Leaving at the altar

>Be me 27 year old femanon
>Was engaged to a man I thought I loved
>Was getting ready for the wedding
>ex-MIL comes up to me
>You know fem all men cheat and hit their wives but the women who makes a big deal of it is a bitch
>I begin to stammer and walk backwards
>Oh and Fem never cheat or hit back unless you want a proper beating and unless she's under 13 never bring up her age
>start thinking back to everything
>the time his brother was arrested for domestic assault
>the time he pinned me against a wall and yelled at me
>the time my friend told me he tried to kiss her
>the time his ex accused him of cheating on me and getting her pregnant
>the way his father treated me
>apologized to my dad
>talked to everyone there to explain what was happening
>took the car and drove to a home to the airport
>got on the plane and wen to to my honeymoon alone
>I paid for the honeymoon and my dad paid for the wedding he only paid for the dress and the cake
>that month was filled with angry calls and texts to give him his money and his ring back
>I came back home took all my shit from his apartment
>move into my MOH's place
I have no idea what to do with my life now that I'm a single unemployed women who's almost 30

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Poor fucking guy, i hope hes ok

>I have no idea what to do with my life
Find a job or a sugar daddy.

You did this to yourself. Guy did nothing and you walked out because your ex mother in law (oh yeah, you're divorcee trash) psyched you out. Dumb fucking cunt, you're an inexcusable misandrist and it's a good thing you'll never reproduce.
Fucking incel.

Poor guy he fell for someone like you.
But also, he prolly ignored the red flags. So he kinda asked for it by dating you in the first place

He got a girl pregnant while we were engaged

I'm almost 30 any old man who wants me can go back to his wife

Did you miss the part where he got someone pregnant oh and how am I a misandrist for having the same standards as you????

You dodged a bullet. I hope you think long and hard about how you missed all those signs for so long before you consider dating again.

If you're good looking you could pass for a younger chick, if not then get a job like the rest.
And give him his ring back, cunt.

I paid for the ring myself he just gave it to me

Ye, missed it. In that case, you both are a mess and I feel sorry for you. If you have been abused in the past, try to reach out for help. Still, running from altar is a fucking lowblow. Shoulda dump him right away after you found out.
Also, dont kys. Dont take that part seriously.

go shoot up a store.. people are stockpiling on shit right now... would be nice to have a woman break the cycle of school shooters...

It wasn't physical abuse just manipulation and screaming I'm going to a therapist who's a really sweet older women I'm better now but I haven't talked to his family apparently he got physical after I left so I'm glad I left and yeah it was a lowblow and pretty shitty of me but I realized that if his dad was that way and he was taught it was okay he would do it himself

>I paid for the ring myself he just gave it to me
The things women will do for douchbags, fascinating.

I guess its a good thing you called it off but you are attracted to guys like him, wanting to do whats necessary to stay with no complaint and agree to marry him. All that you still possess so you need to do some soul searching.

My guess, hes hot and/or black

I mean good idea but I'd rather not spend my 30's in jail

>missed all those signs
she didn't miss all those signs she ignored them

He's decent looking and made all our money since I quit my job and if we got married we would've no doubt made fucked up children

20s are kinda shit
30s are 20s but for real and better as long as you treat yourself as a person and not a clock. A loving significant other, prominent job, etc aren't what give your life value. Makes it more fun, bearable, kinder, but in the end, you still and only have you.
Fuck the shits who say they'd have known better, or done something different, etc. They're not in your shoes, and you still got out.
Everyone's got their own 'obvious' lessons to learn.

Judging by the picture he must be a 30 year old man who thinks he's still the 10/10 most desirable scene skater boy he was in 2006 you dodged a bullet that type of guy is the literal worst of the worst next to 50 year old man chasing 18 year old poon and men who don't shower but expect a 10/10 virgin japanese or white girl to fall in love with them even though the never leave their bedroom or heantaihaven.com

Hope you recover from this op.

What is MOH? Acronym for whatever guy you had lined up as backup when you got bored of the current dude or something? Also if youre that old you are probably fucked unless you are really hot. Just out of curiosity how many other guys have you fucked before the guy in your story? Its always hilarious when a used up roastie realizes their only value was being young and attractive and now that they squandered it people couldnt care less because youre just another washed up hole. No one on here feels sympathy for you, even the thirsty faggots feigning sympathy ITT. youre a typical woman thinking anyone cares about your pathetic story when youre too stupid to pick a guy who isnt clearly fucked up when all it would take to not get with some fucked up person was so easy before you got old. Youre stupid enough to pursue some violent loser then pull whatever attention whore drama retardation ditching out. If this story is real you sound fucked up in the head desu

>got on the plane and wen to to my honeymoon alone

Translation: You realized you wanted to be the center of attention in an elaborate, expensive ceremony and the subsequent vacation without the commitment, and are trying to justify it to yourself after the fact.

>I have no idea what to do with my life now
You'll go on to be a cool wine aunt, with no children or family of your own and the gene pool will be better off for it.

Maid of honor you god damned idiot and also extremely cringey for ending a post in desu


I'm so sorry you spent your youth with that bad boy. I hope you can find a nice beta to provide everything for you

And yet you stayed with him. Got no tears for you.

The fight happed at the wedding and I thought the girl was crazy

You have some deep seated mental issues. That guy is extremely fortunate you could only come up with leaving in your half baked scheme at garnering pity and not making a false rape accusation or something worse. You may be borderline retarded but everyone else here isnt, your fucked up selfish and straight up neurotic ditching him could only sound justified in a really fucked up mind

Good job staying with him after all of that. I dont know why you think anyone would feel bad for you though. Its your fault staying with him and you should own up to it

>I'm not saying you should or that I wasn't wrong

>I wrote 3 comments saying he got a girl pregnant and fought my family I'm not right but at least I never cheated or got violent

the truth is neither of us were right it was low for me to run out while he was waiting and not tell him but he didn't pay for shit and know he has to raise a kid with a girl who'll stay with him if he hits her and It's fucked that you think "women" means selfish idiot maybe you are the selfish idiot

Sounds like both of you dodged a bullet.

No what you did was completely fucked up beyond redemption and youre too egotistic to even realize that. Not only that, you try to play the victim after and act like he was some bad guy. Youre clearly fucked up beyond redemption if you are being serious about doing such fucked up shit to the guy who wanted to Mary you and then trying to play it off like you were victimized and he was the bad guy. Its genuinely insane you see it that way, true roastie through and through. Take a look in the mirror, stop trying to blame and insult other people and own up to the sick shit you started a thread about and how fucked up you are for doing it dipshit.

Men and Women should get TOPPED by a bull if theyre depressed.

To cheer you up I guess.

Learn to use reverse image search you mug

>His ex accused
No proof. You're a bitch. You two argued a bit, so fucking what?

this but originalely

yes because him pinning me against a wall and trying to choke me is "arguing a bit"

As if it didn't make your pussy tingle anyway.

>>You know fem all men cheat and hit their wives but the women who makes a big deal of it is a bitch
>>I begin to stammer and walk backwards
>>Oh and Fem never cheat or hit back unless you want a proper beating and unless she's under 13 never bring up her age
>>start thinking back to everything
>>the time his brother was arrested for domestic assault
>>the time he pinned me against a wall and yelled at me
>>the time my friend told me he tried to kiss her
>>the time his ex accused him of cheating on me and getting her pregnant
>>the way his father treated me
Wow, all these signs and it took his own mother to tell you he was a piece of shit and you were about to make a giant mistake
Women really do have smaller brains

desu if i abused a woman, my family would take the woman's side. You just gotta be cognizant of these things and pay better attention. It's not really too late to start over. Maybe this time, have your family help screen your dating partners.

As for other shit, you should probably find work and seek education. It's not too late to do that either. It's better to be able to support yourself, even if your man can support you, just because you don't want to be up shit creek when this kind of thing happens.

Good luck fembot

You still stuck around and did a runner at the worst possible time. You're a manipulative, dumb cunt. Glad I don't find your shitty sex/gender attractive.

...... I mean I was scared for my life but I went back to him out of fear thats not horny thats being brainwashed

>yes because him pinning me against a wall and trying to choke me is "arguing a bit"
That was probably just because you couldn't argue calmly and it was the only way to make you stop yelling. In fact you were probably being unreasonnable on purpose to make him angry.

if only you were employed, Trump would be buying you a diamond ring too.

If your brain is malfunctioning, how do you know that it was then and not now that it failed you?

If this isn't a larp I'm not sure why you'd come here looking for sympathy points. Why are you browsing Yas Forums at 30 years old? You've normalised abuse because you lurk this board, so now you look for those "toxic" traits in your partner. You are to blame. The trad wife thing didn't work out, so get a job like everyone else. Stop using r9k as a fucking diary retard.

I'm on medication and it therapy so I'm probably more sane

Be my gf femanon OP. I will without a doubt not abuse you and give you a good life in a small rural city and support your ambitions.

Reading through this story its obvious you liked the way you were abused by him enough to come back and you arent even capable of taking responsibility for being the ultimate bad influence in this story and victimizing this guy you lead on just to ditch. As insane and fucked up all of this is, it is still astounding the degree an old women will go to turn to when it comes to avoiding owning up to whatever consequences they bring on themselves by complete lack of consciousness . Has it really not dawned on you yet that you are old now? Whatever you contributed to a relationship which is probably just sex because besides that women are unadulterated trash. Your days are done and the millions of younger more attractive females are going to take whatever gaping flesh hole you left in the disaster of your former relationship that you just selfishly destroyed

im proud of you fem-user that you got out of that toxic shit, gl with life hopefully you dont fal for that type if shit again

.................... I can't even compute how stupid you are do you even understand how mental illness works or do you just claim to be depressed when women refuse to have sex with you

through all this fucked up stuff my piece of shit abusive loser ex I stayed with for so long And spent my best years I never imagined I would meet areal gentleman like you to stick up for me on an anonymous image board.its perfect though Im sick of all these assholes who have used and abused me and now that my best years are far beyond me Im ready to find a real beta and settle. Who would have ever imagined I would find my white knight on Yas Forums. Im packing my suitcase as we speak and heading to come live with you babe

Not him but whatever drove you back to him is driving you to a place where the culture is one based upon ruthlessly hating women to talk about relationship issues with an abusive lover

it takes two to toxic

your right I guess they meant abusive

ok OP I'll give you want you really want, to be called a strong empowered hero.

But really you're no different than the stupid cunts that shoot porn and then call it sex trafficking and exploitation when everyone on the planet knows porn includes sex.

Ok here we go user.............................................
Alot of porn is using broke women who are on drugs and can't consent because they have no idea whats going on amatuer porn usually includes actual rape and incest amd alot of underage people some women have contracts that say they can't leave until they're like 50 or do a certain amount of videos why do you think it took Mia Khalifa 3 times to quit and she still had to pay like 1/3 of her money Porn companies literally own women they get paid around 15,000 but they only get around 2,000 of that
So I am rightfully victimized but I'm being ignored because everyone is ignorant but still nearly dependent of me

.................... I cant even compute how narcissistic you are do you even understand how mental illness works or do you just claim to be victimized when You do cruel things to underserving people before trying to convince people you are deserving of sympathy? You have zero sense of morality. do some internal reflection and try to figure out where this ego persona stems from and why you feel the need to be cruel and vindictive. You arent granny status but you even are somewhat aware that you are getting old and arent going to get by on being young and fuckable like you probably did with plenty of other guys before when you were used goods and had AT LEAST ONE THING to offer via giving head

Engaging in porn is a symptom not the cause of their woe.

You stayed in the relationship until your shit decision to marry the guy became public and embarrassed and humiliated you. Give it a couple more weeks and you'll go back

It's been almost a year love I'll think I'll be fine

"used goods" you seem like the bigger narcissist here love