U guize kno the drill.
>cathartic letter thread
Vent. Confess. Get stuff of your chest and mind!
U guize kno the drill.
>cathartic letter thread
Vent. Confess. Get stuff of your chest and mind!
Other urls found in this thread:
Make letter bread.
Nobody, write.
Whatta world.
Dear J
No level of stupidity will ever beat the time u broke our cash to buy a turkish delight otw to a deal, forcing us to drive 3km out of our way in peak traffic to find another atm. fuck you, you retard.
regards, V
dear n,
you have full handedly brought the quality of my life down lower than it has ever before, entrapping me in a sexless relationship. becoming totally dependent on me from your ocd. guilting me when i went to class. it's affected my academics to the point that i don't know if i'll graduate. my self esteem? nonexistent, because you reject me nonstop. you're a coomer, who looks at hentai, porn subreddits, and pedobait anime garbage and anorexic internet whores instead of wanting to fuck your living, breathing, hot gf. people approach me at my job, in the street, asking me out, complimenting me. you just fucking ignore me. more than a year of our relationship sexually, has been absolute garbage to the point where i think came a total of two times in 2019. 2019 was spent with a 11 month deadbedroom. no kisses. no fucking. nothing. it's degrading and humiliating. but you know i can't leave, because you're literally fucking helpless. you break down over picking your own clothes, choosing a spoon, and any other things anyone normal takes for granted. i curse myself over and over for not establishing proper boundaries, for not voicing my concerns earlier. now i'm fucking trapped in the cycle of asking you to improve yourself, you listening for a week, and then having your efforts stop as soon as i stop lighting a fire under your ass. if i leave you now, you'll definitely break down even more. the saddest part, is that you still "love me" and i can see that. it's just so fucking difficult to hide or ignore your mental illness, your useless porn and mental illness broken dick, and how i can't go more than an hour without you pestering me for retarded shit like filling your waterbottle - because you can't do it. i'm a glutton for punishment, so i do it anyway. hating myself even more. i have never been closer to suicide than now, knowing that a fucking adult man, who pushes my advances away, just uses me.
i hate you so much for saying that you loved me and now just abandoning me. i thought we were soulmates. i thought you were special.
either you are so horrible this is how you treat someone you love or you dont love me. i dont want to think about which is worse. i dont want to think about you at all - i know you are trying to do the same. you'll meet someone else soon and start a life and think about this stupid loreto boy and think about how dumb our relationship was and maybe you'll miss me and pretend like oh i loved him.
you didnt love me. this isnt how you treat people you love. you are a piece of shit. ill be dead soon and the last thought in my brain before i cease to exist will be how much you fucking suck for leaving.
It's unfortunate that I'll probably never see you again because of this whole virus mess. I know you didn't care that much and we were casual, but you were still a very positive influence on my life and being with you taught me a lot of green flags to keep an eye out for the next time I'm talking to someone. I guess "better to have loved and lost" and all that, even if this end was unsatisfying the experience as a whole was worth it. Also since this is an anonymous site and I can say anything without my usual inhibitions, you fucked like a succubus and I won't soon forget how it felt.
It's ok not to be ok. You are so strong and I am so proud of you for that.
Dear J,
In the end things tend to get better with wear. A rock becomes polished and smooth. Marveled. A geode reveals it's gems. 2 sticks rubbed enough will start a fire. Fire burns the excess unhealthy vegetation. Afterwords it promotes new growth from the ashes and supports the health of the remainder left after the fire.
That's why I know you will forgive me after I rub sticks on your face until they light up with that good burn.
I love ya bud, but let's be honest. You were an ass last night. I was thinking after I got off and I don't enjoy being yelled at. Yes, I didn't heal you. I couldn't do it in time. You are right. I don't have my shortcuts set up. This doesn't make me inept. I just value the game in a different way. I use it to spend time with you.
Dear I,
I know we spoke last night, but I don't think we'll ever see each other again. I know I never treated you the way I should have, and I'm sorry. It sounds clique, but I didn't realise how lucky I was until it was over. I wanted to get together with you last night to reconcile and tell you just how much I love you. But you had to sleep with my friend. You couldn't go just one month without emotional support. That is weakness, and tells me everything I need to know about you. Women are women, but this is pathetic.
I don't know what to do now. We were supposed to get back together and spend these last few months of uni together, but now I'm alone and you are too. This was all my fault, but if you'd been able to keep your legs together, I'd like to think you could've forgiven me.
Dear A,
I see how it ended like it did. I regret and blame myself for a lot, but I can see where we both messed up and how it all snowballed particularly for me mentally. I never thought it would end, I thought you were the one but something went wrong along the way and it just didn't work out. I hope you can forgive me for my part in it, I've never felt this kind of regret or self hatred so I'm still trying to get past it.
Please have a good life, you were an amazing partner despite your flaws.
Hope you're not too stressed out by all this stuff going on out there. You stay healthy please.
user im kind of afraid ill go down this same path. you're not alone. im trapped with someone im deadly afraid is going to do this with me. im sorry.
you're becoming a person i can't handle and even being around you for a week was enough to dramatically decrease my mental health. you're playing games you shouldn't that you're too old to play.
Horror Movie Titles
Jews in my attic
The afterbirth
The knuckle cracker
is this poster johnny neptune
More of a Johnny Mnemonic
You've got good taste there.
*draws a dick shaped chalk circle out of dried neet piss powder and summons Gunjy / Mouse *
R pls where r u :(
Im right here bb, I never left
Fuck it. I decided to poison myself with fishbowl cleaner just today because a good friend wants to break my legs over $60 and I can't handle loss. I failed to Buddah, now I will join Jesus when I'm done with this, whatthe---- NOOOOOOOOO!
Staying with this person is clearly not your best option. You need to leave, user
Wow. That second line was nice as hell. Thanks for that.
Hjeeelpur.........niiiieeeeeeeee????! Ieeeee!!! Eya
I don't feel alive without you, or warm thoughts of you. I'm not ashamed of being uncasual about it, it wasn't casual for you, once. I should have asked you to tell me you'd fallen out of love with me.
Takes one to know one ey
Don't you guys feel that?
Today's a specially comfy day, doesn't it feel good?
Why can't all days be this good?
i often wonder how fat you've gotten over the years. even if you gained 200 lbs, i'd still want to fuck you i think.
I think it's just you. What makes today so comfy? Isn't there a fucking pandemic?
Thing travels broadband too. My family used to rely on having multiple children (i am from a family of 10 brothers and sisters) to build immunities to cold and flu, having never gotten flu shots, and it turns out this is a highly unusual immunity response. 1 of us is infected, the rest are in quarantine awaiting results. The worst part is I slept with my brother multiple times when this first broke out.
>The worst part is I slept with my brother multiple times when this first broke out.
What, why the frog statue?
Obv that frog made some big cums and is comfy as fuck
Ah, you are talking about my Uncle Gida.
That guy's trying to be funny by pretending to be me, see pic provided.
Anyways, i'm in a good mood precisely because of the pestilence.
Normals worrying brings me great joy.
>i'm in a good mood precisely because of the pestilence.
What's your story chaos worshiper?
You got derailed cuz you suck. I just fucked my big brother.
Dear C,
I'm selfishly glad you still think about me, I think about you as well. Since our thing I haven't tried to find anything similar, it still feels bad thinking about you and L. K is in pain, don't hate him for what he is doing but don't listen to his BS either. I did buy that game but I haven't had time to play it, I will today though! It would have been cute to play with you. People are going nuts over this virus, I couldn't buy groceries for dinner yesterday but I'll still be going to work for now. Make sure you work hard, even from home, you need to so you can do what you want later on. It's good to see your previous letter, I had a bad feeling a couple weeks ago and tried to find your social media for a couple of days but I deleted everything( I really wish I hadn't) we shared so I was left worried. I hate seeing you talk about L and me, please don't, it's not fair. We helped each other through tough times, thank you.
You are always in my thoughts, I wish I had stayed for you but you know why I couldn't and I know you will do great if you put in the effort.
You cheated on me countless times, broke every promise you ever made to me, belittled and insulted me constantly, stole all my money, ghosted me, and blamed me for everything whenever I confronted you.
I still love you and think you're basically a good person just struggling with inner demons.
Dearest D,
I'll always remember the good times sorry you had to become the communist mutant you are today.
Dear J,
Congrats on pissing away your aviation career for weed when you said "we're in this together" and "ill quit bro" thanks for helping me get through school now enjoy washing dishes forever while I get jetbux
Dear K,
Great job ghosting the only person that gave you the time of day for idk 7 years? I wish you well although you are definitely a coward. You were great in bed and I'll always think of you fondly.
So i've been listening to the song you sent me, and the 'notice me' part makes me think of the signal i've asked you to send me. It can't be any clearer than that right?
Yet I doubt, of course, I'm a coward.
I'm so afraid of having you be annoyed by my banal talking, it immobilizes me.
What do I do?
It's a pathetic story, it involves me chadfishing roasties using pictures of myself that looked nothing like me and being betrayed by said roasties as well as being made an international subject to ridicule. Now i, having been made a mockery of, in my infinite discontent savor any and all tragedy that befalls the normalfag masses.
pic kinda of very related actually.
Also, i'll add that not all the pictures were deceiving and i'd regularly tell them that the pictures weren't all that accurate, they just refused to believe it and then when they found out for themselves, they fucking betrayed me and made up a bunch of lies about me, ruined my life those whores and their orbiters.
Stop with the incest stuff user. It's not funny, it's gross. I get that you're trying to make us laugh and all, but c'mon, read the room.
fucking hell i forgot the picture.
Shit! You derailed my schizo-effective disorder. Now I'm disabled.
These letter threads are so pathetic
>sociall awkward losers communicating via a mongolian basket weaving thread because theyre too scared to DM each other in their discord chats
ahhh stfu and let them do their thing
I know we shouldn't have has sex when we did but I know you still think about it. I do too. It feels wrong but I still think about how it felt when I jerk off. I really miss our friendship. You were really fun to be around. I hope college is going well.
I'm pretty sure I died at the start of the year and this is the beta apocalypse timeline. Where's Maho?
So it seems like I give up, I don't get anything out of this and neither do you.
Damnit. I had too much to drink. Time to get sappy. I've seen some weird bits lately.
Don't give up!
stop being a drunk, hoe
I haven't had any since Feb 3rd. I'm surviving the slavic way. It's about the only thing left in the stores due to panic buying, and cakes, but I don't want to eat sugary wheat garbage.
I'm built for this kind of thing, my life was always about seeking tiny joys and dealing with loss, I don't feel an ounce of panic, but when it comes to normal things and feelings, I'm a complete retard.
Not that you asked.
I apologize. You should try supermarkets to buy fruits, vegetables, etc in the morning
What did you do wrong?
And that's a good plan, the one I've been following/my usual shopping schedule, but that's also when the elderly and scalpers have been showing up. I've given things out of my basket to elderly twice so far because retards will literally jam up in front of the palettes with their wives/trolleys etc and snatch, before the plastic is even off the thing.
Part of me kind of enjoys seeing it because it shows you people are full of shit when they're shilling their advice from the good times but when the chips are down: everyone is a faggot.
You sound like me, but Slavic. I live above a liquor store at the moment and I'm watching the heard milling about while I drink a beer. The first I've had in a few weeks meself. Cheers.
Kanpai, dear friend. I'm slavic in spirit.
whoever carved my name into the door, do you want to kill me or fuck me? d
Probably somewhere inbetween.
how do i find out who it was?
Carve another person's name that you know below it and see who talks about it and follow the reactions.
it was at my job and i don't wanna risk losing it yet and don't really know anybody
It could be that someone is trying to get you fired for vandalism.