Blackpilled coronacels

tell me, should the goverment provide girlfriends for the quarantine? if not,explain your answer

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Government thinks that blood libeling my dickskin is a lighthearted joke so fuck em I don't give a single goddamn shit about this shitty country or any of the retarded motherfuckers in it

based americanoid. Go ER

The fuck is ER? I'm thinking more on the kidnap an obstetrician and slowly eat him alive over the course of about two weeks of course you KNOW I don't weally mean dat, mistew ef bee eye teehee

you may find some in the emergency room(ER)

The blackpill: You let jews shill your women on killing their own babies to the point that 50% of them think it's a "human right" and will go screech in the streets just to be able to kill more of their own babies, because it's just "clump of cells", But when you were to kill one of those roasties and she turns out to be pregnant then it's a double homicide because you just killed the "clump of cells" that's definitely not a human life.
The absolute state of the goys.

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The mother decides if the fetus if a person or not, but in a public murder the law decides.

What's the point of discussing this anyway? Abortion is birth control not murder. Otherwise everyone would be in jail already, it's the same as wanting people who insult others to go to jail

Obstetrician or pediatrician, doesn't matter because I can't seem to find the one that did it to me. I wrote a poem called "I'm gonna build myself a bunker" awhile ago dedicated to the obstetrician that fucked my dick up, thanks for that resurfacing memory.

>I can't seem to find the one that did it to me
go the hospital and search the archive. You have every right to find out who mutilated your dick and murder him on the spot

abortion is not an issue since it's mostly black females who go through it or white girls who just turn their bodies into fleshlights. Alimony and child support are way more bigger issue.

you know you get surgery to put the foreskin back on right.....

>Abortion is birth control not murder. Otherwise everyone would be in jail already
>it's the same as wanting people who insult others to go to jail

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>you know you can pay us to give you back what we took from you right...

besides it is pointless. Imagine they cut your tongue when you were born 30 years ago and after 30 years they put your tongue back. That tongue wont be able to feel anything,it will be just a piece of meat for purely aesthetic reasons

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"Murder" is "unlawful killing". If abortion is legal, then it's not murder. This is why people are charged with "murder" instead of just being charged with "killing". Regardless, I don't like babies enough to think that 100% of them should be born. Having one seems like it'd be a massive pain too.

I think the virus is over-exaggerated, because it's considered "new". Years from now, it'll just be seen as another disease like the flu. I don't want a gf, the government should not provide them.

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>low intelligence wojak
Okay since you asked for the deeper insult and begged for a fight, we all know you only use abortion as a conversation topic and would sob if you were forced to pay child support or had to change baby diapers. Keep coping. We already know you got a divorce from your ex wife and dont see the baby, a abortion is perfect for you because you only care about the potential fictional baby and not the real one that's actually born

*mic drops*

And you know everything I said was true, I met people in real life who complained and wished they never raised kids

The public access archive of medical history at my Jewish hospital. Lmao where, on the FAQ in their website?

>you know you get surgery to put the foreskin back right
Not yet, motherfucker!
>Human trials by 2019
We're still getting started with the fucking surgery! And don't get me started on the supposed $10k needed for the operation. But even once it's there, the statute of limitations runs out the second I turn 19. So we won't even get the hospital that literally owes me the fucking money to fucking pay up.

it's not online and not public. Visit the hospital and tell them you were a patient and need your file.

I already have a girlfriend because im not mentally handicapped. The government should revoke citizenship and all rights from incels. Literally the most violent community.

>visit the hospital
Therein lies the problem

Projecting this hard and taking it personally won't change the fact that killing babies is still killing babies no matter what mental gymnastics and "intellectual" back flipping you use to justify it, at the end of the day, it's still mothers going out of their way to kill their own babies.
Every argument about this subject have been had and debated to death, it's pointless to try and prove killing babies is technically not killing babies.

Don't respond with another retarded no value, leddit tier insults, niggerfaggot.

Why are you not user?

I live far away from it

weak bait try harder

Corona can spread sexually. It ain't happenin

You are some inconsistent niggers
You want eugenics, you agree that it will improve society, but you cannot fathom preemptive eugenics
We need to wait for them to grow into pieces of shit when it is already apparent that children who would be aborted are inferior to the ones that the mothers wish to allocate resources to
Stop being such a pussy, user

>projecting this hard
Most marriages end in divorce.
Also you cant stop abortion, keep seething that the women around you get abortions, they do it for themselves not to offend you. That's the reality of life. You going WAHH WAHH wont make a traditional family happen and a single mom get married again. Face reality already

>tell me, should the goverment provide girlfriends for the quarantine?

>if not,explain your answer

Also COVID-19 is worse than abortion because it will cause a major economic crisis and governments will use it as a way to scare people into giving up civil liberties.
Abortion is bad if you just look at deaths, but the deaths aren't the worst part.

They only end in divorce at around age 65 when its pointless either way. Until the man is 50, only about 15% of marriages end in divorce unless we are talking about black families in the poor parts of the country

Op get TOPPED... you seem to be waaay to anxious coronachan isnt and abortion dangerous at all... You have to get TOPPED to relieve your stress,anxiety and paranoia

Please explain why crime rates dropped significantly after the legalization of abortion

The crime rates dropped because men killed women because of child support, once abortions were legalized women can get abortions and escape from the men who hated them.
Basically they dropped because the men dont have to pay child support because no baby born, meaning no men seethe and kill in revenge

Do you have any proof of this speculation?

Why yes I do, it was a real life murder documentary. A man had a kid with another woman, the court sided with the woman and the man killed her because he couldn't get his kids back.

So.. without the kids, There's no reason for men to kill women because abortions got legalized

OP is a gay tranny faggot xD

So you admit you're just speculating, got it.

Did you even read my post?
Without the baby no custody battle no murder, use birth control save the baby from having a dead mom

>The mother decides if the fetus if a person or not
why? that sounds like bullshit you came up to justify murder

So the baby doesnt belong to the mother? It belongs to everyone? Got it, If i ever get pregnant i will unironically get a pro lifers address and give them my hours old baby. Screenshot this

The mothers opinion has no effect on the biological composition of the baby in her womb

so yes saying the mother decides if its a person or not is literally bullshit to justify murder

>The mother decides if the fetus if a person or not,
That is such a fucking arbitrary rule.

Nah dont worry bud, you're a stranger on the internet and wont know what happens to my fetus. I'll hide the abortion from everyone obviously birth control is too heavy topic for you and everyone else

I dont care if you murder your child user
but It is murder, plain and simple you will be a killer

I do however think that people who have abortions should be forced to be steralised

What are you going to do? Kill me because having a baby didnt work out for me?
The fbi is doubling down on internet fueled murders user you better consider

Abortion is unfortunate but probably better than millions of kids growing up in absolute poverty to shitty parents

My opinion may be biased because I grew up in an broken home to drug addicted parents, even though I'm doing ok now financially I'm still majorly psychologically fucked up and basically wish I was never born in the first place.

I don't think I can ever recover fully, I can only continue to exist and find ways to cope to stay somewhat sane enough to continue participating in society.

Until it has brain matter, to me it's a fucking meat pie

why would I do anything?
I dont know who you are and I dont care if you murder your child, at the end of the day its your own progeny that you are killing and for what? so you can be a whore for longer?

I mean yes you are a disgusting human being, but i also dont think that people who are willing to kill their own children should have them in the first place
I just think the government should steralise you so you cannot spread the genes of a murderer

Thank you user, the other user was flying in a fit of rage all because I considered birth control. Thank you for being realistic about it

>all of these roasties justifying murder to avoid responsability so they can whore
People truly are pathetic in this day and age, hope you simple minded monsters that wants to live a life of nothing but pleasure all the fucking time, sucessfuly don't spread your genes.
People who even consider abortion don't need their genes to be in the next generation.

t. literally result of a failed abortion.

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I was watching Supermega sorry I forgot to reply I have a life outside posting online

Will get a abortion as planned

>I have a life outside posting online
>watching strangers on the internet play video games

Its a suprise you even managed to get laid

>12k deaths
fucking retard

I am not sexually active, but I can get pregnant, but I would get a abortion if I could. Good job internet detective I'm sure you confused other anons being The current eceleb too

Oh no problem at all "fren"! no issue with you getting an abortion in fact, you're doig exactly what i desire and that is for you to not spread your fuck up genes and bring a child into this world when you clearly wouldn't be ablebto raise the child properly.

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>I would get a abortion if I could.
so you arent even pregnant and dont "need" one, you just want one because you think it would be fun to kill your own children.

No wonder you arent sexually active, I cant see how anybody would want to even know you

Other parents do the same thing and they don't get told to get a abortion, obvious false flag obvious false caring

I will give birth now just to spite you, but wait 9 months

>Im not sexually active
>I will give birth
just stop posting already, you're going to die alone

HURRR no one wants you
People get into relationships out of loneliness and habit , not personal preference

Bye I'm leaving, these are just desperate insults ignoring reality

kys NOW


Anyone can get piv sex at any time and get pregnant, my post still is realistic . But I wont because I dont want a expose post with random insult bs like " I had sex with user and she was so sweaty and gross I couldn't orgasm" like what every post about someone reads like

Fuck off boomer. Abortion is awesome. I wish your mom aborted you.

Its true
Nobody wants you
your furbabys will most likely eat you once you kill yourself


I heard of them all before I learned how to talk, this is kindergarten tier.

Based, keep it going

>giving retarded, emotional women that kind of power
Holy fuck look at this genuine soey

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>Anyone can get piv sex at any time and get pregnant
Keep telling yourself that it wont change anything

>" I had sex with user and she was so sweaty and gross I couldn't orgasm"
Insecuritys revealing themselves, you see yourself as gross because you are

That wasnt my insecurities, I was portraying what someone would say after someone had sex with me. It would be random insults like "umm I hated her but had hate sex with her' and other nonsense. And it would be spammed on r9k because you guys live for drama even when its strangers

You wouldnt still be posting here if you liked your life

So you know the only dick you can get is robot dick because you think whoever you have sex with would post about it on here and you think he wouldnt even enjoy it
yes you are insecure

I wouldn't have sex with any Yas Forums users, your post is nonsense and you're just claiming different things.

I just meant that even if have piv sex the father could still disrespect me online, prompting the abortion, because you scrotes think having a baby with someone who hates you is a fabulous idea

why do you think he will hate you?
Do you deep down understand nobody will love you?

Stop replying to the roastie King. At this point it's clearly bait and even if it wasn't it's not worth arguing with such an ignorant """female that is clearly not trolling""".

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This thread was begging for disrespect and insults so I framed it like that, if this thread was about loving your family I would have framed it differently.

End thread