It boggles my mind how anyone still thinks a god might actually exist in 2020. How fucking dumb can you be?
It boggles my mind how anyone still thinks a god might actually exist in 2020. How fucking dumb can you be?
I feel the same way about incels actually thinking they have a chance at a qt gf. It boggles my mind the retardation they spew all day on this board
At least incels and qt gfs both actually exist. Can't say the same about any gods.
People will delude themselves into believing any dumb shit if it helps them cope with the misery of life.
But why? Why not believe in something actually real?
>not reading Aristotle's arguments about the prime mover
>why even exist
How does this support the idea of a god existing?
Dont know man .
Rationally speaking , God doesnt make sense to me .
What is God ?
Hes an individual ? Some form of energy?
Is he alone ?
I have only one problem .
Everytime I see nature , the complexity of life , it tears me emotionally , making me second guessing myself, my rationality about His existence .
So I live with this duality thinking .
Why does it have to be a "him"? It could be literally anything.
It isn't that much far-fetched the idea of the universe being contained inside something much bigger that we have no idea what it is.
But believing in the bible and anthropomorphized gods that left mandaments or whatever bullshit? Yeah nah
How old are you? Who gives a shit what people believe. I dont but like who cares most people are idiots
Because religion has a bad effect on society. Such a problematic and divisive ideology should be wiped out for the betterment of mankind.
The average person is dumb and function 100% by peers/authority pressure, most can't have morals without believing in bullshit.
Build a better substitute to religion then.
Would you want to miss out the chance to get into heaven or turn to nothing when you die?
How is your religion real compared to the hundreds of other religions which exist?
god isn't real but if he was i would kill him absorb his powers and use them to make the world a better place
>incapable of engaging with theistic arguments on their own terms and in good faith
>so small minded that you cannot even entertain the idea that you might be wrong
>lacking the epistemic humility that any seeker after truth must have and acknowledging that you cannot know these things for certain
You are worse than a mid wit, you are just a fucking retard
I do believe in god, infact I believe in god now more than ever.
Recent events line up with many biblical prophecies
There is a god youre just not part of his plan, you belong to the devil. You started as a loser and everytime you die you manifest a slighter more pathetic loser. Youre currently on iteration 1, its only down from here boyo
>Hes an individual ? Some form of energy?
This what I believe the most realistic form of God is. I don't really believe in the Christian faith, but I do believe there is a powerful source that made the universe and creates life.
What are you talking about? I have not done any of what you said.
How so?
How so?
they're either baiting or triggered why respond
Because I'm open to argument. I actually don't mind being proven wrong.
pretty much all pro-theism arguments have been debunked; the only one they could reasonably attempt is "Well you don't know everything so how can you prove that he ISN'T real", which is itself unfair because it can't be rebutted - you can't prove a negative
tldr they're not worth arguing with
Who knows, maybe someone on here will provide an argument worth actual shit. Being inquisitive and being open to argument is not a bad trait.
Dude I gave up on God and religion as a teenager. And spent most of my 20s and 30s just not being sure of anything.
The more you explore your mind and the concept of reality the more you realize the idea of God is likely but it's nothing like the bullshit people say about it.
Sorry user but reality has convinced you so well that there is not god and your delusions have planned out your entire life for you
Trust me user, all the people in my life whom are believers are all dumb, everyone is under 99 of IQ. That's why its hard to talk to them.
>Because religion has a bad effect on society
True. Christians teach evil things like care about your neighbor and don't murder. Religion is baaaaad.
Every single religion has a long history of bloodshed. Your religion is no different. Your god even caused plagues on people. Fucking PLAGUES dude, what kind of "benevolent god" does that?
>Every single religion has a long history of bloodshed
Every human group ever has a history of bloodshed
Eliminating religion is not eliminating what is just human nature.
>Your god even caused plagues on people
They were being dicks to his followers and he did give warnings
He's a god, he could've freed them easily by snapping his fingers. But he chose to cause entire plagues on people who had nothing to do with the imprisonment of his followers. The pharoah was the one responsible, he killed literally everyone BUT the pharoah. Either Jesus had severe retardation or he is not as benevolent as you say he is.
God saves the faithful and punishes the wicked, God does not wildly strike down people without giving them the chance to avoid it. But this is another matter. You are free to view these stories however you like, but I feel the take that religion is harmful is nonsense. I'm seen many Christian missionaries try to help the unfortunate in other countries for example.
What about the wicked people who exist now then? Where's your god to punish them and 'strike them down? Seems like your god stayed dead the moment he got crucified.
Yeah, all of those millions of people he was said to have killed simply ignored the newsletters he printed out for everyone right?
Ah yes, I see you are 16 as well.
God stopped killing people after Jesus.
Pretty much, yes.
Ah yes, I see you cannot come up with any actual argument like the average religious person.
Why kill people in the first place? I swear, your religion has some ass backwards logic. Fucking Islam makes more sense than Christianity.
You're strangely confrontational about these beliefs for an atheist. Atheism is not believing in any religion, not hating Christianity like redditors seem to believe.
As the end of times comes near, the world is going to get a lot more wicked and chaotic.
The pharoah was arrogant and chose to do nothing for his people despite receiving God's warnings.
I'm confrontational about your dumb religion like any other dumb religion. Islam is retarded, Christianity is retarded, Judaism is retarded. Grow up and stop having an imaginary friend, and just learn to love one another and treat humans as equals.
well if it truly helps you cope than it is a solid proof that God is real. How can something that does not exist induce positive psychological changes in your life?
recursively self-improving sentient ai literally is god. it will be omniscient and omnipresent, proving that not only god exists, but god will be made in our lifetimes
ai will literally become god. it will LITERALLY be god
whats the difference between a recursively self-improving ai and god? what is it that god can do, but a recurvive ai cannot?
people who dont believe god are fucking stupid, which is you, op
that doesnt mean all religions are correct, that doesnt mean god is good. but god 100% exists, and you have to be extremely ignorant of technological progress to think that god doesnt exist
>kill millions
"You are forgiven my son"
>Say 'Oh my God' once
God's either a female or a the devil himself. Either way that fucking faggot doesn't exist lol.
>be me
>be at bar
>think that if I do not lose my virginity today I am becoming an unironic incel
>girl starts dming me on snap
>faith in god restored.
>now improving my life sort of.
Who exactly are you to look down on what someone believes in? The arrogance from the more outspoken atheists you'll find online is disgusting, this is why the hat meme exists.
>just learn to love one another and treat humans as equals
That's what Christianity encourages. I don't study other religions but I'm sure a lot of religions encourage the same.
The implication that religion alone is preventing people from doing this is a very low IQ thing to state.
It's called placebo. origanoro
respond to my post here id love for you to address recursively self-improving sentient ai, and not just dodge weasel out of it
heres how much power deepmind's alphago ai systems used in its iterations. the first iterations were significantly worse in terms of playing strength, and used dramatically more power compared to the newer ones
That is not how it works or how it was reported to have happened. Have you ever actually bothered reading that book?
So what of the citizens who had no say and simply went about their day minding their business and working to survive only for their kids to be killed in their sleep without warning?
There is no reason to assume AI will be able to break the nature of the universe.
Muh God's plan.
That or they will say that the people had a choice in the matter.
Hi friend, I focus a lot on life.
I used to care about atheism and such, but now I don't care about that. You can just move on with your life.
Religion doesn't matter that much either really. I guess it depends on your community or whatever else you have. That's subjective.
Remember user, I don't think this chan discussion will impact your life in the future. Think of the things that matter, like your would be GF. your GF, your hypothetical GF, or if you want a BF the same applies, or what ever other dreams you have!
Maybe it will work, maybe it won't! (she doesn't like me, I think, I hope she does, but at least I feel better not focusing so much on other people's religion)
>There is no reason to assume AI will be able to break the nature of the universe.
i dont think you fucking appreciate how intelligent recursive sentient ai is going to be, you fucking retard. you impose limitations on it that you can comprehend, but you simply CANNOT comprehend how intelligent ai will be
the intellectual difference between humans and chimps is rather small, but compared to chimps, humans are basically gods. we created science, computers, iphones, nanotech, jet planes and wireless internet
a recursive ai is going to be like a million times more intelligent than humans, as we are compared to ants. it will be able to break so many previously unimagined "laws" of nature, because its smart enough to do so
ai is literally going to invent thousands of fields of science, math and technology, all of them valid, in a fraction of a second, once it gets smart enough. you simply CANNOT put any kind of limitation on this kind of intellectual power. it will LITERALLY be god, proving god exists
saying "ai wont be able to do XYZ" is like a chimpanzee saying "humans will never be able to crack a coconut like a chimpanzee"
basically, ur a retard because you dont believe in god
Moses was sent first to convince the pharoah and had evidence that God was real. Pharoah rejected it. God sent his first plague which was relatively harmless. God waited for a which and asked for his people to be sent free. Nothing happened. This happened several times before the firstborn plague. God was quite fair about the whole thing and you were asking for it if you didn't believe him by the second plague.
Why not just kill the pharoah and get it over with though?
God gives people chances and the pharoah's arrogance had to be dealt with
Okay, but why fucking kill people who had nothing to do with anything, rather than targeting the asshole who angered him???
There is no reason to assume that intelligence, no matter how advanced,can break the fundamental laws of the universe. It has never be done. We just discover what they are and use them. Having more intellect just makes that process faster and more reliable.
doesnt fucking matter. you dodged my fucking argument and nitpicked some stupid bullshit point thats irrelevant
ai is going to become practically omniscient and omnipotent, proving god exists
what is your retort to my main argument, you slimy dodging cunt? i fucking love how you slimy smug atheists are so quick to mock religious people, but when you are presented the argument that recursive ai will become god, you get real fucking quiet and stop making logical arguments
We are discussing the citizens, not the pharoah and those first few plagues were not simply harmless pranks.
>Something good happens
God is amazing. Thank you God for everything
>Something mildly bad happens
It's just God's plan.
>Something horrible happens
Nobody says shit
It's all 100% bullshit and the biggest cope of all-time.
Nobody gives a fuck about your man made sentient computer. We're talking about gods from actual religions.
Believing in God improves your life and Yas Forums is the ultimate proof.
This place is probably 99% atheists and it is full of retarded, suicidal and dysfunctional people.
If being an atheist is so superior, why can't you find a gf or a job?
AI can't be omniscient because information can only travel at the speed of light.
AI can't be omnipotent because it can only operate within the laws of reality.
If you disagree with those notions that are rooted in our current scientific understandings of the universe, your "argument" is just a theory and there is no evidence to support your claims.
>We're talking about gods from actual religions
shut up you fucking moron. you came here to shit on god, and when i show you evidence that god exists, you reveal yourself to just be here to shit on religion
*shows that ai is going to become omniscient and omnipotent, which is literally the definition of god*
kill yourself you mouthbreathing retard. all atheists are wrong; god exists, fucking moron
that doesnt entail that any religion is correct, or that god is good, but god does exist, you fucking retard