We haven't had a robot test thread in some time, so lets have one. I'm a wizard apprentice...

We haven't had a robot test thread in some time, so lets have one. I'm a wizard apprentice. If you score slightly strange or higher, you should probably leave this board.

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I got 108, so I guess im a normal fag even though im fucked in the head. jfl at this test

48. I guess I'm right where I belong

I got 6-12
I say that because some questions I was on the fence about

But i'm on my way to improving that number soon

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I got 21 guess i need to find /wizard/

117 made it by one point lol

76. I've always thought I was a cyborg. I recently quit drugs in favour of doing normal fag activity's with friends. But they can still sense something is a bit off about me. Only reason I'm a cyborg is because I didn't score a single point for mental issues. In fact it's 4am now and I'm loaded on vallium I should sleep.

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23. Been doing these tests for 3 years now, and I'm still stuck at 23. I don't think I'll ever make it bros

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Hail the grand wizard (?)

128. Compared to ~40 the very first time I took this. But that must have been at least 5-6 years ago and I was a teenager.

70 cyborg. Almost no points from mental but getting laid in HS and not being a weeb apparently racks up a lot of points. Git fukt robits.

63. Most points are in physical and accomplishment. Thanks for the test, OP.

Fuck, got an 83
Guess I could take that down to an 80 if I don't count an iPhone 6 as a decent smartphone

I got 49 but Im only 18. Thats normal, right?

yes indeed I suppose

But im sure not proud of being a grand wizard

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Im 18 and got 21 user

The reason I scored highly is because I'm content with my life. I realised that feeling depressed is a conscious choice and that during my limited time here I'm not gonna spend my time feeling sad just because I haven't stuck my dick into a wet hole and have no friends.

We just have to keep praying that we all make it one day. Even though it's hard to believe, god is on our side

20 yo, got 117. Still feel shitty about myself (got least points in mental)

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just turned 19 and got 63

>1 point in mental

Got 104, but honestly I do feel more like 'Slightly Strange'. I guess I ranked up a few points by luck (having a girlfriend once got me up like 12 points or so).

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50, I'm not surprised in the least.

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don't know if my faces attractive or nah .

also dated 12-14 girls or so, have a certain anxiety from sexual performance , I had oral,handjobs and shoved the tip in a few times with diff girls, I don't think it counts tho

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bomp dat shit bruha

I got 122 assuming all the other things correct.

I don't feel like a chad.

I think the last time I took this I scored 58

arent you the dude who wants to get in a fight with a dominos pizza delivery guy in israel?

yeah, I still wanna kill him.

Went to his house , He wasn't home, btw is my face attractive or nah?
am I a virgin or nah ?

Im a failed chad

High points in all categories except for social

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Physical: 17
Mental: 18
Social: 13
Accomplishments: 13
Bonus Round: 18
Total: 79

Almost slightly strange, not bad. I'll keep trying to improve no matter what

77 cyborg, pretty accurate. Next to no points in accomplishments

shut up u beta fag

imo you're a 7/10, however that doesn't matter because you post here and that means you've already lost.

You're average at best senpai 6/10

How can I improve?

I consider getting a palate expander and lefort 1

Isn't 5/10 avg?

60 cyborg. Pretty accurate description, since I think there's something wrong with both bots and normies. Different things wrong, I should clarify.

43. Made me realize with the lack of school I haven't talked to my "friends" in days and kept leaving my room to a minimum. Definitely need to put more effort into relationships and crawl out of this hole.

i got 52 even with the +6 bonus for being female. so close to cyborg yet so far

34. How can all of you score so highly but still feel like losers?

56, I'm right where I belong.

62, but with one good relationship i could become slightly strange.

What do I do?

OP here, same exact score I got. I don't know how some people score so high honestly

in the past 3 years since i took this test, i have only earned 1 more point.

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severe bipolar disorder adhd and depression are the only reasons im here

45 and the last time i did the test i scored 72

i have scored between 50 and 75 trough out the years. I get most of my points from physical and accomplishment, but its the very poor mental and almost no social life that really makes the robot.
I hope i may oneday ascend to slightly strange, its the best i could every hope for. If you ever scored robot you will never be able to become a true normalfag.

70 points. Description fits, except replace "outsider" by "insider". I have no issue fitting to any environment and as such, I can find ways to derive pleasure and entertainment from any situation. I will stand as the bridge between two forever separate worlds.

also YikYak aint even a thing anymore. /oldtest/

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I think Corona-chan might bring me down but 102 at present.

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not bad at all bro

67, expected it to be lower welp i guess it makes sense i do not fit to the outside world at all but i do have hobbies besides vidya

I wouldn't consider myself above chad level at all. A normie, sure, but not chad. I think this test needs a re-work.

41, though the female/smartphone points are a little skewing

>tfw 59 border cyborg
>tfw struggle to feel any human emotion at all and the last time i hung out with someone was six months ago

>tfw you just discovered Yas Forums the other day and you're more of a robot than 99% of them
You guys make me sick. Whenever I say I'm a 5'11" white guy with a 6" dick and deep voice, you go, "ugh get out of here chad" YOU FAGGOTS are closer to Chad than me.

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>Whenever I say I'm a slightly above average height white guy with a slightly above average dick size

Woah watch out everybody we got gigachad in the chat

Did you not even read the whole post?


Anyone above 58 should leave this board. You don't belong here.

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got an 84 here, were one point away from each other and i think that's kinda cool

17. I should probably change my life but at 22 I think it's far far too late, and do I really want to?

i think we had one of these threads about 4 days ago but it could have been 2 weeks