Why do incels think that women owe them something? It is a mans job to ask the women out we only have to sit back...

Why do incels think that women owe them something? It is a mans job to ask the women out we only have to sit back. Why wont you just accept rejection?

Attached: Some+chick+who+browses+4chan+dont+know+her+name+but+_1c61ab934949391c056cc3dfca098e23.jpg (768x1024, 129.3K)

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will you have sex with me, femanon?

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No sorry I am a lesbian.

okay that's hot i'm going to jerk off to that later

eww u fucking weirdo.

I know right? i don't owe them a damn thing they're supposed to be doing the heavy lifting

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i've accepted your rejection now i am going to jerk off. what's the problem?

ur kinda cute.

much thanks

>get rejected by dozens of women in a row
>say I've given up
>get called a misogynist and lectured on how women don't owe me shit

The only thing women owe them is taking care of their baby, that is it. Because it's the man's baby too.


Why do women think that men owe them anything? Especially considering how sluttish women are like thegirl in your pic who posted nudes on Yas Forums.
>It is a mans job to ask the women out we only have to sit back.
OR we can just rape you.
>Why wont you just accept rejection?
Pic related

Stay mad you dumb cunt whore

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Team mini girl still around? Never understood why someone so pretty would be doing on r9k and posting nudes as well like wtf?

If you call for rape of women, you must be OK with us gaycels raping your ass

I dont owe society my labor and taxdollers.

>Why wont you just accept rejection?
>Why dont you just lay down and die?

And before you mention >there are plenty of other fish in the sea, men weren't meant to build and rip attachment at a womans convenience, men evolved in small tribes where relationships were more or less settled by 20 years old.

The only reason why you want men to accept rejection is to avoid having to tell them to their face they dont deserve to exist.

It's kinda hard to maintain a modern society when you tell most of the men sustaining all your infrastructure that they dont deserve to reproduce past their current utility.

But you're a dumb fucking bitch and probably wont give me a serious reply so go fuck yourself cunt.

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Except you do, sweetie.
> uses public roads
> uses public infrastructure

What's the problem with somebody finding that disgusting? Insecure faggot

I want to bend rapists over and shove a sharpened pole up their asses. See how they like rape then.

> uses public roads
> uses public infrastructure
Yeah, to get to my shitty job, retard. Society is shit so I dont owe it shit.

Reproduction is the highest resource and can be argued to contribute to psychological health, where are the government mandated GFs then?

Exactly. I'm simply calling out the hypocrisy of incelfags when it comes to rape

No incels rape for reproduction, you rape and produce HIV/AIDS/COVID-19

> Yeah, to get to my shitty job
Doesn't matter why, just the fact that you use it.
Government mandated prostitution isn't a solution to anything, just pay one. If you think government is going to make a girl love you, cope.

Do you expect me to believe that?
The truth is, rapists simply can't stop behaving like animals, and rape poor women because their dick got hard.
Which is just as much of an argument for male on male rape.

You cant pay for a wife, you can pay for a womb but I want a wife to help raise our kid.

Stockholm syndrome will develop in any man and woman that are forced together and they will learn to love eachother.

I guess Stockholm syndrome will develop if I kidnap you and fuck your ass until it prolapses too, sweetie

>Being this much of a brainlet
I'm convinced trannies have brain damage. I wouldnt need to use it if I didnt have to wagecuck. Our taxdollers get redistributed to welfare niggers and single moms while we get nothing back and all you got us "m-muh roads!!!" Maybe I'll just become a section 8 nigger.

Maybe get out of the US
> my tax dollars pay for cheap education, free healthcare, and cheap food
Feels good to be european

Women think that men owe them all their heart desires, the difference is our modern society is designed to cater to and fullfill their every last wish. We live in a matriarchy. Feminists, which is all women whether they consider themself one or not, because they are a hivemind, make constant demands like a terrorist group. All MRA groups are demonized. Most homeless are men? Let them die. Most suicides are by men? Let them die. This model is unsustainable and will birth a movement like ISIS in the near future. When enough men have been abandoned by society, they've often ignited civil war.

Because we all need sex and companionship

no such thing. Lesbians in lesbo LTRs are miserable and sexless. Lezzing out casually can be fun, but other than that, women need a nice big cock to keep them happy

Know you know why guys shoot up schools

Why do women hate rape so much? Jesus fucking christ.

>It is a mans job to ask the women o

This is why you're an incel.

Your job is to build attraction until she's ALL OVER YOUR DICK. You won't have to ask anything at that point.

I have no problem with this. Getting forcefully fucked by a dude is a fantasy of mine. Heck, I would be raping hot guys if it were legal. And so would most girls

Sluts need to get raped tho.

>The only reason why you want men to accept rejection is to avoid having to tell them to their face they dont deserve to exist.
pretty much this

I am a male feminist and I want women to get disfigured and made into subhumans

then get yourself a bdsm switch bf

kill yourself op, this is low tier bait.

>Maybe get out of the US
I cant. I dont have a 4 year degree so cant work anywhere really. Europe is pretty gay. I'd unironically rather be a rich man in Mexico.

>sharpened pol
>somehow compared to a nice smooth sexy cock
okay nigger

Cock is not a sharpened stick.

White knight nigger faggot


okay nigger

I am okay with male rape as long as raping sluts is legal. Just be gentle and make sure the other person cums as well, and its fine

>fuck your ass until it prolapses too
I said GENTLE, faggot

>We live in a matriarchy.
We live in a patriarchy, its just that the patriarchy is ruled by simps. Simps, not women, are the reason why rape and disfiguring sluts is illegal

But yeah, societal double standards will turn even normie guys into Elliot style incels at this rate

They hate having sex with ugly guys (even consensually, which is the only reason Weinstein got fucked)

Women want to get "raped" by Chads tho, see r/rapekink

I want a stacey slut wife to fuck Chads with

Incels just try to avoid natural selection with everything they can. That's why they also use violence if they can't get what they want or you could even say, need. They are scared that they'll leave this world without any trace.
Or they just seek validation from a women because they didn't get the attention from their mother.

Why do you assume a part of the population is representative for all of it?
Some men are cucks, are you a cuck too?

We seek validation from women because only women are able to make us happy

I want a tranny gf to rape chad with. Then beat him to near death with bats and light him on fire as he clings to life.

I doesn't even matter what you look like. Just ram the g-spot over and over and she'll cum.

Based fellow EU user, may you find your perfect gf anonnette

Fucking moron. You wanna talk about real law of the jungle? Rape and violence was the way most men reproduced.
>duh muh mommy issues

>Some men are cucks, are you a cuck too?
Um, sorta, yeah. I mean, if I had a wife, I would absolutely fantasize about her getting properly fucked by chads while I watch and join in. I think this is a common fantasy among a lot of guys

r/rapekink features women who are sexually conscious. They are not sexually repressed women as women have traditionally been raised. So they are definitely representative of what women deep down truly want.

Seethe more faggot

Pretty sure women hate having sex with ugly guys tho

Women dont mind if Chad rapes and beats them, because hot guys make everything hot for them

Well, let's try again.
Some men are into dick torture and being raped by other men, are you into it too?

>while I watch and join in
You don't get to join when I'm fucking your wife dicklet

Just rape em and make them cum, theres no difference

Yes, getting raped by another dude is a fantasy of mine as well. I am still straight tho

My wife my rules. I will fuck you whether you like it or not. The justice system does not care about sexual violence against men, and i will take full advantage of that

chad only

>I am still straight tho
>wants to both fuck and get fucked by men
Sorry to break the bad news but you're not straight

>My wife my rules.
I respect that
>I will fuck you whether you like it or not.
You better be 6'5 and at least 200lbs to be able to have any credibility in saying that