Anybody else refuse to approach woman first? I can't now that I know they see it as demeaning and how it gives them power over you.
Anybody else refuse to approach woman first...
Yes, I refuse to interact with whores. They all have 100 orbiters and sugardaddies so I refuse to interact with them
Ass like that deserves a BBC. No others should
Absolutely, my only hope of getting a decent gf in the modern age is waiting for one to approach me first. Done with the stupid games.
What power does it give them exactly.
I gave up since 99.999% of them say they have a boyfriend, why bother...
The government should make it illegal for white males to try to talk to women. We need a world free of incels.
You've admitted that you want to fuck them, they know you are so attracted you felt compelled to approach them, while they were content to ignore you. You're chasing her and now she can lead you on and set the pace of the courtship.
The girl doesn't approach you first = she doesn't find you physically attractive. It's that simple. This is something that every guy should know.
So no power? That's what I thought.
White guys simply cannot be attractive for a girl unless they are celebrities or have a lot of money. Girls only chase after big black cock, true love only exists for black guys and sometimes latinos
i'd only approach if she gave me a signal that lets me know she wants to talk to me, like a smile or we kept locking eyes, something like that.
i never bought into all that pua cold approach shit, it's very forced. even if it did work and i "won" a girl over by talking to her, i wouldn't respect her much, because that would tell me she is very easily impressed and manipulated.
okay so this is obviously a glow thread
Don't know where you get the idea that they get power over you.. It just means they are a shy pussy. Reassess your values OP
>Reassess your values
go back to r/theredpill
You're naive. You literally walked up and begged to lick her pussy, not literally, but that's what you let her know you want to do by approaching first. She reeled you in like a Siren, now its time to play.
schizos take your meds
You're not begging to lick her pussy, you're walking up to her because you're a man and assertive, and she is shy and a pussy. The way it has ALWAYS been. Dumbass.
she's the one who gets to decide if your song and dance makes her open up her legs, not you, despite what your dumb fucking ass wants to believe
lol the average girl has a double digit body count and is extroverted. They are not shy, they just don't give a fuck about you unless you're ready to sell some soul.
Yes because SHE has a VAGINA and his DICK goes into her. He will fuck anyone, she won't, so when you approach her, you're giving her the option. Stop trying to twist shit and make it so YOU have the option. You are so fucking retarded I don't have the words to express it.
Only black men can be assertive. When a white boy walks up to a girl he looks like a retard
Your target are "Stacys" that have life handed on a silver platter. You focus on the statistical outliers like you always do and have expectations that are so high that you actually feel intimidated to approach said women in the way that you should. If you feel that, does it make logical sense to approach them?
Logic 101 services provided free of charge.
Welcome to the descent of the white race. if you truly believe this you're fucked.
Actually men have a higher body count on average but I completely agree that white males deserve to be alone and have no options.
the point is she has every bit of power in the situation, not you. you're a dancing monkey, so stop trying to make it appear that you're some big time alpha because if you're on here you're already a fucking joke just by association
i fucking love how these threads always drag out the guys who are still reading PUA shit
You're deluded to this she has power. The problem is your confidence level. Your low confidence outweighs any ssnse of people you think she has over you, and in fact you have probably given her.
>Your target are "Stacys" that have life handed on a silver platter.
One of my biggest crushes was a literal 4/10, but she has a double digit body count like most girls so I knew to not even try.
Nah they usually just stand next to you awkwardly until you talk to them, or they look at you from afar, or they say some cryptic shit like "I like your shirt".
This man is right.
>Women in general dont have life handed on a silver platter
>Youre a pussy if you dont want to go out of your way complementing a roastie just to get a slight chance of sex
Maybe in another lifetime roastoid, I aint taking care of tyrone
Any guy older than 16 should have a double digit body count. Let me guess, you are white or underweight?
Thats fucking bullshit, the only men with higher body counts are Chads and fags.
Retyping because it has a lot of errors sorry
You're deluded to think she has power. The problem is your confidence level. Your low confidence outweighs any sense of power you think she has over you In fact your low confidence has probably given her the power you fear.
how do you even live with yourself? how do you deal with situations when you get rejected by women and still maintain this delusional sense of yourself? every time you get rejected that means its a blow to your confidence because it means your confidence wasn't good enough for her. are you going to say that you're so confident that you don't care that your confidence wasn't good enough for her? lol i really do love you types, you're filled with so many mental issues
She rejected you because you weren't right for her. Keep approaching and keep your chin up. That confidence is attractive.
As a woman, i don't think I've ever been approached first. It's embarrassing
I'm clearly not 'crush' material.
I'm clearly not hot enough to be as weird as I am
if your confidence was attractive then...she would have been attracted to you. the more you say it the more it proves you're living in a delusion and ignoring evidence
It always felt weak to approach women imo. I have never done it and never will. I have been asked out more times than a fat fuck like me should as well.
Nope, men have higher body count at every socio economic level.
This. White guys will never have the confidence to get a girl
I'm not ignoring evidence. She left you for a reason right? What more needs to be said?
You actually believe that shit? You a grade A simp.
yes, you are ignoring evidence. you just said it's about confidence. so if it was all about confidence, and you get rejected, that means your confidence wasn't good enough. so how do you remain confident if a girl just gave you evidence that you are not confident enough for her?
you're just lying to yourself bruh
this is how i feel. it seems desperate to me. i always operate better when i meet women casually or by chance because they see that i'm not just some weirdo trying to smash. i just feel like if i were woman, i'd get sick of having dudes stare at me and enter my personal space and assume i want anything to do with them in the first place. it's insulting and it's also like, alright man, i get it, you're trying to bust a nut, but leave me alone.
Then they are qualities about yourself you can't control. Stop taking their leavings to heart and what remains is yourself in confidence. It wouldn't have worked if you stayed happy about who you are anyway since she left you for other reasons so it wouldn't have mattered in the end. Is this clearer?
Only simps believe that women actually get more sex than men. You probably dont even have girls calling you up late at night
>You probably dont even have girls calling you up late at night
The vast majority of men don't
so now it isn't all about confidence. this is why no one wants to listen to you types anymore, you change your tune once you get in arguments like this. you just let me guide you around like a bitch
you're delusional if you believe women don't fuck like that dude
>"please notice me I am dying to bang you"
Pick one
retards like that think girls don't know what they're trying to do, its funny as fuck. you think she doesn't know you want to fuck her lmao?
I'll initiate contact but I don't pursue women. I find I have more success when I act disinterested in them desu.
>I dont believe in statistics! Women are so much better than me!
Same here. First I was just too shy but now since I'm a regular joe (prostitution is legal in my country) I have lost almost all interest in "regular" women.
Also I want them to "learn" that men aren't spoonfeeding them all the time and that they have to make an effort, although I know it's a drop in the bucket
Be happy about who you are and people will be naturally drawn to you. The word "aura" is in the dictionary for a reason.
alright Dr. Love, link me to your Fuck Studies. i guess you're also expecting me to pretend people don't lie about who/how many people they've had sex with.
women approach men first.
it is your job to pick up on the hints and act.
man also, you're shooting yourself in the foot by revealing that you equate the number of sexual partners to some vague social value. women by and large have more options. it's not because they're 'better', it's literally basic biology.
White boys cannot be considered men
yea i can feel your aura, you're a complete dumb ass that everyone tolerates because they don't want to be rude and tell you to fuck off
you don't have a point, you're just throwing out retarded feel good sayisms like some self help guru, it's embarrassing really
even if he's talking about average number of partners, reminder that if in a pool of 100 men one Chad is fucking 500 women while the other 99 guys are left to dry, the average number of partners for the men is still 5
Basic biology is that men sleep around more and settle down later in life. Its also basic economy and basic anthropology. Men statistically have more sexual partners in life. I wouldnt expect a simp who puts women above everything else to understand.
My point has been made very clear. I think you're the idiot for not getting a directly explicit point, but we'll agree to disagree then.
>trying using this logic while all the prostitutes with the highest body count are female
Biggest cope I have ever heard. You are trying to justify the fact that you are too much of a pansy to approach women. Let me ask you a question: do you initiate conversations with people? If yes, why do you assume they will not reject your offer to have a conversation with you? See, it is a silly thing to say, because no one will reject that offer - but will you ever initiate a conversation with a person you hate? Of course not, because you know they will reject you. The same follows for asking people out; you know for a fact that they will reject you, therefore you use a coping mechanism, such as pride, to inflate your worth.
>refuses to approach women first
>but posts new threads
Maybe this is a better way of saying it. Yes, people will be turned off by 's rampant autism and say they aren't interested, but there is /nothing/ he can do to change it. So instead, just be happy about who you are and someone out there will find it charming, no matter how unlikely. It's the only direction to follow, not the fake one since people will eventually catch on and be turned off immediately.
That should be better, right?
Whites are the biggest slayers and any level of fitness bar fat and its extremes (obesity, morbid obesity) is alright with women.
You're retarded.
>Basic biology is that men sleep around more
You are assuming that the normal man CAN do that. He can't. A life like that is exclusive for gigaChads.
Remember being in high school? Remember all your male classmates? Do you believe over 50% of them were drowning in pussy? That is ridiculous and if you believe it you are delusional.
a better way of saying it is you're a complete moron who overdosed on motivational posters lol.
also now you're saying i should just be myself despite the fact you first claimed it was about confidence? please stop giving out advice, you really don't know what you're talking about, you're all over the place
>high school
White boys are this retarded
I have never approached girls.
I have often been the wingman who had to calm pissed off girls down and got to know them that way. I got approached on some very rare occasion, and I fell into relationships with girls who I talked with due to school or work stuff. If I like a girls looks, I will try eye contact and smile a bit if she isnt with a bunch of other people.
But I absolutely refuse to be that slimy asswipe that walks up to her and parrots his pre-practiced pick-up line of the week.
That is not being "assertive", that is being a fucking nuisance. You could as well ask her for some spare change too while you are already busy begging.
Put it this way, if you werent juggling multiple girls in your childhood you must have been a total fucking failure or going to some modest uppety school for white brainiac virgins
The average woman can be with as many men as she wants, sexually at least.
You know what they say, women fuck who they want, men fuck who they can
Even a low-tier woman has access to top-tier dick (of course she won't be able to get a relationship with a genetically superior male, but she can still get fucked by him at least).
Do you think the same applies to an average guy, let alone a below average one? Do you think these guys have access to top-tier pussy?
Yes, but because I see myself as a monster and I dont want to bother them, but at the same time society shames and criticize me because I cant manage to find a partner despite already being an adult.
Its like...what Im supposed to do if Im an awkward looser? Stop participating in society and become a neet? Go to jail?