Getting ready to sleep
Please keep me company
Getting ready to sleep
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Bro what's up tranny niqha
Nothing really just trying to force myself to sleep even though I'm not tired
I played a lot of animal crossing today, earned like 13000 nook miles in one day. It's really fun
Good night lil trannoid
its not even 9pm laom
Is this a song about killing trannies
Im baby
Its a lullaby morrron!
Sing to me about death to all trannies or just death to me specifically
Neur mhm mhmmm I hate Italians. Every Day Party, Every Day Death.
Best i can do. Sounds flat as fuck, but whatever its not like im doing this for someone important to me lol
Very based, my favourite post from r9k ever
I gave up on sleep
Noice. Happy to oblige tranoid
anybody got any spookie stories?
drink some warm milk and honey
>be me
I don't like honey but milk is based
please cut my vocal chords
whats up bandage what did you do today anything comfy?
you want ME to cut yours user? thatd be silly, you didnt do anything wrong!
I played a lot of new horizons and just spent time with my gf. Overall not a bad day yet I still feel bad because I'm mentally ill
It would be an act of mercy, to spare me from ever having to use my horrible man voice again
kek you autist you like animal crossing idk why that makes me laugh but it does. Glad you were able to spend time with your girl quality time together is important in a relationship sorry you still feeling bad. I would say stop being so down yourself but you never listen to that anyways.
I'm not really down on myself, I'm just realistic. Though I do hyperfocus a bit too much on reality when I should try to just ignore the bad things. I just can't bring myself to, because I don't want to be a typical delusional tranny
im sure your voice is alluring user
Yeah it makes all the women wet because I sound like Chad
I never knew Bandage was clingy
Ah the classic I am not a pessimist I am a realist response well either way at least you have priorities to not be totally delusional.
I dunno if I count as clingy. I get sad when I'm alone, but not because of a dependent attachment I have to people, I just get sad because I don't know how to occupy my own time and keep my brain from straying to the dark depression side
So like dependent yes but not exactly the definition of clingy
It's a common defense yeah, but for example, I only call myself ugly because I get rated 3/10 on /soc/ and anywhere else on the internet. When I look in the mirror, I personally don't think I look that bad, though I am fat, but I still go along with calling myself ugly because it's the common opinion.
I have found an opinion is not worth a damn thing bandage. Anyways I had a kinda shitty day not going to be getting trumpbux and my family has cut me off so it is just a matter of time before I am on the streets. At least I was not too depressed to watch the new episode of the directors cut of re zero tho that was comfy
>I have found an opinion is not worth a damn thing bandage
For my example, it's a baseline of what people think about me. Therefore, I can gauge the size of my dating pool more accurately. So it's very useful actually.
Why aren't you getting trumpbux? Idk if I'm getting any I was just going to not expect it and if I did get it then it's a bonus
let me fuck you senseless and cuddle you to sleep all the while making you feel like a pretty girl
you had to have filed your taxes in 2018 to be eligible since I am a shut in neet I have never done my taxes not once in my whole life so I am out of the running I was really depressed about it the other day today just kinda numb I guess. It really sucks not having money
You can't make me feel like a pretty girl because I am rooted in reality but you can do the rest
It really does suck. My family is supporting me rn but they can barely even do it so it's a struggle for everyone
If your family cut you off what were you going to do after trumpbux ran out anyway?
not even if I dress you up in cute lingerie and carry you around and grind up against your ass with my rock hard erection?
No I would just feel like a man in lingerie being carried and having a rock hard erection grinding up against my ass
I am a man and nothing will change it
whats your opinion on cereal and water
I was going to use the money to fix my car so I would be able to drive to job interviews get some new clothes that are not 8 years old and get a haircut and make myself look presentable I was actually thinking that I was going to try to escape being a shut in but I guess that is not my destiny. Or maybe it was just my lying to myself I have no idea but I really did have hope for a little bit.
i might go lay down too idk, might drink more take some caffeine too.
I've been really tempted to try it when I'm out of milk but I never did so idk
Aren't jobs pretty much impossible to get right now due to corona anyway?
Why would you take caffeine when you're going to lay down?
yeah they are I was prob too hopeful I guess. But I thought maybe a supermarket would be hiring
I'm not sure if they would be hiring more or less due to how busy they are
Like they're also out of stock of everything so what would employees even be doing anyway you know?
I hope you don't end up on the streets user that life sounds scary
It is prob going to happen soon I can not pay my rent or any of my other bills how long really will I be able to make excuses. Sorry for shitting up your thread with my bullshit
No fren don't be sorry I like to talk to people about everything. I like the company, though I am sad for you
ah dont be sad and thanks just for letting me vent about it. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
Normally I fall asleep within like 5 minutes of getting in bed and can sleep throughout the whole night but I've just been staying up forever and only sleeping for like 5 hours lately and I'm not sure why
I think it's because I got into a nice daily routine by going to school every day, but now that we're doing remote classes the routine is thrown off or something so my sleep is out of whack
what are you studying? I am basically nocturnal so it is always a struggle for me
I'm learning programming. The program is just about done and we're starting job searches now.
That sounds cool it will definitely be useful I wish I had the drive to actually have stayed in school
I mean it's pretty much the worst time to try and find a job but other than that I'm pretty excited and have a positive outlook
Yeah it is but I assume programmers would have alot of work from home right now. I know things are hard with the hb1visa bullshit that fucks over alot of programers but I do wish you luck fren remember the shut ins when you make lot of money ok
Yeah it's one of the better positions to be in right now. I want to work from home all the time desu. Become hikki while still making mad money
sounds like a dream to me. I wish I could do that is programming really hard?
It's pretty easy to me but everyone else in the class is struggling so maybe it's hard and I just have a knack for it.
Well that is good on you then do you know what kind of work you want to do with your degree?
I'm likely going to be shoved into web development. Either that or writing tests all day which would be ugh
what do you mean by writing tests? Why dont you try to work for a vidya company I imagine that would be really fucking cool
Because the vidya industry is extremely competitive, hard to get into, and you work 9999 hours per week. It would take me years of experience to get into that, and I'm pretty sure no one is writing any games in C#. It's not really for that
Tests are like... code that checks other code to see if certain functions are working properly. They're really tedious to write.
ah I see that is a shame I always wanted to make games when I was a kid but admittedly I know nothing about the industry as far as getting into it. I always wanted to write for games I am actually writing a book right now lol. And I do not really get what they are but it does sound tedious.
Ok so like say you have a method that just takes in two numbers and returns their sum. You would write a test that checks to see if the code actually produces the correct answer. So you would manually put in the variables to be added, and then manually tell the test what the answer should be. So you pass in the two numbers, the two numbers run through the method code, and if the method returns the same thing as what you written should be expected, it means the method works.
Idk it would be so much easier to just show you code and run through it with you
No I kinda understand you are simply dictating to the code what is correct by showing it right? I could see that being tedious and even stressful knowing me I would accident hit the key and fuck the whole thing up lol
it's okay just commit on git all the time and roll back uwu
Well I am going to lay down my dog is starting to get grumpy with me so I am going to head out but thats for the conversation fren and just think about what I said about not being hard on yourself you are you are being realistic but being negative like that fucks with you. Take care fren
Goodnight sleep tight don't let your doggy bite