Yeesh... americains

yeesh... americains
stop being so like fucking racist
like seriously

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nice file size nigga

I live in the Deep South and came to America as a baby. It really isnt bad as this retarded Twittershit comic makes it out to be, but when it does happen, it fucking sucks. I would talk about this some more, but I find that Asian-Americans always just end up ranting about white people, and Id rather not.

i came into a country full of things i don't like, and now i am mad.
how can this be happening to me?

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>an asian making jokes about whites eating random animals

>It really isnt bad as this retarded Twittershit comic makes it out to be
all the southerners i know, myself included, would disagree

All the southerners I know would disagree. My anecdotal evidence is better than yours reeeee

>panel 1: old lady shit
>panel 2: wtf did you expect in the south?
>panel 3: Better than your conquered every 100 years ass, Juan Paul
>panel 4: Not disproving the Asian men are feminine stereo type
>panel 5: topical humor, grow some skin
>panel 6: So is eating wild animals cool or not?

The guy that draws these comics is a sheltered retard

Your parents should have never come, sorry. Alternatively you can move to the west coast like every other Asian, or just be quiet.

Every one is polite and helpful, this guy just thinks they are being mean. The first lady told him exactly where to go for a good meal. Stay away from white people food china man

>just be quiet
Yeah I mostly do, I dont care to say anything unless something specific comes up. OP posted some shitty bait, so here we are.

>they are probably serving dogs and cats
And yet everyone still eats asian food. No one actually thinks its anything but chicken beef and pork. Were so racist that we keep eating the food even tho its made by dirty chinks from meat from our pets?

America isn't nearly as racist towards asians as seperate asian cultures are to one another

Why so offended? Orignol

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This. A lot of posters here might be, but there might only be a couple hundred thousand of them. Your average white normie American, even in the south, makes Asian jokes when theyre not around and likes to eat Chinese food every so often. They are kinda iffy about the Chinese, but thats also a political thing. Dont get me wrong, mainlanders are fucking weird. But its not like they hate the Taiwanese for being ethnically Han or anything like that.

>Goes to tiny rural town in Diddlefuck, Nowhere
>"Why oh why isn't everyone sophisticated and open minded? Oh woe is me!"
This is a tryout for the victim Olympics

thin skinned azn guy

Why on earth would anyone hate Stonewall jackson

good artist. those peeps are being polite, people shouldnt have to mentally bend over backwards to accomodate a thin skinned outsider.

>all these people are being friendly to me AAAAAAAAARRRRRGH BEING AN ASIAN MALE IS SO HARD

He was a Confederate general. You can connect the dots from there.

But he's a man with good ethics considering how he treated his slaves and the greatest North american general to ever live. I'm not a burger but i would be quite pissed if someone insulted him

and we call our big government the "Federate" government. "Con" means "with" in Spanish, so Stonewall Jackson was literally "with government". fucking based

Hey, i recognize that auction block. The truth is whether thats even what it was is debatable, its got a plaque on it now but the city has been arguing about it and it's origins, purpose, and use since the 1920s at least and still is. Back then the people who said it wasn't an auction block were the ones who wanted it removed though. As a sidenote it's also likely from the same quarry that sandstone the capital building and white house were built from came. I also know the restuarant in the second panel and what malt shop he's in in the 3rd.

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>pls dont repost

based op. Fuck those nerds

This is like that comic about the guy hating the thread he's in and getting upset like

>Oh no why did I enter into this thread that I hate, that I knew I was going to hate before I entered?

Except it's an Asian guy with White communities. How would the reverse of the comic appear?

Private Gonzales goes to Japan and rant about nips not sitting next to a stinky gaijin on the train

Oh lol someone was ahead of me

It's Fredericksburg Va. It's smack in between Richmond and DC. Little liberal arts college city and history tourist destination mostly. The malt shop is Goolricks and the block isn't located there, its couple blocks over and up the road by the butcher's shop. Goolricks was opened by and bears the name of a former Confederate who actually advocated for the removal of the block back in the 1920s on the claiming its preservation was perpetuating a false history. There is only one chinese place in old town so it's probably supposed to be hunan garden, the restaurant is Mason Dixon cafe which is great, and IDK about the BBQ place/bar. There's a couple BBQ places and a several dive bars like that but none I'm aware of any place that really fits the bill there, seems more like liberties taken just to talk shit like the last panel. I'm inevitably going to meet this faggot eventually.

I dont get the second picture at all? Am I stupid or something? I genuinely dont get it.

Also in the 4th image isnt he judging people based off of their looks like others due to him? Is it supposed to point out the irony that everybody is discriminatory and wont even give others a chance before they judge them or act like they know what they want?
If not then I'm confused

Also the dont tread on me flag shouldn't even be considered racist by anyone. I dont think the Confederate flag is racist but with that one I can understand why some people do and I respect their opinion of that.

azns arent allowed to complain about things.

Like I said l, the place being referenced there is called a the mason dixon cafe, as in the Mason Dixon line dividing the north and south. I recognize the menu design. It's got a lot of items with silly names and he probably took offense over pic related and channled his butthurt by exaggerating.

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I dont understand what wrong with the names of the items though? Like okay their names of people who fought in the civil war, so?


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Because anything associated with the civil war in any capacity regardless of context is muh rasisum I guess. That's the attitude anyway. You've got to understand that these sort of people who get angry and take personal offense over confederate graveyards, becuase you know, there were battles and shit here and people had to be buried. That's just unacceptable to have around apparently. I've yet to see anyone actually advocate for removing graveyards but that example of being angry and offended by them is a real thing that I've seen happen more than a few times.


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imagine spending whole day just looking for the next thing to be offended about

This. Pretty cool dude.

Giving by f going but

>complains about racist stereotypes that asians eat dogs/rats/bats
>jumps to a racist stereotype about white rednecks eating groundhogs in the next panel
Is he on some level of irony that I'm just not comprehending?

>wtf stop making jokes I don't like them :(

>assuming americans racists
>asking nonsense shit
There's no turning back for americans. It already been in their bloods

>Pretending you don't shop at an asian grocers if you're asian
>Oh no, not dishes named after people who were part of independence movements I dislike - erase from history pls
>You can't have a heritage REEEEEEEEE
>Nobody but absolute social outcasts has tattoos like that, and aesthetics don't make you racist
>How dare you make jokes about my dericious bat soup REEEEEEEEEEE
>How dare you eat wild game REEEEEEEEEEE

See I don't get stuff like that Ghengis Khan killed a fuck ton of people and raped a fuck ton of others but we still think he's awesome. Muhammad fucked kids.
You just can't apply modern morals to a time other than the one we're living in. If every person back then was racist and ate sardines you would most likely be someone racist that ate sardines as well.

Who tf things Ghengis Khan is "awesome" lol, in any fiction I've heard him referenced he's always the bad guy, ig except for that really old movie ig?

>An asian calling people racist

Alright what if I said Alexander the great? Or Vikings who were basically Somali pirates of back in the day?

The last one isn't even racist it's just redneck shit

I'm a Chinese American living in Texas for over 20 years. I have never experienced anything in OPs picture and the racism I have experienced was no different then what everyone else experiences about their race.

People here are actually super nice always trying to make sure I feel welcome. Anytime my overseas relatives come ro visit everyone does their best to make sure they are not left out and asks them a lot of questions.

OPs image is just some precious faggot who thinks if someone acts negatively to him it must be because of his race. The media keeps saying Asians are such victims and some start to think every single thing in their life is due to a racist. I know Asians like this. They grow up totally normal and fine then suddenly put of nowhere they bend over backwards to try and tie anything to racism.

I love the south and have never felt unwelcome due to racism. I get called a chink or dog eater the same ammount as a white guy is called a slave or colonist shit.

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"I didn't experience it so it's impossible that other people have!" Get your head out of your ass. Your personal experience does not mean other's haven't had a different one. Retards like you are so self centered that you really can't comprehend that your one individual life isn't representative of everyone else's. Actually, you're probably just a white guy shilling.

>goes to place literally called mason dixon cafe
>wtf theres a bunch of civil war era references here reeeeeee triggering meeeeeeee
I am no fan of the South for multiple reasons but the guy who made this is just a thin skinned retard.
Shit like this is retarded too.

>First image is an old woman who is being nice by telling him where Asian joints are encase he was a foreigner
>He somehow can get offended by this
Holy shit. I visit a foreign country and I love it when they help me find the white people shit. How the hell can he get so negative about this? ASIANS LOVE THEIR ASIAN SHIT
>2nd 3rd and 4th
Literally nothing racist.
Still not racist. Just poor taste in humor.
Literally just a guy having a chat or even bantering.

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He was Confederate
Confederate bad

>DIsregards his post due to it being anecdotal
>Proceeds to claim the other guys right because of his anecdotal experience in the comic

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Oh sorry I forgot that to claim something isnt racist it must be from data gathered by an academic study.

My bad. Everything is racist cuz some guy made a comic where 5/6 slides (arguably 6/6 slides) wasnt even racist.

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no, retard, i'm saying that just because the guy claimed not to have experienced racism for being asian (though he probably isn't even asian) doesn't mean that other asians haven't experienced racism. i never said every single asian person deals with constant racism, nor did the comic, the comic is just accounting his personal experience, but the guy who responded acted like his personal experience (which is probably a larp) means that it's not possible that any other person of the same race had a different experience.

oh yeah, because i totally just claimed that everyone is racist. no, retard, you're putting words in my mouth, all i'm saying is that just because some asian guy never experienced racism doesn't mean that others can't. some have, some haven't.

He claimed that the so called racism was due to people doing mental gymnastics to be offended and cry racism. The comic does exactly this in most slides. He didnt claim the experiences didnt happen but that it's not racism just a pussy faggot wanting to be offended so he can cry about it.

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whatever, i'm not asian so i can't say that being stereotyped like the guy in the comic isn't racist because i can't invalidate experiences that i haven't and will never go through, and the fact that the responder was so desperate to defend muh precious pure white man makes it pretty obvious it's just another white guy shilling as an ethnic

Yes you can. Just because something happened doesnt mean its racist only because he feels like it is.

how do you know that? it's not preposterous to think it's possible that if someone immediately assumes an asian guy wants to eat sushi or jokes about chinese restaurants serving dogs that they might have a mindset that asians are inferior. there are people who think other races should be genocided but wouldn't even make a peep about someone's race out loud. for example there are plenty of devout muslims in london who think whites are infidels that need to be genocided but some of them wouldn't dare to say even a racist a joke about a white person.