I like to track down old forgotten actresses that did nude scenes thinking it would benefit their career then shame them on social media in front of their family.
Pic related. Vaitiare Bandera played Sha're in Stargate SG1's pilot epside and did gull frontal nudity. I sent the pic to herself and her daughter. Based.
No, the woman is fucked. She should have thought ahead before she decided to sell her dignity for some easy cash in college. Actions have consequences and they are on her. She traumatized her kid.
Kevin Richardson
>Everyone would just forget about it? Our knight of the night will remember. And today or maybe tomorrow or maybe in 10 years hes gon remind them all.
ITS HER KID. Im not unhinged, I dont fuck strangers for money on camera. Shes unhinged. She is responsbile for her legacy, her children are going to have to live with her degeneracy.
Its not like they wont find the video on pornhub in a few years anyway.
Fuck off dick head. Everyone has access to the internet these days. Kids as young as five know to find porn. Wont be long before they see their money getting disgraced and taking a load on her face.
Jackson Hughes
>encourages showing pornography to children I hope you get doxxed and someone sends your vocaroos to your family and employer if you ever get that far.
Luis Foster
Here u go I bet you abstained from watching naked women well until adulthood you fucking HYPOCRITE
Owen Brooks
Stop projecting, you degenerate gypsy.
Thomas Hughes
>t. roastie with nudes online whos scared shes gona get doxxed and disgraced
Only a matter of time cuntheart.
Tyler Hall
>Its someone elses fault that cunt decided to do porn >Porn by definition is sex acts on camera for the sole purpose of being viewed by others on the internet
>I have some Gypsies in my family Imagine my surprise.
Benjamin Jackson
>NOOOOO YOU CANT SHOW CHILDREN WHAT THEIR MOTHER SHOWS THIRSTY MEN ALL OVER THE WORLD >Shitting on the disadvantaged? Yeah i have no problem with that bro Can you be any more stereotypical my man?
Gabriel Clark
You harass strangers which is objectively worse.
Wyatt Brown
Virgins rarely have any family lol. This kid has no shame
Actions have consequences. They made the decision to create porn. No one forced them. People are gonna find out about it. Unfortunately there are some people on the internet who are just dicks and want to ruin peoples lives for fun. This is why you have to be careful online. It's pretty simple stuff but then again you're probably some autist simp who just cant understand why people are mean to whamen.
Benjamin Peterson
The only difference between you and her is that you want to show porn to children, instead of "thirsty men". The irony is completely lost on you.
Ryan Gonzalez
Yes because accessing her porn is very complicated and hard process of clicking >yes i am over 18 years old
Oh no, something about irony...my god what have i said
Camden Barnes
This. Lonely incels have no one to blame but themselves. When someone is to lazy to be sociable, they will never have a wife or kids
Lincoln Morgan
>thinks Im gonna listen to some high pitched kid squeel about why he became a degenerate
>that kid who never had sex >that kid who believes that insulting someone is the same as defending everyone in their degenerate porn collection >that kid whose life is literally built around watching porn and harassing people By your own logic you are defending all the sluts Ive seen lol
>that kid whose heart is racing and is having a meltdown as his posts becoming increasingly incoherent
Christian Thomas
>that kid who thinks no u is a valid distraction from being a virgin
Tyler Morris
I always think its funny how at first she acts like she's creeped out, but then starts to enjoy the attention she secretly craves
Carson Wright
Its why any guy with a camera can fuck the hottest women on earth. Even the most awkward ugly dumbass becomes a pussy magnet if he starts taking pictures.
Jaxon Myers
>strangers Hardly. I've known what her pussy and tits look like since 1997 so Ide say we're hardly strangers.
Nice cope but it doesnt change the fact that whore is responsible for choosing to do porn and affect it is going to have on her family for all eternity. Even in 500 years people will be watching her video.
If you dont want to labeled a slut then dont act like one.
It takes an exceptionally miserable person to take pleasure in something like this. Hurting others isnt going to make you feel any better about yourself. You need help
Jack Lee
I agree with you. Lonely men are completely responsible for their actions as well. The most retarded men are those who blame others for their laziness.
Carson Ramirez
>children dont know how to use google and have no access to the internet
>mfw this is actually my board and has no room for trannies like you
Parker Moore
>calls someone a whore while admitting to being addicted to porn
Camden Richardson
Brother I want to say you a gentlemen and a scjholar. Ive heard your boice before in othet threads ive made calling out cuntwhores and I appreciate your support. Fuck all these triggered dead shit roasties who sell their bodies for money. Theyre all gona pay for it one day.
Pic related. Luna/lori/Moonshine2647 a former r3ddit cunt who I forced to rage quit r3ddit after harssing the shit out of her her. Dumb slut.