What's he up to right now?
What's he up to right now?
Eating at Burger King or In n Out.
with Tahlia?
He's butthurt because he can't upload porn and gore webms on looksmax any more
>What's he up to right now?
being the luckiest man in the world
Who the fuck is that guy? Judging solely on his build he looks like he would be taking his insulin right about now.
god I hate amer*cans
>What's he up to right now?
Posting about himself on Yas Forums instead of acting like a responsible husband.
cooming in his wife while everyone envies him
Being loved more than any man has ever been loved before
I just don't understand what I did wrong in life that has resulted in me becoming a wizard while this fat NEET gets literally the best woman on the (round) planet
This guy has a wife? Pics?
>he doesn't know
Seriously this has been the single most demoralizing event of my life.
I worked so hard for the past 10 years so I could be a provider one day, just to end up becoming a wizard.
This asshole just goes on youtube and repeats some Yas Forums talking points and an angel falls into his lap.
I can't take this feel any more
Brendio ascended? I always knew that faggot was a fakecel normie
So this is the power of being NT
Fill me in on the lore of how he got a gf and ascended, I want to know the story, is that why he stopped attention whoring on jewtubes?
Brendio is not even ugly. He is just a fat and lazy piece of shit who manipulated a mentally ill Australian girl into becoming his submissive wife.
Although tbqh unlike a lot of incels he does seem very upbeat and positive all the time.
>Fill me in on the lore of how he got a gf and ascended
see >This asshole just goes on youtube and repeats some Yas Forums talking points and an angel falls into his lap.
it's literally just that
bros why does it seem like the only way to get a girl is to manipulate them, and the only way to keep them is to abuse them?
I don't want to be like that, but I don't want to be alone any more.
>Tahlia is a mentally ill girl, and ex-youtuber who has been in incel and Yas Forums tier communities since she was 11, a lot of incels hate her or assume she is LARPing or only takes an extreme interest in these things solely for attention but judging by the fact it's been going for 7 years that's clearly not the case
>Tahlia's dream is to be a wife and mother
>Brendio is an incel youtuber
>Tahlia makes an incels.co account pretending to be male to approach and befriend him because she likes his videos in which he makes some standard Yas Forums talking points
>Eventually reveal she is a girl and the two start dating almost immediately
>within months, marry
>She posts obsessively about how she was born to serve him on her tumblr and twitter
>he gloats about it on the forums
Really? I remember when she made those videos and incels started to orbit her. This fat faggot from incels.me got her? Was it because of the statusmaxxing from all the interviews?
Probably, all women are attracted to status
SHE approached HIM?
That's it.
I'm killing myself tonight.
This is unbearable.
Bonus trivia:
She's 18 now but they got together when she was an underage (17)
Don't kys over a girl, come on now
Way to out yourself newfag.
I know it is bro.
Statusmaxx is the only way to salvation. Good looks is instant status, but short of that you need to broadcast yourself above others in some way. You need to self-promote like a fearless alpha would. Basically a dark triad don't give a fuck attitude. This fucker put himself out there as an incel at a time when all incels were branded as dangerous terrosists. That takes balls.
It's not about Tahlia, she's too young for me and lives in another country anyway.
It's that my entire life has been a cruel joke.
All my life, I tried to do the right thing.
I worked hard so I could provide for a wife and kids one day, I bought a house 6 years ago, thinking one day it'd be where my family lived.
But I'll just die alone here, hopefully I have the courage to do it tonight.
All I've ever wanted was a family, man.
I did everything I could to be the kind of guy I was told women would want to be their husband.
The dependable, reliable provider.
I thought that was what they wanted.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I thought I was doing the right fucking thing.
This guy just goes out and SAYS some basic Yas Forums talking points and an angel like her falls into his lap.
For all my work, for all my effort to actually LIVE UP TO the traditional roles he TALKS about, I get nothing, I get to live a lonely and miserable life devoid of love, crushed by the shame of knowing my family line ends with me.
This is lifefuel I am proud of him, he made something out of himself and you incels should honestly take notes cuz even he can get someone jfl
>This is lifefuel
yeah retard good luck replicating that fucking scenario
You might as well say a person winning the lottery is lifefuel you stupid faggot
Getting fed tendies by hand
oh nonononononono
why user?
Why do I feel like this will be my future?
Don't give up, keep trying. You will find your angel one day
I appreciate that you attempt to comfort me, but spare me the platitudes.
It's just not going to happen to me, and there's no reason to think it will.
I'm already older than I wanted to be to start having kids, and honestly when you;re a wizard who has never had any woman express interest in you in your life, you just have to accept that it's over.
sorry it came across as platitudinal, you just seem like such a hard worker, it'd be such a waste if you gave up too soon
I am, but all my hard work has ever done is contribute to Mr Goldberg's system that I hate.
Not any more.
I'm tired, existentially tired, and I'm going to get the rest I desperately need.
Please don't user, use this as a sign to keep going. To kill yourself is what Mr Goldberg wants, he purposefully made this world unbearable so that good men like you will kill themselves off. But you can still rise above it
user my life has been nothing but misery with no reward or even respite.
I can no longer delude myself that things will be better one day.
I really do appreciate your attempt to help, but death would be a mercy at this point.
I'm too old for what I wanted out of life anyway, there are no good women left at my age.
Mr Goldberg beat me, I wish I was stronger, but I have no strength left.
But you are strong to have gotten this far. And even if you didn't achieve your dreams, and you're too old, there's other holy paths for a man like you. Preisthood, studies etc. Your life can still have meaning
>Bonus trivia:
>She's 18 now but they got together when she was an underage (17)
How old is he?
this post is how I feel too user, I got laid before but no woman ever stays around prob because I have a 5 incher and its skinny and because of my looks this world is a fucking joke and should not be taken seriously at all, for both of us we should hope corona takes out all these fags.
He's 22
getting sex is one thing, keeping a bitch around is another thing entirely, trust me if you think sex is the one thing that changes between you and incel you are so poorly mistaken.
they. got. married.
you stupid whore, unless you're gonna fuck him and stay with him stfu and end your miserable existence.
jfl marriage is just a way to get cucked, she is bagging on his e-fame and his future earnings, she will have kids with him and leverage it against him.
btw fyi I just talked to knajjd and this "trad" girls nudes are all over the web. She is just another whore and he is gonna get supercucked in like a year tops, marriages this young rarely last. its gonna be a spectacle because now he has 0 support groups due to not being an incel and normies still hate him for the jubilee vids.
You gotta realize a lot of incels are really salty about this and are trying to make the two of them look bad as much as possible. The most lewd thing that exists of her is a bra picture some perve blackmailed her to take when she was 13, and I know that's not ideal but compared to most women nowadays, it's really nothing. I know a lot of people took advantage of her on abode as well (I remember knajjd and his friends were bragging about trying to convince her to circumcise herself)
I for one, am really happy for the two of them. I have been following her online for quite some time and I really just wanted her to find stability from day 1
We will never have this
Is abode still around?
No, it died years ago
The videos/screenshots posted of him are old and outdated, he's a fakecel piece of shit who larped as being an Incel. He lost like 200LB or some shit and has gyno loose skin bag titties but other than that his face is obviously the reason she's with him.
they're looksmatched in my opinion
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She even made memes for him. Brendio even posted this on the forums awhile back.
This dude and his gf are redditors and so are all of you for knowing who they are.
On incels.co? Are the mods still huge faggots? They must be if they allow non-incels.
Incels.co is an absolute fucking mess. I don't think Brendio is an Incel, but at least he wasn't an active sex haver, and he never even brought up Tahlia on the forum even while they were dating. Even people on the moderation team such as knajjd, and serge have had sex.