With all the time you spend on videogames are you actually good at any of them?

With all the time you spend on videogames are you actually good at any of them?
if you read this you have to respond to my thread

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Time investment does not equal skill. Absolutely not.

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Eh, not really, my best accomplishment is being a hair away from reaching Onyx on halo online, but as soon as I stopped playing I returned to play decent-bad very soon.

I dont play games much and I am pretty bad as a result.

I literally suck butt at every video game except stepmania

Yes @ cod5 ps3, mw2 ps3, metroid hunters ds, melee, fzero n64, kart 64

No, I've done nothing but play video games most of my life but am still trash at everything I play. Multiplayer or single player it makes no difference

>metroid hunters ds
3ds came and went no sequel

No but my glow niggers have been following me for 10 years and have nothing to show and that gives me inspiration. You dont have to be good you just have to keep trying

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my farm in Stardew Valley is epic

They shutoff wifi so fast, flipnote days were dope

no it's pretty sad how terrible I am at most vidya. I'm currently plat four on For Honor which isn't terrible but nowhere I want to be at since I play sometimes up to 8 hours per day

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I get pretty good :p

And what games are you pretty good at?

i got pretty good at minesweeper ;)

I'm probably in the top 5 players to have ever played cod 1.
I was a fucking machine back in my prime. more than 5 hours for almost 7 years nonstop.

I'm a real gamerboi

I'm good at most games, at the cost of never being exceptional at any of them. I'm always good enough to be the best in my friend group, but leagues behind any actual competitive players.

I was kinda good with most games I played for longer times, if I restart them I feel noob in it but get "back in shape" in them fast

Im good compared to average players, but not compared to streamers or pro gamers.

I've got a couple global top 100 lap times in a few games so I'd say I'm at least decent at those.

Video games don't really make me happy anymore, they barely even distract me. Niether does anime so I'm losing my interest in both ):

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I was good at BlazBlue at one point and had a decent win rate, I don't really dedicated a lot of time to fighting games these days though so I'm now back to being shit although Granblue Versus makes me want to go get my fight stick back out and get heavily into it but I get the feeling it won't last too long and I'm not sure I want to dedicate time to another dead game also my husbando didn't make it in

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I peaked at rank 5k in osu! when I was trying to take it competitively and considering the amount of cheaters and asians on that game I think I did fine

Half decent at Mario Kart 8, TF2, and the NES port of City Connection. Pretty trash at everything else. Been playing Civ since 2011 and I still can't win on higher difficulties, I'm genuinely retarded at 4x games.

when i was sober I cared about being good. now i only played when trashed or while getting trashed so i really don't care i just have fun and make try hards seethe with a BaC of .25

uh hell no im not good at any games
i kind of play them "for fun"
sounds fucking dumb but i think thats the best way i can describe it

very if you take in the fact that i'm only at 60hz refresh rate

no i am not and it kills me inside every time i start up any game

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20% winrate in dota 2

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i've spent 710 hours (online) on osu, my most played game, and i'm still mediocre at best
i like to think it's more about enjoying the time spent than "being good" though

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>i've spent 710 hours (online) on osu
rank and highest pp play?

hell nah ive been playing league for 3 years and the highest ive made it is silver 3
being dumb is tough

4 digits kek

unironically peaked 21k and currently decaying (mainly playing tech offline for fun) at 25k
see pic related for top plays

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what a coincidence sidetracked day is also my top play except im not 5 digit hahahahhahaha

i feel like when i die and scientists crack open my skull to see what the fuck happened that's all they'll hear
r176 will be my top play after rework though which i'm 100% okay with

no, i am garbage

i am somewhat decent at king of fighters

video games are one of the only things I'm good at

i peaked at 30k myself with similar play hours and nomod only, which isn't as impressive as hardrock, so don't feel bad user.
does Yas Forums still make osu lobbies every friday?

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i find it easier to read jumps with hr
and i don't browse Yas Forums so no idea, sorry user

Got 2nd place in tf2 league once

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>tfw peaked at 30k global, top 500 country
>tfw decayed back down to lol 6 digits because cba farming pp
Now I just map random bullshit from time to time and go on multi-month hiatuses

No. Ive put thousands of hours into videogames and Im terrible at all of them

>and go on multi-month hiatuses
same for me, nowadays i only play when i just want to have fun for a bit or i see a map for a song i really like has been made.
interestingly i have gotten way better at finger control and alternating since i started just playing for fun.

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I have possibly 10k total hours on tetris, and 5k on 2048.
even though I don't play Tetris all day every day anymore, I can still get a nice 90-100k score pretty easily. as for 2048, I have never kept track of the score but getting 2048 takes like 10 minutes max and the average game lasts for around an hour or more.
also pretty good at survival and hardcore minecraft, and have made some nice build before
other than that, I don't play too many videogames, but I'm pretty good at any kind of overly technical, puzzle, or memorization game. eve online was a favorite, same with WoW and pso2, though I wasn't "great" at them, just average.

I had a speedrun record for about 6 months in something with a pretty small community. I don't play videogames at all anymore because I realized how addicted I was and how much time I wasted on them.

14,000 hours in FFXI and I accomplished nothing.
2003 games of Dota 2 and I was barely 4k.
6000 hours of TF2 and I only top the scoreboard against newbs/kids.

eh, I could be better

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Funny thing is I just got a 144Hz monitor and managed to set a new top play for the first time in like 4 years. My aim and accuracy have also gotten better since then, but I just can't keep combo worth shit.

That's so based, user. Which version of Tetris? I like most of the games you play.

The only games I have ever been good at are Doom and Doom II. I hardly play games anymore.

>5000 Hours at TF2 and I topscore literally every game
>500 Hours at Rocket Leauge but still stuck at Diamond

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the most common version I use is just like the first result on Google for tetris. I think it's the one on Tetris.com

I beat Ultimate Doom Ultra Violence 100% pistol start with fast monsters. Working on Doom II right now. It's like playing a completely different game and very enjoyable.

I'm slightly above average at vidya gaems desu.

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Hell yeah. I stomp ass at scout in tf2 and I rip people new voreholes in d2 crucible

I was amazing at Burnout 3, that was my game. Other than that, I used to slay people in RTCW on of xbox

In games I have several hundred hours in, I still am shit half the time, and am just above average (which is also shit considering how long I've played) the other half of the time.

Ive been playing Super Ghosts and Ghouls on an old SNES that was laying around. I love the classic design of the game and the music

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not really but If I do a bunch of blow or uppers I am a god at fps games. It is kinda amazing how good I am at them when I am high as fuck but how mediocre I am when I am sober.

Idk man I just play to play cuz' im bored

over 3k hours on MKWii and I can say I'm somewhat decent