Ideal bf thread 2.0

The other one is dead. Fembots, describe your ideal bf!

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ITT not me

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>shy type
>skinny fat / skeleton
>shorter than 6'
>not perverted
>good natured
>likes pet names
>likes history
>likes outdoors
>likes videogames that arent FPS or linear
Bonus points if he's into plants/botany and is a virgin

>gentle to kids and animals
>gentle with me
>above 4'8
>ok with adoption
>ok with me being an adhd mathlet brainlet
>has a hobby that isn't anime/manga/vidya
>likes anime/manga/vidya
>lets me be very physically affectionate
>will reciprocate
>emotionally available
>comes to me to talk if he needs to, doesnt bottle up or is at least willing to work on it
>out of his parents house/planning to
>willing to let me help him work on his mental health if it's poor, won't sabotage himself constantly
>we both have a relationship where we build eachother up as equals, very supportive
>will reciprocate my unyielding loyalty
>preferable: KHHV like myself
>can be playful
>loves to spend quality time together, even if we are doing seperate things we have each other's company
>can enjoy silent company
>willing to tolerate my learning how to cook, i'm not great yet but im trying
>likes to take night walks
where is he
i know my ideal specifications are long but i don't think many are farfetched
i just want a "swan relationship," ie date for intimacy and support and closeness; a soulmate, and not something fleeting. i want to be somebody's rock

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Repost from other bread

My age, height and body type wrong, but I like your interests. Too many women are negligent of history/geography and too many people here don't have any fun outdoor interests, hobbies or activities or a serious (but also enjoyable) interest like botany

What is your height/age/body type? I want someone to love, I can be flexible

literally me but im ugly and not white so why bother

this is false no one wants me

6 feet, 23 and built with some fat but I look very skinny with clothes on. Where are your general where abouts user?

4th times a charm

>looks something like pic
>40-50 yrs old but only a little older than me is ok too (I'm 20)
>quiet/serious natured
>still has a sense of humor
>not weird/predatory/into Lolita-complex despite the age gap
>involved with criminology/psych somehow, whether that's as a professor or related to law enforcement
>takes me seriously
>protective but not possessive
>doesn't mind my morbid interests (not trying to sound like an edgelord; i just tend to repel people)
>likes animals
>would prefer to live somewhere rural

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kid you just made my day,
I'm everything on your list except "emotionally available"
I'm nor sure what that means but in my heart no one gets through without a fight. Even then there's layer upon layer of mental defence, it would take you years to get through even if I wanted you in.

Reposting then
>wants a fat mommy gf
Pic related is almost identical to my size and shape. Happy to lose weight but I always want to be chubby at least. I have a pretty face.
>wants to degrade me sometimes (just a little bit)
>sexually degenerate
>likes older women
>5-8 inch penis
>wants marriage
>doesn't want kids
>above average IQ
>not a psycho/sociopath
>sweet to animals
>has any job

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post feet, piggy

>not forcing someone to tolerate you anyway

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>not weird/predatory/into Lolita-complex despite the age gap
You are looking in the wrong place.

Please, no self-respecting lolicon would go for a 20 year old

>implying any self-respecting anything would go on Yas Forums

>protective but not possessive
you lost me there.

>likes pet names
I guess those rule me out.

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saying i enjoy the process of getting through somebody's defenses doesn't sound good, and it's a bad way to describe what i'm trying to say but i think i could describe it as uhhh, maybe the process of getting to know somebody and earning their trust to confide in me? because i don't "enjoy" getting through to somebody with barriers, because i don't like the fact they've been hurt and that's why they have the barriers at all.
i wouldn't ever expect my partner to just open up off the bat, but im definitely willing to fight tooth and nail and prove myself to them too, that i can protect them and comfort them. i'm sorry you've been hurt, user, i really am. people don't deserve to be afraid like you are.

hmm my deal bf would be a guy who can deal with me being clingy, maybe has similar music taste to me or is just not into country, he can't be obese but its okee to have a little chub ya know, nd also a guy would would read to me I like hearing people read to me. I guess he'd also have to deal with me being awful at conversation but thats about it.

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based satoshi kon femoid

Hey uh I'm mentally pretty fucked up and I long for the idea if my partner and I building each other up. Im also a KHHV. 21 will be turning 22. I enjoy anime and vidya, im gonna start taking singing classes but im pretty bad at it.
I like silent company. Even if we play different games or do different things it would be nice to just have that someone next to me.

I'm all of that except I'm not a virgin by any stretch of the word

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p.s i'm also a mathlet and a brainlet so maybe we can be silly and dumb together. also i got a cute parrot that i love
would love to get to know you a little better

>not a NEET
>strong silent kuudere type
>doting and giving
>isn't a pessimistic misanthropist downer, isn't a naive hippie bro either
>likes working with his hands (woodworking/gardening/DIY enthusiast)
>doesn't use Yas Forums or reddit, has one SNS and it only has pictures of his cats
>doesn't watch porn, doesn't orbit
>totally vanilla
>completely comfortable and secure in his masculinity, allows me to introduce gfd gospels into his life
>stoic but isn't socially/emotionally retarded, high EQ
>has passions that aren't vidya or anime or film, basically numale shit that just involves sitting on one's ass
>can enjoy vidya and film, only watches anime I recommend with me
>can hold a conversation, doesn't get triggered or take shit personally like a little snowflake
>naturally curious, loves learning new things, always open to new perspectives
>anti-violence but is never afraid to take a punch and defend my honor

>taller than 5'10
>can be bulky or slim, as long as strong
>good hygiene, believes in skincare

Tldr; he doesn't exist

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>Tldr; he doesn't exist
he does, but he's dating quality women

What do you mean by liking pet name? As in referring to each other using pet names?

All of these are me, and all of these are several other Anons in the last few threads too. We exist, we're out there. If anything, your specifications are too short and not "farfetched" enough. After all, if you're planning ahead for your future adoptive kids, then you need to find someone who'll be good for them too.

Adoption is the issue that resonates most strongly with me, although for me it's philosophical instead of biological. I know you're opposed to e-dating, but I'd love to just chat about that sort of thing if you're ever interested.

Sorry for being such a beta orbiter. I can stop bothering you as of next thread.

>taller than me (at least 5'7 but height differences are cute.)
>between ages 20-29
>not a neet
>maintains basic hygiene
>autistic enough to understand me
>must like japanese cartoons. exclusively shounen doesn't count
>big bonus for creative hobbies. we could draw together
>can't be brown or black (my parents are racist and i would get in trouble)
>enjoys kissing and cuddling

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well fuck i didn't see that she wasn't interested in e dating
god damn it i just want a cute virgin gf who i can heal with after years of abuse and stay together for life

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>not a NEET
dag nabbit

Holy shit this board sucks cock. How can anyone believe that '''''fembots''''' fucking exist?

5 ft 5 here but I like anime. Shounen is based though Naruto is kino.
You could teach me to draw and I could teach you to play the Piano maybe.
Could we possibly talk somewhere?

what cartoons do you like
ill date you if you live near me

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Tfw your not even an autistic fembots type.

Who else here feels like they dont fit in anywhere?

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aaaa here we go again
>hasn't done drugs before or at least has only done shit like weed or something and has stopped
>doesn't smoke
>isn't a cuck, doesn't have super weird/gross fetishes
>is straight (not bi!!)
>less than 3 previous partners
>all the previous partners have been female
>virgin (preferably khv) and is okay with me having no experience with sexual stuff
>likes to be touched by me (romantically and just normally)
>will give me head pats and scratches
>is okay with my annoying ass voice
>not a neet (at least has a low-end job or in school)
>has his own place to live or plans to move out of his parent's place
>5'0" or taller
>plays an instrument and can sing a little bit
>lives near me
>knows my birthday or at least puts it on his calendar
>doesn't have a british accent/pajeet accent (that shit is annoying)
>not bald has at least some hair
>doesn't have a micropenis
>doesn't fap to traps/trannies
>calls me pretty and genuinely thinks i am pretty
>eventually moves in with me
>wants to adopt children
>has a decent sex drive
>holds my hand in public
>is dominant in bed
>perfectly happy with me being his gf (doesn't cheat on me with other woman)
>takes at least a little bit of time out of his day to text me or tell me how he's doing
>clingy and wants to be around me a lot/is fun to be around
>has similar interests as me (music, games, and hobbies) or at least is open to trying some stuff with me and plays games with me sometimes
>is patient and doesn't raise his voice a lot (if ever)
>a weeb

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any of you fembots into shut-ins?

How annoying is your voice? Post vocaroo

Weeb here, no drugs. KHV and basically I'm all of that except
>lives near me
Any chance you would still want to talk?

Based, where are you hunkered down right now?

i live in east coast
do you have discord?

You sound cute but I'm not east coast lol

>supervisor job, apartment, car
>showers every day lol
>very understanding and open-minded
>been a weeb since I was ten
>gud at drawing, enjoy building things and writing
>enjoy kissing and cuddling
>half-white, half-filipino; act completely white
That a deal breaker?

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I'm an artist (I work in games)
Seeing your post makes me wonder is this a bonus thing that people would like?

All my life I kept being bombarded with the compliments of Drawing well but I dont like attention so mostly ignore it.

Is it a bonus point for girls to like me?
If anything I would rather someone to like me for my art rather than for my body or whatever.

Best of luck btw!

Weird fixation on being straight. Why?

so insecure afraid of being dropped for a man

you're so fucking pathetic man, i can smell your self hatred from a world away

Holy shit I want a crazy knife gf like in that pic. Preferably switch knife gf so I can have the knife sometimes.








Not that it matters because it's not possible to meet anyone from here

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>Really chill.
>Capable of nonsexual intimacy.
>Gentle dom.
>Taller than me.
>Has competence.
>Also seeks more to life than the mundane.
>Doesn't leave home without his brain.
>Does cute things for me.
>Likes cuddling.
>Trust worthy.
>Would trip on psychedelics with me.
>Into gaming.
>Tech savvy.
>Good hygiene.
>Protective but not overdoing it.
>Good taste in memes.
>Above average dick.

>Good taste in memes.
No such thing.

Subjective reasons?

How many guys you been with

Hit me up Loops#1309

Im just looking for someone to build a farm with on stardew valley

Someone who would play video games with me and is intelligent and has some hobby he is passionate and pretty good about, preferably art and overall not a jerk. I've recently dated a guy who was pretty dumb and whatever I had to say or explain went directly above his head, specially art related since I am an artist and we never really shared that aspect and he didn't seem to understand art. it was hard because he didn't understand me. And someone that isn't the same height or shorter because I am not a short girl, with heels I am usually 171cm, and I prefer white or close to white people, no black.

share some art

I am not into posting my art in a public forum but I mostly do 2D and 3D art.

i used to sketch a lot but i broke my right hand :

I'm not into art, but I'm into programming. I check all of the other marks though.
Are you in Europe by any chance?
What video games would you want to play?

>is okay with me being 24/7 retarded

just, that lmao