Ciara, your girlfriend, is currently sad. How do you cheer her up, r9k?

Ciara, your girlfriend, is currently sad. How do you cheer her up, r9k?

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Convince the internet shes dead and have her all to myself

Call her a whore, stalk, insult and troll her then laugh when she dies.

>tfw literally everyone is dying other than me
I wish I was dead

Babe I am sorry I will get a second job just plsssssss dont cry

>your gf
I cant even imagine getting this hellhole of a life together let alone with her nghhhhhghhhh

if she was your girlfriend she would still be alive and you would not do any of these things

She's literally ashes now lmao

Its really strange looking at pics of dead sluts when they were still alive.Imagining what her rotting corpse looks like at this very second. Lying in the ground, skin fall off, maggots setting in.

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Give her oxycodone

I would eat her out. That would put a smile on her face.

Give her a hug and cuddle her

better an OD than the corona virus i guess,

fuck she was cute

Come on ciar resurect already
Return to us
We want your sweet cheeks and big tibbies
we miss them more than anything

I kill her with...

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by beating her over the head with a steel pipe,i hate egirls and crackwhores

i really love the way she looks. eye bags and dark hair gets my dick hard. i wish she didnt die/fake her death

pull a face im sure if she was in love with me my charming face or somthing might cheer her up then id grab her and squeeze her to my chest and go "awwwww what is it?" or somthing along thos lines and give her some kisses sort of pick her up a little bit and rock her ask her if that's any better then say "do you want to do something?" to get her mind off it then probably internally be kind of invested in whats upsetting her feel kind of upset myself but all the while cheering her up maybe tease her a little bit and run away the stop and go ah then run away again or more of a gesture i guess stupid shit then walk with her to where it is were going comforting her and saying stupid stuff that might make her laugh probably

continuing on maybe offer the idea of wearing buying and wearing burkas together and sneaking around places in a mercedes or something I mean that's one idea
i could say ive bought her a small surprise gift but say she has to guess not having anything in mind all the while noting the farcical and bizarre items i coax out of her then say ive lost it pannic go looking for it with her then when we end up on the floor somewhere look at her tell her i made it up and then get off with her in this hypothetical world of yours
but then try to remember a few of those items and go to france to find them in burkkas

I will tell her to get TOPPED by me

Just nothing, a black void filled with white nothing, only for her.

whats that good for anyway ?
not very nice really

She was my friend and I miss her. I hope she is not dead

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Hold her down and shit on her face.
Leave to wipe my ass.
Throw her out of my house for being a disgusting whore with shit on face.
Wash my hands.
Turn on laptop and start fapping to gay porn

I cheer her up with giving her a nice book to read. It's called 'How to not be a junkie whore' So far she has finished one chapter but I think some things are just too difficult. The step don't eat dick like you're starving like a Nigerian child worker seems impossible and the elf esteem guide does nothing. She's still a gullible fucking self hating mess. What do anons?

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you just cured my erectile dysfunction user

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Holy shit is she really dead? Sauce?

realize that i'm a schizo because she's dead

get her some heroin to cheer her up, friend'o

>How do you cheer her up, r9k?

Sell her a big shot of heroin.

Is she really dead guys?

she's really dead, anons.

I'd be interested too.
Reddit says so.

BTW Do nudes of her exist?

>Imagining what her rotting corpse looks like at this very second.

I believe ciara was cremated and that's why she had a memorial not a funeral.

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Bin Bin be happy fapping to this roastie, may herlost soul drown in beta cum.

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What was ciara's major malfunction? She was a nut job obviously. Was it jsut a drug addiction or something deeper?

where the fuck is the reservoir of her nudes, fucking leakedsluts died years ago and it's all gone

She could have been diagnosed with any number of psychiatric disorders. Some people just aren't wired right.


>She could have been diagnosed with any number of psychiatric disorders.
I feel like this is true for me as well, but not the same ones as Ciara.

>major anxiety

that's what she was suspected of. Her xanax and booze habit seems to have been self-medication for anxiety gone otu of hand.

at first i thought the death thing was a lie
then i thought it was real
but now im back to thinking it might be fake. the idea of people using their noodle to create plausible posts from supposed relatives seems like a possibility

i've known or known of enough people that've died in similar situations as ciara, they all had obituaries. so the idea of them "requesting" for no obit is weird to me and a red flag

Think of how this would work.

1. Ciara's dad makes a post about a pic of her and ciara.
2. He requests these very real people to send condolances about her when she's not dead.
3. He then sets this post to friends only after about a week for some reason.

None of that makes any sense.

With fent
Junkie bitches love them some fent

>With fent
>Junkie bitches love them some fent

why is such a dangerous drug taking over?

Don't be this much of a fag.

she sometimes mentioned autism

I think as a joke. She was "autistic" in that she's super weird. There was things she published from analysis from her doctors. it didn't mention that. bpd was suspected.

>What was ciara's major malfunction?
she was a female

I fucked her until she died haha. She overdosed on my big fat cock lol.


I wanna get high off licking the junky sweat off her pussy

CIAra is a fucking psyop designed to drain your energy and make you even more miserable than you already are. Fucking jews at it again


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i beat her to death, she would be happier staying dead than being with me

she looks like she is going to turn into a dyke
thats what females get for staying on here

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she turned into fertilizer already

i would lick up her tears and hold her forever, quite sinple really

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Her pussy prolly smelled like SHIT

I can assure you the smell was really good

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Give her heroin.

Maybe you cucks can get x to resurrect her or something.

How I hate you goodie goodies. How you make my stomach turn.

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Yeah, man, you totally got to sniff it. There's no way someone could lie on the internet.