Normies complain about how easy life is for NEETS

>Normies complain about how easy life is for NEETS
>Now they're all losing their minds being stuck at home all day

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Go fuck yourself, fucking ausfreak

And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 seconds), it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.

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I'd honestly like to burn you alive

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No one's losing their mind being stuck at home - people just don't like that supplies are scarce.

Maybe shoot you

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Or burn you

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There is literally nothing hard about NEET life. Anybody who complains is a retard. NEETs are the most privileged humans on earth, higher than the elites

Anything to make you pay

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For your actions

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For what you have done

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For your ignorance

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Would you be willing to die for your beliefs

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Do you think your actions are vindicated that you would stand behind them

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Are they really that important to you

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Its been years man, this isn't good for you

Do you think what you're doing is just

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Would it be worth the pain

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Would it be worth losing your dignity

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Or your integrity

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Wtf is those replies, the Christ user saying weird shit about Africa and being defrauded or whatever the fuck what the heck is going on

Think about what you've put into this

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Does this build any character for your life

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Will it give you any long term benefits

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Why are you posting all these screenies (and why have you even collected them)? Of course MLP is fucking retarded.

Or any development for your social skills

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>Of course MLP is fucking retarded.
Clearly some people don't think so.

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Some people want to be completely ignorant of history

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>retards don't think something retarded is retarded

one time i stimulated my cock to that pink pony, she was kinda hot in that picture so i did it

Glad you don't even think of them as people

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Considering how ignorant they are of what they're defending

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Or who they're really siding with

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Thinking what they're doing is for the greater good

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everyone hates shut ins we are some of the most hated people in the world and when you understand this it makes it 1000 times harder to change and escape it.

Not even evaluating either side

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because living in a prison of your own mind is totally a privilege fuck off normalfag

Or gaining insight on why things are the way they are

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yea because living like you is disgusting and useless.
thank goodness I'm manegment and still have my job, because I have a mortgage to pay on my large 5 bedroom house.

Just blindly assuming what they're doing is the right course of action

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Normalnigger spotted. NEET life is objectively the easiest and most privileged

Without being sure if doing so would help their cause

Stunting progress to soothe their ego

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Deliberately promoting ignorance to further their ill-thought goal

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Spreading misinformation first and asking questions later

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I have been a shut in for 8 years it is not easy living in your own head having no support and no drive to change anything. It is a massive cope to say this shit is privileged it is anything but that it is a prison that you entirely create for yourself.

These freaks do not even know what they're really fighting for

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I salute those who understand and accept

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Those who don't and continue down this path won't be so lucky

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They will not be safe

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And they will not be saved

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They will turn to dust at the end

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And suffer the consequences of their actions

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Realizing the irony of their ending

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But it would be too late to change it

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Only living for their own ego

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Selfish fucking twats

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Too incompetent to accomplish anything meaningful

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Delusional enough to believe what they're doing here is for the greater good

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How can anyone support this fucking scum

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They all need to perish

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bleed their bodies dry

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Heh I remember when I was 12 years old and had my first break from reality. Always been home-schooled. Never had a friend except for the cousins I would see occasionally. I've gotten used to it and embrace the feeling like it's home. I don't really feel as bad as I used to because it's the same old shit to me at this point.
Yet somehow I have managed to not be completely socially retarded. I guess it's because I realized I would need social skills as artificial as they may be somewhere down the road. I do have a core personality but when interacting with others, it's all fake. Mostly based on an estimation of the behavior of a group or an individual followed by a mimicry of it.

Purge these fucking freaks

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Beat them fucking down

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