Convinced another person who never did cutu to start to cutu for me

>convinced another person who never did cutu to start to cutu for me
The B in tag should be smol desu. Why is this making my chest feel so good? Do you cutu user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

making a fine good looking scarification for body art if the scars going well

I somewhat liked you bigu, I really did. You're threads were annoying but you at times had some interesting things to say. Now I see that you're just another disgusting degenerate.

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eeh. lame. try again when you have people confess their love to you only for you to crush them like an insect.

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Youre trying to be the next Reiko but its not working.

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Reiko didn't do shit you mongoloid underaged itoddler.

haha! who's the stupid faggot? someone from Yas Forums or /bant/?
also, slit your throat discord nigger

big fucking cringe

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Heloo why disgusting? Ya I'm degen bc mentally I'll.
Eeh one girl irl confessed me like 6 years ago and I hurt her emotionally.

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Reiko troomer wannabe. NEXT!

This is what happens when your worthless mother is a whore who sleeps around with men and lets them cum inside her stretched roasty pussy. OP was terribly raised and probably abused and voila, you have a genetic fuckup. I mean the people who cut themselves for this faggot are also similarly worthless and probably trannies so I really don't give a shit. But it's nice to remind myself that I actually had a good upbringing compared to this massive loser. Jesus fucking Christ his mother and father were useless pieces of shit.

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Cringe. Why samefag saying same thing again?
I'm not a genetic fuckup. Ya my parents were trash but I'm finally away from them.

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You are a fuckup. The most integral parts of your life are your childhood. Obviously they fucked up and made you the thing that you are today. It's ok, maybe you'll get a better start next life, oh wait, we only live once. Bigudigu, continue to make trannies cut themselves... when do you think youll commit suicide? I give you 5 years tops.

Why does nobody post Bigu's dick pics

Yep, you are cringe.

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bcuz nobody wants to see that.

killu ur selfu faggu

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The poster above is someone else but we had the same thought. Crazy, am I right?

I'm a fuck up mentally but not genetically. Why should I kms? I got the diagnosis that I'm so mentally ill I cant funtction in society which allows me to get neetbuxx even though I'm 18yo and I will go to uni in like 2 yearsu so everything is oke.
Nobody will post something they have paid or cutu for desu.
No u.
That's why posters number didn't raise right?

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Well done user , pls convince more fags to cutu for you so they can slowly work up the courage to kill themselves.

>no u
makeu me faggu
you speak like an absolute retard and you are a disgusting pos who dont have the balls to cut himself. prove me wrong
absolutely no one likes you or will miss you

so you cut yourself to pretend someone else did it? lame...

Interesting well I hope one day you kill yourself. Like above poster said you lack the balls to do that, and even your fuckup genetics probably would make you fuck up that too. Fag.

you're an insane psycho
hope you die t b h

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No u. I can't cutu in psych ward.
I'm in a psych wardu.
Why should I kms?

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If you want to a mentally ill tranny thats fine. But please refrain from encouraging others to perform self-harm.
You do understand the moral issues with that right? Or do you just not care?

Kill urself u fucking faggot no one fucking likes u its not our fault u were dropped on ur head as a baby so fuck off this board and slit ur wrists u fucking piece of shit scum

because you're annoying fucking posts are ruining this board you newfaggot piece of shit.... Jesus fucking christ, is that all you have to offer? some mentally ill tranny cutting themselves? boring.

I hate discordfags so much. Why are you here?

oh no im in a psychward. you can kill yourself in a psychward
kill yourself already you absolute smooth brained degenerate. you are worse than the tranny shillers

My psych said it's morally not good but me doing it is oke and she doesn't judge.
Psych ward sent me to a skull mri on first weeku to see if I have brain damage bc I'm so mentally ill. I dont have brain damage desu so I wasn't stopped on my head baka.
Why are you so mad?
Why shouldn't I be on r9k?
I meant I cant cutu in psych ward. Why should I kms when I'll get neetbuxx in a few weeksu?

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he wants attention and for god knows what reason we all took the bait

Take your pills schizoid.
Original post is original

you clearly have brain damage from the way you speak
you are just a pussy, go make a rope from your bedsheets and die already
>but neetbuxx
where do i submit a complaint that you are a danger to society and should not receive anything from the state

I don't really care about attention desu.
Schizoid =/= Schizo. Why should I take pillsu just bc I don't care about irl interaction? Brainlet.
I got brain mri which proves I don't have brain damage. I'm not a danger for society.

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>My psych said it's morally not good
And they're correct to say that.
>but me doing it is oke and she doesn't judge
Why is it okay for you to do it?
>she doesn't judge
I'm not too sure what you're saying but i'm just gonna assume you mean that the person you encouraged to self-harm was okay with it (?).
Surely you understand that some people will be okay with/ do things that aren't good for them. Even if they might say they are okay with something, that doesn't mean you should encourage them to do it. A good person and a good friend will tell someone when they're doing something bad and discourage them from doing it, because a good person cares about what's best for that individual. Perhaps valuing yourself and others would be good for you.

then why they fuck are you here

>im not a danger but i make people harm themselfes
do you fail to see the connection

also how does it feel to know literally everyone hates you?

Is life harder now that the one guy who knew how to do all this shit died?
It looks harder.

Psych said she doesn't judge about what I do and it's oke that I do it. Hmm cutu is just cutu nothing more.
Not everyone hates me.
What do you mean?

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who, literally who doesnt hate you?

Some people on discord don't hate me desu.

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holy fuck you are disgusting scum

Which one do you think will happen first, will the worthless tranny kill themselves or will someone else put them out of their misery?

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You know exactly what I meant, faggot. OP is clearly trying to be the next ~edgy quirky discord personality~

Me and are different people retard. Btw all the people youve posted on here only have little cat scratches.

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No u.
Hmm I surely won't kill myself in the next yearsu bc of neetbuxx and I don't think someone would killu me. And I'm not a tranny baka.

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I hope coronachan drowns you in your own fluids. Retards like you should be culled and not allowed to leech resources.

Corona would fugu me bc I have asthma and my normal bpm is like 95 but it wouldn't killu me. I'm not a retard baka.

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I'm inventing a time machine, going back to 2004, and beating your pregnant mother to death.

She was pregnant in 2001 though.

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Oh em gee this is so cool like i cant even

I dont know why im having sexual thoughts about your pregnant mother with you inside.

Theres no point bro hes made loads of these retarded threads and he will keep annoying us all

i used to like you
i think you're just an edgy asshat now though

I feel bad for him honestly

Stop this habit retards its horrible and not at all cute

He really is hes just too schizoid to care

How could anyone feel anything but contempt at the sight of your post, your life and your degeneracy? Your human being status has been revoked, so that no one will ever feel shame anymore for having to share this earth with your pitiful existence.


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>Read this thread.
>Remember I blackmailed some pedo into suicide.
Eh not impressed. You just used pussy as a reward. How about you use a bycicle chain to the head as a motivation you absolute shithead.

>normal bpm is like 95
lmfao are you kidding? ur fucking dead, kiddo :)

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Hmm why would you need a gf who would pay for everything if you can just get neetbuxxu?
Eeeeh? Meanie.
My mental health fugud ya but everything will be fine.
Schizoid is an oke personality disorder. So idk why you mention it.
No u baka.
Edgy cringe.

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You are a smooth brain retard and a waste of resources. People like you are the reason we need to take away social programs and make you fags starve.