I'm 30 and haven't worked a day in my life

I'm 30 and haven't worked a day in my life.

I don't even have a concept of what working is like. Just the waking up in the morning part sounds horrible so I didn't wanna try it out.

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I'm a wizard NEET who did work for some time. It's as awful and soul-crushing as it sounds.

It's slavery, unless you work for yourself.

I did that too and it isn't any better. The constant anxiety, overthinking and overworking will crush you.

Based wizard, how do you live though?

Welfare. They're cutting it one day probably tho

wtf how do you have to money to do this?

What do you do all day, user? I'd really appreciate an honest answer, as opposed to you telling me something that makes you feel better about your situation. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just i put myself in your shoes and have a tough time figuring out how i'd cope with some of the aspects the NEET lifestyle brings to the table, especially as you exit your youth.

Based, wish i could do something similar until my planned seppuku date but peer pressure is tough

Turning 23, never have worked either and don't want to, thankfully I get SSI, SNAP benefits, and medicaid. Working towards getting public housing/section 8.

How tho? If you are a guy it's very hard to do that only women with children could do that.

What do you mean how? I'm a guy. If you have well-documented (meaning your psychiatrist/therapist writes shit down) mental illness you can get a lot of support from welfare etc.

>What do you do all day, user? I'd really appreciate an honest answer, as opposed to you telling me something that makes you feel better about your situation

It's not all fun and games, I think it's on par with being a wagie, it all boils down to which path suits your personality.
You have unlimited free time, but if you're not creative with it, you go nuts. You have to fight government to get money which kinda makes you a cuck too, or you have to sell shit on eBay regularly.

Which country are you in out of curiosity?

Well I don't even have insurance so I can't even see a psychiatrist.

basically this. ive worked jobs on and off for several months at a time between 16 and 21. it was painful and depressing. surprisingly the worst part of it was the people. if you have enough sleep and arent tired all the time, and you have a relatively stress free job, i think its possible, but then its pushing it

i think the most robot-tier job you can get is some kind of night time security guard, or a truck driver. i have a security guard license, but ive been seriously procrastinating finishing up my resume. i want to try to get a job

t. 29 neet who tried to lose his virginity to a prostitute, couldnt get hard, and awkwardly left after 10 minutes with a prostitute trying to suck my penis. im not sure if im a virgin or not

If you're in the U.S, go to the Human Resources Department, tell them you're homeless and have no income. They'll keep asking you questions in regards to your income, deny all sources of income, say you have absolutely nothing. You'll get about $180-200 in SNAP benefits monthly and medicaid for health insurance. See a psychiatrist right after you get medicaid because when your SNAP and medicaid renewal (It's either 6 months or 1 year, I forget) comes up they'll hound you about getting a job, but if you're applying for disability and seeing mental health services they won't do or say shit.

This is what I did and it worked.

If in your mind the anguish of having to grovel to the government for taxpayer money to sit around at home all day is just as tough as working, why don't you fucking work? You'll earn more money, you'll have a sense of purpose and direction, you'll meet people, and you will actually be a respectable human being.

I'm 23 years old, I've worked since I was 14 and have been working full time for the past 4/5 years, I cannot for a second imagine being 30 years old and having no fucking clue what its like to actually work. I was neet for about 3 months once and I started to go insane.

Serious question, do you have some kind of legitimate disability that would prevent you from being employed in anything? Did your parents never push you to actually do anything with your life?

And a question for the rest of you, why do you think work is so bad? Unless you're working a truly awful and degrading job, clerical work really isn't that bad. I've worked in entry level clerical positions before, I pop my headphones in, listen to podcasts/music, and work on spreadsheets. You go out, get some lunch, have a nice walk, then go back to work. When work is done, you go out, have some drinks with the normies, then you get 800 bucks plopped into your account each week. It's not that bad bros.

not him, but

>Serious question, do you have some kind of legitimate disability that would prevent you from being employed in anything?
yes. diagnosed autism, schizoid, delusional paranoia and schizophrenia

>Did your parents never push you to actually do anything with your life?
no actually, especially my mother. my mother never cared or payed any interest in my life about anything. my dad did, but i always fought with him and hated him and never listened, because he was a massive cunt who i hated it

> why do you think work is so bad?
>why do you think force waking up, dressing, showering daily, traveling in public transport, interacting and dealing with people you hate as a reclusive autistist, just to barely make enough money to pay for rent and food for the rest of your life is a bad thing?

geez, i dunno, i guess normies like you enjoy wageslaving?

my experience is common for autistic virgin neets

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This. Who in their right might enjoys waking up to an alarm, travelling for 30 minutes to some place while being half asleep and dealing with people for something that is ultimately pointless.

I fully believe that only slaves are satisfied with the sense of purpose of making some rich old fuck even richer. What kind of bullshit purpose is that? "Helping people" is a slightly better purpose but who honestly gives a shit about random people?

>why do you think force waking up, dressing, showering daily, traveling in public transport, interacting and dealing with people you hate as a reclusive autistist, just to barely make enough money to pay for rent and food for the rest of your life is a bad thing?

The rest of the world has to, user. I'm not out here saying I wouldn't rather have a job where I could work half as much and earn twice as much and live a lavish lifestyle, anybody would, but the fact of the matter is if everyone was a neet then you'd have no neetbux. I don't like a lot of the people I work with, that's just a product of being stuck in an office with the same people every day, but I just put on my headphones and get on with it.

I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling with mental health issues, I'm not callous to that fact, my younger brother is severely autistic, but, hypothetically, if there was something you could do to generate an income, a "dream job", would you not want to work towards that? Do you at least try and work daily on yourself in some way shape or form? Do you have any hobbies or projects that you work on?

So at the beginning I will get max 200 bucks? I don't think I can live on that seeing as my rent is 300.

Buddy, if you aren't working and on welfare, then anybody who wakes up to fight the rat race and toil at work to pay taxes is helping a random person, YOU

I enjoy my job cause I contribute to a sector that benefits society. My boss isn't some rich old fuck, he's a young guy from my area that made a startup building software for disability care providers. Not all jobs are telcom desk jobs man, you can actually make money for a noble purpose.

>but, hypothetically, if there was something you could do to generate an income, a "dream job", would you not want to work towards that?

sure, if i could. i dropped out of hs, did computer programming in college, and dropped out of that too after failing everything. i would work if i could, but im mentally retarded and i feel im largely incapable of long term employment

>Do you at least try and work daily on yourself in some way shape or form? Do you have any hobbies or projects that you work on?

vidya a lot when i was younger. these days im just obsessed with veganism and shitpost about veganism for hours, its my autistic passion. casually strolling into random threads and derailing them into 200+ posts about the morals and health aspects of veganism is what i spend my time on. kek

No, the $200 is solely for food, it comes on a card that can only be used for food. You won't get any money until you get on SSI or SSDI, depending whether or not you've worked before.

Oh god, I think I've seen you on here before. Why don't you become a fucking blogger and fuck off to buzzfeed or something then? Put that energy into something useful you dickhead. Seriously, if you're the same poster that I'm thinking of you're legitimately annoying. Fuck it, stay neet, I wouldn't wanna work with you.

>Why don't you become a fucking blogger and fuck off to buzzfeed or something then?
for the same reason i dont make youtube videos or work minimum wage jobs. im just incapable of committing to any kind of scheduled structured work. i literally couldnt keep a stable blog up

>Put that energy into something useful you dickhead
what does useful even mean? i put my energy into talking and learning about my autistic interests, which are veganism and artificial intelligence. thats useful for me because its relevant to my autism, and anything thats relevant to my autism peaks my interests

its not financially useful, but i could argue that overtime i might of made someone vegan, which would in tern reduce the suffering animals go through, which is useful to them

>Seriously, if you're the same poster that I'm thinking of
you probably are :^))))

>Fuck it, stay neet, I wouldn't wanna work with you.

ahhh it seems as if my smug shitposting reputation has previously made you feel uncomfortable, user :^)

but to be fair, if i did get a job, id wouldnt go off long philosophical rants about morals. i understand people get easily triggered on sensitive topics, im stupid but not that stupid

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>then anybody who wakes up to fight the rat race and toil at work to pay taxes is helping a random person, YOU
And? You expect me to be grateful? Those assholes wouldn't give a single dollar to me if they weren't literally forced to through tax, i have no reason to be indebted to them, besides they are the ones who chose that lifestyle willingly.

Also there is no reason why i should care about helping society and almost nobody actually does, anybody who does would realise that the real impacts to society happen at the top of political spectrum that they have no control in and would give up. The lifes work of a thousand people could be eliminated by a single senator in a day, your work doesn't matter in the end.

I wanna be a neet too fuuuuck
Tfw my country has no welfare i should move to Finland and get kela lol

>ahhh it seems as if my smug shitposting reputation has previously made you feel uncomfortable, user :^)

>Shitposting reputation

>made me feel uncomfortable

Pretty big talk from someone who probably can't even drive, but I digress.

When I say something useful, I mean something that benefits yourselves or others. Veganism is ultimately a noble cause, but trust me, you win absolutely no hearts going about it in the method that you do. You're an insufferable shit head and the fact that everyone tells you to fuck off with your bullshit when you post should be a big enough signpost for you to read.

Man, a lot of you guys sound so miserable lmao

You're quite a piece of work I see
>Chose that lifestyle willingly
Really? Next time the garbage truck comes around why don't you say hi to the driver and let him know.
>Nobody cares about helping society
A lot of people don't, sure, I mean look at all the bullshit that's happening now, but to say NOBODY is?

You sound a little too jaded for your own good buddy

Yeah man feels bad having a healthy source of income and socialising bro fucc I wish I could sit around and watch twitch streamers all day bro ; (

>Really? Next time the garbage truck comes around why don't you say hi to the driver and let him know.
Perhaps i was wrong on this one, sometimes they are forced to but most of the time, wageslavery is a choice
>but to say NOBODY is?
I specifically said almost nobody

There is nothing wrong with being jaded if its how things really are, people only do things for their own benefit one way or another. Why can't i do the same by exploiting them?

You haven't missed much. I only work so i can afford prostitutes. Never doing manual labour again though. Would rather jump off a building.

>Pretty big talk from someone who probably can't even drive, but I digress.
>ad homs for an autistic mentally ill neet

attacking my character is like making fun of a crippled person for not being able to walk. and i have a drivers license. i drove my parents car a decade ago, but i stopped using it when i went to college. i passed 3 out of 4 driving tests in canada, had to take an extra test because one expired. im a competent driver, im not a female or a faggot

>I mean something that benefits yourselves or others
veganism fits that definition of "usefull". animals are considered "others" because they are fully sentient conscious mammals that can all emotions humans can and suffer just as deeply

>but trust me, you win absolutely no hearts going about it in the method that you do
i CANNOT articulate to you just how little of a fuck i give about being liked. i dont care if people find me likable and agreeable. im not trying to make friends, im trying to make a logical point. if someone makes decisions on killing sentient animals based on if they like someone else, those people are unreasonable emotional apes and i cannot ever communicate with them, because they dont respond to logic and reason

infact, most vegans find me insufferable because i remind them that pet ownership is paying for animal slavery and eugenics to breed genetically damaged animals for their amusement, which they respond with cognitive dissonance and emotional outburst

>fact that everyone tells you to fuck off with your bullshit

awwww, you dont like being reminded that you literally pay for cows and pigs to be bred into existence and killed for your taste pleasure? it makes you feel uncomfortable? you know, dismissal of vegans without addressing their arguments is common in braindead normies like you


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I wouldn't even go as far as saying almost nobody, I'd say there's a good portion of the population that legitimately cares about others.

>There is nothing wrong with being jaded if its how things really are, people only do things for their own benefit one way or another. Why can't i do the same by exploiting them?

Because, it's the wrong way of looking at things. You're basically saying, "fuck it, every man for himself, I'm just gonna take the path of least resistance". It's not a sustainable mindset. It's literally been only in the past 70ish years or so a human could say "fuck it, Imma just chill on welfare". For thousands of years, if man did not work, man did not eat. That's how we got to this point. If you exploit that for personal gain, you're a scumbag, sorry bro. You're gonna look back on your life at some point and realise I'm right.

I come into NEET threads and get jealous. I wish I could be one because I'm a lazy fuck, but I don't see how it's possible. I don't understand how people without an actual work preventing disability can get neetbux. My country is considered a welfare state, yet I know I'll end up on the streets if I turn down job after job. They won't just eventually give up and hand over free money to me.

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I'd mock an asshole in a wheelchair if he was in fact an asshole. Like I said, I've grown up with an autistic person my whole life and I've worked in the disability sector, being disabled doesn't automatically shield you from criticism or attack. Fuck you. If you're an asshole you're an asshole, I don't care what impediments you have.

>Ramps up vegan spiel

Dude save it, honestly. The fact that you speak good english and are living a neet life with internet means that you have a higher carbon footprint than billions of people on earth. Wanna make the ultimate contribution to the welfare of the flora and fauna of this planet? Kill yourself. Seriously. Or at the very least go completely off grid and live a 100% sustainable existence, meaning no internet/technology whatsoever.

Awww, whats wrong, don't like being reminded that no matter what your existence necessitates carbon emissions to be created?

Get off your moral high horse, don't you know horse riding is animal slavery????

Oh, and fyi I've killed animals myself and eaten them, it doesn't actually bother me one bit. I'm not opposed to veganism either, but fuckwits like you make it a LESS appealing lifestyle choice. You'd literally be doing veganism a favour by shutting the fuck up.

What part of canada you live in?
I want to spank your spamming ass irl for pissing me off on a weekly basis.

I never really considered myself to be lucky as a NEET but I guess I am in a lot of ways considering so many of you on here present this perspective, it's interesting.

We literally just had to hunt an animal or two every month for the biggest part of human history.

>I want to spank your spamming ass irl for pissing me off on a weekly basis.

i guess normies get upset when you remind them of reality, regardless of context? you braindead neurotypical apes are an enigma to me

and today i made a very useful informative thread in relation to the corona virus, and diet. it talked about how to reduce your chances of dying or going to the ER if you got corona. i mean, that sounds pretty useful for me! but alas nobody cares, because this shit board only cares for faggot threads, female orbiting threads, and racebaiting threads

this was the thread >What part of canada you live in?

you can shit in my mouth while i piss on a picture of fat yosho while listening to miley cirus high on meth in some sketchy motel. whatever you want you braindead crayon eater

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>For thousands of years, if man did not work, man did not eat.
Dude, if I could "work" like that (just hunting and gathering for 1-2 hours per day) and not get fucked in the ass by the authorities I'd be the happiest person on Earth.

I'll be turning 30 in may, also never worked a day in my life. I went to college off and on for 8 years though (2008-16). I'm leeching off my mother and feel no remorse for doing this at all.

>It's not a sustainable mindset
I completely and utterly agree but i fully understand that i'm the one of the few who truly understands that its exploit or get exploited, the rest are cattle as edgy as that sounds. It wont matter if less than 5% of the population had this mindset.

>I wouldn't even go as far as saying almost nobody, I'd say there's a good portion of the population that legitimately cares about others.
Thats a naive way of thinking, what makes you think any action is truly good? People are only good to others so they can be liked which helps them pass on their genes, if their good actions aren't rewarded, they almost always eventually become resentful. Humans aren't good by nature, everyone is just trying to do things that will eventually pass on their genes or genes or people closely related to them, nothing more, nothing less.

Based. NEETs have the most privileged lives on the planet. Even the richest wagies are jealous of how good life is for NEETs

If you ever dare to lay foot in my NS hood me and the boy's are going to fuck your veggie eating ass up bro we'll throw your ass into the harbor and leave ya there with the lobster's stop your spamming bullshit and stay away the east.

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>Even the richest wagies are jealous of how good life is for NEETs

from a one dimensional view, it seems enviable not to work, but in reality, neets live miserable undesirable lives. they are very often autistic and virgins, they statistically were bullied, never loved, and dont fit in anywhere. they are the bottom of society, and consequently experience significantly higher rates of depression, suicide, mental health visits and make a lot less income compared to most people

statistically speaking, despite all of the shit that comes with having a job, having a job is considered very rewarding to most people. people who are chronically unemployed report feelings of uselessness and unfulfillment, where as employed people dont. employed people are much more likely to volunteer in soup kitchens, despite having significantly less free time

i dont think the neet life is desirable compared to MOST normie lives. but i do think if ur already an autistic neet, having a job can easily be worse than being a neet. as uncomfortable as it seems, i dont think the neetlife is all sunshine and rainbows

>noofie getting mad over people not killing animals

dont you have crack to smoke you fucking ape? all the noofies and east coast canadians ive met were literal white trash crack smoking apes, not even joking

whats life like as a braindead neurotypical? whats life like when logic and reason arent important for your belief system and decision making in life?

i have to make sure to make another thread tomorrow just for you. today my thread was just about the corona virus, not about general ethics

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Yeah? That's still more work than you've ever done, you think hunting animals with spears and bows is easy or some shit? In a primitive society if you were lazy you would have died out by natural selection.

Go for it, nobody is stopping you.

NEETs are the happiest people, and they have the most privileged lives. Nobody wants to work

Interesting that he stopped replying here, no?
I guess I pulled the trump card huh

This just doesn't seem very respectable, and I can't imagine the majority of people who do this put their time to good use based on the threads I read. Honestly if someone is able, I think they should work and we as a collective should focus on improving working conditions and benefits.

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Veganism is worse than crack is for ya I eat all kinds of tasty meat all day hot dogs burgers steaks fish pogo sticks hot pockets and the list goes on yet I'm stronger and healthier and happier then ANY vegan I've seen!
I have a big BBQ with the boy's every summer and we eat meat drink beer ride ATV's around.
All kinds of fun stuff your spergy ass couldn't understand because because your too busy being a busy body to have fun and eat meat like a normal person! keep posting your gay thread's your not gonna change jack shit because nobody is buying your crazy veggie shit no more the american (and canadian) people are smarter then that.

oh, sorry, i honestly didnt even notice the post. here, let me reply

>The fact that you speak good english and are living a neet life with internet means that you have a higher carbon footprint than billions of people on earth

actually, vegans have a dramatically lower carbon footprint than even most people on earth, simply because we dont contribute to animal agriculture, and the power used to fuel western vegan homes is more carbon-friendly than other countries

in western countries their power plants are much more eco-friendly than poorer countries, who have to resort to using coal power plants and produce dramatically more pollution for the same amount of power produced. large poorer countries, along with china, produce most of the world's carbon and environmental pollution. so you are wrong about that, you fkn moron

>Awww, whats wrong, don't like being reminded that no matter what your existence necessitates carbon emissions to be created?
>appealing to futility as an argument against veganism
>since you're always going to have a environmental impact, its useless to try to reduce harm to others

ahhh, the hypocrisy of braindead normies. truly astounding

>Get off your moral high horse
but i love it. i love being smug about my moral supremacy. its like a smug non-slave owner gloating over his moral superiority to a slave owner back when slavery was legal. its fucking great, i havent ever been this smug

>but fuckwits like you make it a LESS appealing lifestyle choice
i know, its hard when people present logically consistent argument and who point out your hypocrisy. life is hard, i know, i know

> You'd literally be doing veganism a favour by shutting the fuck up

people hate vegans because they speak the truth

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based veganon
i've been vegetarian for a long time now, will probably make the jump to veganism when it's more widely accessible (i live kind of rurally, we don't have everything in supermarkets here)
the degree of doublethink omnivores can pull off on a daily basis still astounds me, while they proceed to spew out almost a subhuman lines of "reason"
i think a lot of men are hesitating to go vegetarian or vegan because of the dumb ostracising basedboy propaganda and the prospect of letting go of a substantial chunk of their fragile masculinity (as it appears they need to eat dead things to feel manly or something, and call others pussies for refusing to do so)

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fucking jannies at it again
actual apes with keyboards

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Vegans who use a computer or car and still talk about carbon footprint are hypocrites

>you MUST subscribe to some far-removed totalitarian revision of your ideology or you're a HYPOCRITE!!!
how is it seeing in black and white

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Just a fact. If your objective was to reduce carbon footprint you wouldnt draw the line at not eating meat. Its hypocritical

Other people give you money to exist rather than throwing you in a spike pit, that's pretty considerate

have you considered convenience? giving up meat and animal products is simple and beneficial to oneself and the planet; surprisingly not everyone wants to be a martyr and live some middle-ages lifestyle for their beliefs
someone could literally become a monk or an amish farmer and you'd still find a reason to have a go at them
speaking of which what are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint user? or are you just arguing this irrelevant point for a mere gotcha?