Y am I labeled a newfag for not keeping up with the most recent ugly monkey looking r9k thot?
The guys who keep posting these dumb broads are worse than tranny or bbc shitposting
Y am I labeled a newfag for not keeping up with the most recent ugly monkey looking r9k thot?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just learn to ignore the ugly girls they spam like the rest of us user
reeee shut the fuck up newfag you can not be a true robot without worshiping the latest and greatest queen of the apes. Reeeeee not caring about this bonobo looking cunt is a completely normalfag point of you and you can not be apart of our incel grooming cult if you do not recognize some little ape bitch reeeeee.
I fail to give any attention to the latest discordfags drama or egirl whatevers.
So often I seem like a lurker
I just couldn't give two shits about them
>add some faggots from Yas Forums on discord
>they start talking about discord drama bullshit
>call me a newfag for not understanding what they're talking about
>they all openly admit arriving post 2016
Crazy times boyos
she is so cute. does she have a gaming chair? her room setup seems so weird. and she has two rooms? one dads house other mom house?
how do I get in one of those discords
ethot orbiters are subhumans. Dont worry. Your still a fag though, cant help you there.
Be a completely useless faggot with a pathetic excuse for a life
why would you not keep up? They are just so cute
Damn Yas Forums simp orbiter e-thots look like THIS!!!???
they look like this, yes
> ugly commie bitch
why the fuck would you orbit that user
She doesnt show teeth a lot does she? Are they fucked, is that why?
yeah look closely in
they seem fine to me, you can see them here as well
she brushes everyday!!!!
hes /ourgirl/
has this white baboon posted feet already? if not, what the fuck is it waiting for
Tu es francais?
I don't even associate with people who found this site post 2008.
ditto please drop the discord
going back to our roots
official Yas Forums egirl skype server (just like in the old days!)
join now!
who the fuck is still on Skype
What if you woke up and she was like two inches from your face . Would you kiss this face?
id kiss her on the check because id want to have a wholesome happy relationship and not move fast. turns out bad angles and lighting makes you not look great, who knew
Wholesome huh? Why bother being wholesome with her at this point, it would be like taking a hooker to church
having sex once isnt bad. nor is smoking weed once. she isnt close to a hooker. and who wants to go to church
holy fuck she's ugly hahahahaha
thats very mean. if she read this shed be very upset. not good for a young girl.
Can you make out what is in her hand? Is it her I.D. And pack of cigs? Is she going to a dance club maybe?
It's what keeps her ID attached to her phone
She tries to copy Marky's hair. Just kill this one fast guys.
what does this mean>
>19 Years and 1 Month
man, i dont know how you guys do it. im literally like 1 year and 8 days older than her and i feel like a pedo looking at that.
Are there any anons here from back in the day when she first started coming here? I think there was a mega with shit loads of pictures and old videos of her. Never bookmarked it though . That would be like the holy grail
Your crush is dating someone 20 yeara older than her, lol
She is dating jay? God this life is not fair
This place is a cesspit for autistic losers. Seriously, autistic people have fanatic and jail-worthy levels of obsession.
The people lusting over her are mentally damaged people, unaware of how relationships work, unaware of what they want, weirdos
thats fucked. imagine thinking right now, "im going to fuck a girl that isnt even born yet". and marc wasnt that old eh. but im guessing shes found someone new eh.
What's your take on this then.
dont even mention that. and it looks like one of those government little holder things. they come in like blue or red.
I hate you orbiting simp cucks so fucking much
No. Yas Forums was supposed to be a board where people post original content and the robot prevents repetitive shit. It just turned out to be that people here have (mostly) the same mindset and since they mostly have low standards they flock over these girls. Some of them are cute though albeit autistic af like Agatha.
How do anons find out about these girls anyway? Who are they? Are they /soc/ camwhores or something?
Yeah I work with a girl like this, this black girl called her a dweeb.
agreed it's better to just ignore threads like those. Really hiroshimoot should make a containment board for orbiters and make it banned on r9k and r9k would improve tenfold.
They've been posting ratchan for years maybe you are a newfag
I think those posts are larps
Holy shit. i just realized that all Simps are robots
You are still a huge fag, no doubt
How do people even find these girls to orbit around?
every new R9K whore is a 0.5 downgrade from the last one, and we've hit the downgrade milestone quite a few times
Because you use Y instead of writing why.
i dont care about any of these bitches
rose is the only one for me
Hope somebody kills her like they did bianca so you orbiting fags start crying
Wishing death on someone is really fucked up user
so is orbiting user
what the fuck? This chick looks like ass. I'd still fuck her but who has such shit taste they would go for this fucked up looking chick when there are at least a few chicks that get spammed who aren't too bad. You're right op she does look like a fucking chimp.
so is cute and nice to talk to. she is perfect.
Fucking based thread. Fuck these orbiters and the semi attractive thots they worship. "Is she really dead bros" wahhhh shut the fuuuck up
just by browsing r9k. then their stuff gets posted, you fall in love, and then you orbit/
Anyone that posts on Yas Forums post 2014 is a newfag, that includes me too