25 and never used drugs

25 and never used drugs
any r0b0t can relate?

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Start doing them now.
Every normie will say "drugs bad mkay", but thats because they have it together. If you have nothing going on for you, specially if genetics and upbringing already fucked you over, you might as well go for the last things that can bring you happiness.

im 26 and have never done drugs or had sex or gotten drunk.

I'm not really interested in doing them, despite things being a bit dire. I still get frustrated by the few times I embarrassed myself with just alcohol

>never done drugs
>never had alcohol
>never smoked
>never felt the touch of a woman

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I've tried weed like 5 times and I didn't enjoy it that much. It made me feel like 50% of my brain got turned off, like my IQ dropped by 10-20 points, like I wasn't 100% in control of my body/ mind (similar to when you're too drunk) and I felt a bit more relaxed/ calm.
I honestly don't understand how people who aren't brainlets and don't have anxiety problems or ADHD can enjoy weed.
I want to try some harder drugs like LSD and MDMA but I'm afraid of messing up my brain (especially because I've had depression in the past). I'll probably try them when I'm old and have less to lose.

holy shit start doing drugs your life must be pure pain.

I've never done drugs and I've only met one drug user in my life, it isn't hard in the suburbs.

In the school drug education program they said that I would definitely be offered drugs at some point in my life. Except I have no friends so no ones offering anything.

>never smoked cigarettes
>never smoked weed
>never did any drugs
>socially drink 1-2 beers or something similar
With the exception for alcohol, I never had that much peer pressure to try drugs. I avoid drinking because I've seen my grandpa and father drunk and it's not a good picture and I don't want to turn into that.

you will...mark my words

Having done drugs. Don't do it
Not worth it

To the people who haven't done drugs, not even mild ones like weed or alcohol: Why not?

How exactly is that going to happen when I barely drink in company and don't drink at home at home?

>didn't try anything till i was around 17 and started socializing
>currently on oxys and the only mainstream drug i haven't tried is heroine

What did you do while high? Weed amplifies emotion, that's the whole point. If you don't do anything fun and just try to make the high do all the work, then it will suck. If you, however, just sit down with your favourite movie, music album, hobby etc and don't even think of the weed, then you will get completely immersed and have a lot of fun. It's no longer like watching a movie, it's like living the movie through a dream.

30 here, never smoked or did drugs, likely never will. Drink on the rare occasion my married friends have time to hang out.

Fuck off. The only reason to do drugs is normalfags at parties. If you're a bot, doing drugs alone will only fuck your life even harder. Quit trying to drag others into your miserable world.

why the hell should i care about drugs and alcohol? im busy for that shit

*too busy i mean

I don't know how to get drugs and I'm scared of being caught

What do you mean too busy? Do you have no leisure time?

Order it off the internet on darknet markets. If you do it domestically in small doses the chance of being caught is almost zero.

I don't feel the want or need of becoming a temporary retard for the purpose of escapism. I feel fine in my normal, sober state and would prefer to continue like this.
>t. 32 years old khhv hikkineet

Alcohol is a drug. Caffeine is a drug.

22 and never done drugs here. Don't plan on ever doing them either.
FPWP. Drugs are the cornerstone of what makes a normalfag a normalfag.

>I feel fine in my normal, sober state and would prefer to continue like this.

That's all good, but I do feel the need to point out that drugs don't necessarily make you a temporary retard, or is necessarily used for escapism.

Mental stimulation then? My brain is already practically overclocked, I don't need more of it.
The limitations would be physical if anything and no drug is going to solve that.

This, for me its just about not being bored constantly,i cant even enjoy video games anymore without some sort of substance to fuel it

>never used drugs
>never drank alcohol
>never smoked anything
>haven't had pop/soda and anything with caffeine in 20 years
People usually just assume I'm uber religious, but I'm not. Just find it all to be a waste of money and health.

>My brain is already practically overclocked
Elaborate, cause you're kinda coming off as one of those "300 iq" snowflakes

Depends what you mean by doing drugs
Ive never done drugs recreationally, but I was on hydrocodone for a month after surgery and other narcotics for months due to chronic pain and yes I did feel sedated. Those are hard drugs yet I was using them for their intended purpose. So in that case I did do drugs.

If you mean am I a druggie who just wants to get high than no.

More like mental exploration. It lets you think and feel in ways that you never have before, teaching you about yourself and making you more open minded and experienced. Imagine your sober psyche as your home town. You feel good and comfortable in it, you know it very well, you may never feel the need to leave it. But that's what drugs do, it lets you travel outside your town. Maybe to other towns that are not so different but still new, or to places so remote and alien that it takes your breath away.

Stimulants. And they don't overclock you, there's a reason ADHD kids get them. It brings up the rest of you to speed and feels fucking amazing.

Means that it's constantly active and I never have trouble with thinking or any kind of mental work, so stimulants seem pointless. Quick thinking and all that, just a healthy brain I assume.

No, but I've done ket, weed and MDMA before.
Never found the appeal of them. I mean I felt nice on them but not enough to go out and buy some.

32 and never done drugs, and not even feeling bad about it

Especially when looking at the brainlet levels of absolutely every druggie poster, makes me feel good that at least I am not that much of an idiot no matter how bad my life is doing. Feels good to not fall for the escapism jew of giggle lettuce, funny flour and happy pills, I am raw dogging life without a brain condom and it's not a feat these druggies would be even capable of, feels good to be superior

Doesnt matter. Even when drugs are used relatively safely its still a waste of time and money. Not to mention the legal risks. I may do drugs eventually. But ill never be the type of scum to try to tell others to do drugs.

Allright allright, i stand corrected. My bad to assume

I can do all of that and more at will. My imagination is very vivid, I conceptualize new ideas often and can visualize things to the point of feeling them physically.

Never used drugs when I was young (currently 34) and all of my friends or associates would make fun of me. Now practically all of them are either in rehab, jail, or dead.

its more than just a vivid imagination. its hard to explain without you experiencing it so this discussion is kinda dead

36 and never used drugs
yes I can relate

>drugs are only social experiences
Dumb faggots spotted
Altered states of consciousness are pretty fun, specially when you are left to your own devices.

Every time I tried it I was just chilling with friends (watching movies, talking, relaxing outside etc.). Weed does make me feel more relaxed but I'm naturally a very relaxed/ calm person so I don't really need that.
I guess weed affects people differently.

If you don't mind my asking, how much did you smoke? and was it quality or dirt. depending on your natural tolerance this can greatly effect the high and make it sorta boring.

Really, you didn't enjoy MDMA? I want to try it but I'm afraid it will feel too good and I won't be able to enjoy life as much afterwards (that's what I've heard some people say)

No, sorry but you can't do that at will. It's physically impossible, as substances physically affect your brain. It's impossible to explain to someone who haven't experienced it.

It was high quality. One of the times it was even home grown I think. I have tried different doses. Weed makes me feel sedated.

it sounds to me like you've been high but never been stoned, i think you should like dedicate a night to getting as high as you can, get some movies lined up some games plenty of snacks and just light up, even invite some friends if they would be down. but the main goal is just to enjoy yourself.

Home grown does not necessarily mean high quality. In fact it is often the opposite. It takes a lot of work, skills, and the right equipment to make potent weed, that's not easy for amateurs to get right.

This, if you're new to the whole "culture" of weed, be sure to look up some forums and articles to be able to tell the difference between good and bad weed

I was stoned out of my mind one of the times. But yea, I might try smoking some good weed on my own and see if I enjoy it.
Weed is pretty high quality in my country (at least that's what my stoner friends told me). The homegrown is from one of my friends who smokes every day (usually not his own).

And hey, if you still dont enjoy it, its not for everybody. to each his own. atleast you could say you gave it a fair chance

>too busy
>on r9k

lmao, you realise people who are actually extremely busy often do a lot of stims? Students take adderall, chefs take speed, executives take coke, trade workers take meth. Not that I encourage stim abuse or anything, but, "too busy" is a wimpy excuse.

Weed is gay and MDMA might fuck you up forever if you have depression. LSD is great. After trying it I realized what a situational drug weed really is. Using downers everyday is a recipe for disaster in a spiritual and practical sense.

Happened in college

Chick I met had me try some weed and nothing happened,
The next time she gave me edibles and I got high out of my mind.
Very interesting experience, I was definitely not having a good time, It was a terrible trip.
The next time I lowered my dose and had a nice trip,
My mind was unlocked,
No worries and 100% attention to what I was doing.
The visual distortions where cool.
30 btw.

This list details the majority of drugs I've used in life. Drugs can be fun and safe if you're not a dummy

LSD: I'll keep it brief cause I could talk all day long about the stuff, but, LSD/psychs are the single greatest fucking experience I've ever had. Nothing is ever the same again, it's such an intensely profound, beautiful, and introspective experience that cannot be put into words. My absolute favourite.

Alcohol: Mostly over rated, more dangerous than people like to admit, but a very versatile drug ultimately. I can't say I don't love chugging beers with a couple good mates at a pub for hours on end, it's always a good time. I always said as a kid I'd never drink cause I'd be so worried about embarrassing myself, but after the first time you've done it, it's really not that bad.

Weed: Ahh weed, I miss weed. Weed seems like the best thing in the world at first, but you soon realise it's kinda over rated. Unfortunately I just can't smoke the stuff anymore, but it is also very versatile, "safe", and I think everyone should try it at least once. It's the ultimate NEET drug. That's why its dangerous, it makes wasting time way too much fun. Also jerking off on weed is 10/10.

Nicotine: Fuck off, I hate you. Don't start smoking kids, its not worth it.

Xanax: I only usually do it at the end of trips. Its good for anxiety. It makes you have an absolutely amazing nights sleep, but other than that its just like getting kinda drunk, and way more sleepy. I don't really get the hype.

MDMA: MDMA is fucking amazing. You feel like you have the charisma of a movie star and the energy of an athlete, and everything just feels right... until you come down. Then it sucks. Overrated imo.

NO2 cannisters: Basically crack for stoners/psychonauts. When combined with the right drugs, they're absolutely fucking fantastic, on their own? Kind of underwhelming, but still fun enough to get a lot of drop kicks hooked on the shit, and you can go to work the next day!

>The only reason to do drugs is normalfags at parties
this makes zero fucking sense mate i'm sorry, normalfags do drugs at parties and we do drugs alone at home. we're still people, drugs are universal, everybody loves them except turboautists

>Nothing is ever the same again, it's such an intensely profound, beautiful, and introspective experience that cannot be put into words. My absolute favourite.
I want the LSD you did what the fuck. I have voidrealms and all that happens to me is I get triple vision, see a ton of weird closed eye visuals, colors and music become fucking amazing, and I can't sit still and I laugh a lot.

Based drugfree r0b0t

By not doing drugs you:
-Save money
-Avoid all the possible troubles coming from dealing with the unsavory people that traffic them
-Avoid the poisonous side effects
-Have an easier time finding satisfaction in comparison to druggies due to your dopamine perception thresold being lower.

Seriously, not doing drugs is a win/win condition. Don't listen to guys like .
What that user said was unfortunately out of despair for his circumstances. The truth however is that the best thing you can do for yourself is to always aim to improve your life's quality regardless of what happens. It's true that there are people with inherent advantages due to luck, genetics, wealth ecc., but this doesn't mean you should give up. I hope that you and this user will have their lives turn out well in the end.

I'm limited to coffee and alcohol. I've got 4 mental disorders so I'm told weed will drive me kill crazy.

What did you dose at?

I started drinking and doing drugs at 16
I tried weed rivotril xanax ecstasy and LSD
I still am a virgin and cant relate to others but health doesnt matter much to me and drugs make you feel better so they worth a try hopefully i can buy some weed soon would make me content for some days now...