Big Baz mumbling "it's just da fookin floo, simple as" whilst the nurse sets up the ventilator edition
1st for comfy tuck posting
project Zyphr happening soon lads...
People acting as if the coronavirus is just a flu and people acting as if it's the bubonic plague are both equally retarded and should not be taken seriously.
Simple as.
comfy anime jazz
is it actually a replica of england, could I drive down and check out my house?
I prefer comfy tech death jazz
>comfy anime jazz
fuck off pedophile
Just got back from Sainsburys. They had bread and potatoes so I picked some up. Along with a couple cans of beer of course.
No the M40 is about 10 minutes long lol
Report from the club last night. A shit load of young people turned up as well as the core group of regular boomers. The gaffer reckons the place will closed for 4 weeks and if it's any longer then the place might not re-open. Dark times when the local is on the drink lids.
Also we didn't leave until well after midnight deadline but from what I've seen on Facebook there were lots of people still out on piss until the early hours. I'm expecting a full on booze run today, all the deanos and bazzas will be stocking up on crates of carling.
Do you smoke weed laddy?
Probably not drive past your house lad, it has the major cities mapped out and stuff
There are a handful of 1:1 scale map mods but they are pretty shit
Going to watch the Puella Magi Madoka film later after finishing the series last night.
Timing it to coincide with the fajitas mummy's making. I've also got a tub of benn and jerry's for pud pud.
Will be maximum comfynesstimes.
nonce > 57257845
Reminder that if you get through this uninfected, you will be in the 20% of still fertile males.
The hareem awaits.
luv anime
'ate nonce posters
simple as
Google "ets2 map" to see what you can drive on
Trying to find a normal sized image of it to post is fucking annoying me tbqh
Fucking hell the coronavirus has reached Madagascar.
It's an interesting take on the mahou shoujo genre.
I remember watching Cardcaptors on ITV when I'd get back from school. I loved the art style and didn't even know what anime was at the time.
I'd also watch the Mischief Makers intro on repeat.
so much nostalgia
Wait if I get infected I can still coom right?
any /runescape/ lads in?
Hopefully not, you sick fucking paedophile scumbag.
>mayuri and the discord anime nonce crew have arrived
It'll feel like having needles jammed into your testicles.
The ultimate coomer challenge.
Spastic nonce
I love this guy's work.
It's like borderline anime style but still realistic.
I'd really like to get a print of something one day.
Tommy Robinson beats up dirty niggers and pakis
>beneifts increased to 400 quid
>don't have to attend the job center for 4 months
Tommy is unironically a legend. should've just run the lot of them over.
I hope the army does come out and start shooting "people" like this.
Is this an OK message for mummy?
>Dear Mum,
>Thank you for all of your love and support over the last year. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope that you have a nice mother's day.
heard a rumour Tommy loves nonces if they're white
heard a rumour poley loves whites if they're nonces
I needed this lad. Cheers.
I'm at my girlfriend's house and am about to shit myself. However, when I went to the toilet there was a massive shit already in the bowl which I tried to flush and it wouldn't. I had to call my girlfriend and now she and her sister (the shitter) are arguing because she let me see said shit. Now the whole family is trying to get the shit flushed and I'm hoping the two massive shots I did yesterday aren't involved as I had to flush multiple times while stabbing and pushing them with a toilet brush.
Hope my ESA bennies go up.
>that cuckold cop at the end
>tfw my amp died two days ago
>l live in an shitty American comedy movie
Why the fuck are you posting these 2 fucking jewish wastemen up on here
This is why you keep a wire coat hanger in the bathroom, it's perfect for cutting up behemoths like this.
This time of year gives me flashbacks to being in my teens, depressed and with only my mum in my life. She worked full-time throughout the summer and I usually spent every day at home wishing I had somewhere to be, or someone to talk to, feeling too hot indoors with a flushed face etc, walking around, playing video games until I had a headache, staring into the mirror and feeling disgusting and pathetic. Now I'm almost thirty and am back in that situation. Just went for a ten minute walk and it felt totally pointless. People driving about, dual-carriageway full of cars with people talking and on their way somewhere. I may as well not exist. I barely do already.
*steals anyway*
Just use your hands lid
I just stomp it down the shower.
anyone know if there's a site/method of opening the latest britfeel thread without having to go to r9k catalogue and do it manually?
Use and the select the first element in id=threads
That's the only way.
Bookmark it
Worth noting that when I pasted the url it was automatically formatted to >>> format
On the shitter as we speak. Praying this shit wants to flush. Its not hard so hopefully it's a good sign. Will update momenterally
havent seen truckposting for a while, it's VERY nice to see it again
Nothing worse than pooing when you cant relax. Good luck
Got fucking laid off a week short of my probation period because some clients dropped my company and they panicked and didn't want me to stay on long enough for a severance package.
I'm a little REEEE about it, lads.
tbhwy lads, i'm insecure about having gone to a comprehensive school
Yeah lad i was wondering where it all went, been driving around taking a few pics of muh sexy daf
We need more trucker frens tbqh
I'm happy to report that said faecal matter is now on its way to the coast
Had my corona results back and not only were they negative but it turns out that I'm immune!
They want to use my blood to fast track a vaccine, and said they would cover all expenses and that I would save millions of lives worldwide.
I'm not quite ready to go back to work however so I politely declined, haha.
>some clients dropped my company
What job was it?
Naa lad. Don't like the high. Decided to stop taking illegal drugs a while ago anyway.
Not him but I had a few days off last week, and a couple of accidents so lost cash. Still working on getting the money for muh truck. Usually go volvo FH16 I love them and the noise they make (in game) , but think going to go down the DAF route this time
Working from home reminds me of panic revising for A-level exams and panic writing my dissertation after leaving both until the last minute and being locked in my room 23 hours a day, stressed out of my mind
You could work from home and start self harming and send all the bloody tissues to different hospitals around the world.
On my way to Clapham to see my old cellmate from Highdown lads. Were plotting with the 37 guys this weekend
Junior dev at a small digital marketing company. Some of the clients were restaurants and other hospitality services.
I went to a comprehensive school too. What about it are you insecure about?
Sorry to hear it mate desu baka.