some of us, a reason to keep fighting . A basic gesture of human kindness would lift some people out of the deepest pits of blackness, but they wont do that will they? WILL THEY? They will go on taking another 50 selfies to send to chad , not blinking an eye as we bleed out and die right in front of them
Top left, she's cute and I'm a physics student so the NASA shirt got me a little hard.
seek professional help dude
not an original comment
Tahlia ruined all other women for me. I used to get crushes on normie women before I met her, but now I just find them repulsive. I never expected mutual understanding or stimulating conversation from a woman, but now that I've experienced that I can't bear the thought of being with a stupid normie woman with a stupid normie brain and stupid normie worldview. The thought of a normie woman raising my children one day sickens me.
Sure, there are other redpilled women out there, but they all expect wealthy stoic TradChad, they're not sympathetic and understanding.
It's been like a year since I last spoke to her and I still compare every woman I meet to her. Every word that comes out of their dumb normie mouths, in that horrible screeching voice I now notice all other women have, it all just sickens me.
Even if I married one of these normie women, I would still feel alone.
Other women don't even seem like real people compared to her.
They don't feel human, it's like they're empty shells.
She's a fucking angel, but I wish I'd never known she existed.
There really does need to be more good-hearted caring qt fascists in this world.
what are you talking about? both audrey and kasper talk to people all the time. just go into the youtube comments of videos they watch you can find them talking to people. audrey in plane videos and kasper in arthoe videos.
Trust me man, I've scoured the internet trying to find proof she's not genuine, just so I could break myself out of this.
There's nothing.
She's what she says she is, I wish I could believe otherwise, but I can't.
If you've managed to convince yourself of that, I won't try to take that comfort away from you.
Any from the top row or the first from the second row.
Oh hey you took my suggested add-ons and made the thread like you said you would. Hope you slept well user.
>She's what she says she is
No, not really. She's really fake and lies a lot.
Fucking hell
When will you Marky and Ciara fags just die from corona already.
R9K has a new girl in town. And she's actually pure, and most of all she doesn't do drugs, and she would never have sex with Sam Hyde.
I thought like 3 of these people were the same person for the longest time, dont get whats so special about them
who? kasper tahlia and sunny?
No idea what their names are
Tell me about Marky. What is her story.
it is now lmao
tell me their place on the image then. numbers.
top to bottem left to right.
They all look like my ex-gf.
None of these whores that's for sure lmao
Oh look... it's you again
Originally original
i'm really bored with this whole quarantine thing and wanted to visit the robot board
are you the girl who is talking to kasper in the youtube comments?
Beautiful angel Chiaki
based cultured man
no idk who most of you people are
i'm friends with a bunch of other e-girls who are popular here tho
Well at least you can be quarantined, I'm in the military and they still have us working, the only change is the food tastes worse and it's all wrapped in plastic now. Also all the on post fast food places are shut down so...
I can't wait to be discharged
How does it feel to know that someone else will make them happy, someone else will make them laugh and smile, but never you? Does it fill you with eternal sadness like it does me?
my bf works at a grocery store so we're able to get fresh food that i cook for dinners and stuff
really though the whole quarantine thing is taking a toll on my sleeping schedule and health otherwise
being trapped in one room is kinda weird
i wasn't meant to be a hikikomori lol
do you even need to ask at this point? isnt the answer obvious
At least you have a significant other rather than 1000 swarthy angry men as roommates.
Also tell your fans you have a boyfriend, so I can laugh when they all lose their minds.
lots of people already know but i'm trying to coalesce my online following because rn it's scattered over Yas Forums and a bunch of discords and stuff
that's why i'm trying to build up places like instagram and twitter i guess
>she would never have sex with Sam Hyde
major cope
there's not a girl in this world that wouldn't want to get dicked by him
i feel like sex with sam hyde would be like having a nightmare that you don't want to wake up from