She's waiting there user. She's waiting for you to message her. What do you have to loose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? everything.
Why don't you message your crush?
Because I'm in a foreign country and I don't know anyone, so I don't have a crush
Because I don't interact with females enough to have one
Wrong. I lose everything.
I lose one of my only real friends as I wouldn't be able to take rejection. I lose all of the semblance of socialization. I would be well and truly alone. She got me out of complete isolation once, I would never want to come back ever again.
I don't trust in the strength of our bonds because I know I'm the weak link in a chain.
>Why don't you message your crush?
She's married
I can't. I need to talk to her in person more, get to know her better, I can't get myself to message her.
>What do you have to loose? Nothing.
Wrong. She might be cold and not reciprocate, and then I'll spend the next month wanting to put my head through a fucking wall
What the fuck should i talk about? We have some similiar interests but i don't fucking know how to start such a conversation
>She's waiting for you to message her.
Isn't it pretty to think so?
Her genetics are garbage and now she looks odd, she was however a 10/10 when we were both teens.
Music tends to work for me. Or happy nice things like nature, animals, etc. And here, lemme ask you this - how do you think normans start conversations?
Idfk. I'm not particulary someone you would call a normie, judging from me being here
im not saying that you are a norman, friend, but im asking you, think for a second, how do you think a travis would talk to an ashlie?
well you seem to know the answer. would you please tell me?
she has a bf and i dont have her number and she probably doesnt like me
user... why can't you shake the dust out of your knoggen and think for a minute? but how normans do it is literally just by sending a message of, you guessed it, "hey". alternatively, how do you message your friend? you just send them shit. a link to some music and how you feel about it or whatever.
i know how it begins but after the "hey" from me there is a "hey" from her and then i say something like "how is it going" and after her answer i dont really know how to keep it going.
Do you not have something to talk about?
I haven't seen or interacted with her since elementary school, and I doubt she even remembers me. Probably has a bf too.
i wouldnt even ask how its going, after she says hey actually get onto something that you want to talk about. such as a song or album or something else. what are the interests that you guys share? i cant give suggestions if i dont know anything
like i said we have some similiar interest but after messaging her for the first time and then asking how she is doing, asking her something like "so what have you been playing recently" or "have you watched any shows recently" would just come across as weird, wouldn't it?
that wasnt me, that was another user. but what are your similar interests? and like i said, i wouldnt ask her how she is doing. id say hey then after that get into the stuff that you actually want to talk about. and we will find out some ideas of what that is after you answer this questoin
alright. I think i will try that tomorrow. Its now late at night so it would be weird messaging her at that hour. Also, i wouldn't want to wake her up.
I don't have a crush. I'd have to talk to women on a regular basis to have one, user. I had very mild feelings for my calc prof, but that's probably because she was really nice to me.
You're probably not attractive enough for her to put effort into a conversation with you. The best you can do is orbit her in one-sided conversations as she soaks up attention.
I already did message her, after I asked her out. She said she's not looking for a relationship right now.
kk, nighty night user. just think about how youd talk to your friends.
better than being a doomer no?
i haven't talked to a female other than my mother or teacher since 4 years so i don't actually have a crush
that is one of the fears i've never been able to overcome
the fear of rejection
regardless if i were to message her this instance nothing would come out of it since i'm stuck in quarantine
Because shes dead. She killed herself the night before I went out to visit her and let her know. Since then I havent felt any affection or attraction towards anyone at all
this is why everyone needs to message their crushes now
I am in agreement tell those around you how you feel while you can instead of living with the regret that you didnt when it mattered
I don't really have a crush. Yeah there's girls I find attractive, but none that I really know enough to be in a relationship with.
When I realized I haven't really had a crush in ages, I realized I just sort of gave up on ever being with someone.
>What do you have to loose? Nothing. What do you have to gain? everything.
This was exactly my line of logic when I messaged her, and to my surprise it worked.
Fate on the other hand is a cruel mistress, and the self-isolation brought by the coronavirus is yet another obstacle in the story of my life.
I only got her phone number today after 18 months and don't want to fuck it up. I don't know how to instigate a conversation. She gave me her number due to it being a practical reason rather than friendship/romantic.
cause she doesnt respond to me. i hate knowing that one day she will be a mother.
Ruined my Friday, thanks OP.
I'm not sure if she's sleeping or just doesn't want to talk to me but she's not responding, i don't want to spam her because that would be too anooying.
so much wrong here. first off all she responded an hour fucking later AWOOGA AWOOGA. secondly it looks fake. thirdly you didnt build up to it at all. fourthly you cucked up hard you fucking cuck. filthly you need to have some sort of prior understanding that she might be interested. you retards think that asking your math teacher out of the blue is what im suggesting here
The only real kasper is the old, homely kasper! This new one is shit. Send it BACK. The old kasper cared , and didnt know how awesome she was, and was modest. The new one gives one word replies, is numbed with medication , and takes hours doing her hair and make up so she can be a insta/ tik tok thot. #notmykasper
reason 1 is i don't have a crush, reason 2 is i don't have a phone with a sim card.
>Why don't you message your crush?
Because she's a Japanese voice actress and I have no way of contacting her and even if I did she'd probably write me off as another crazy stalker.
>fourthly you cucked up hard you fucking cuck
how is asking out your crush a cuck move?
This is the frustration that girls feel when guys refuse to make the first move.
Don't be that guy
thats not cucked, thats good. whats cucked imo is saying "I dunno" (not being decisive) and your last message.
She has like 2 dozen orbiters. Why even bother trying?
not the user you're responding to but nothing you said here was true. kasper is still a nice girl. she doesnt give one word responses and I dont see anything wrong with taking medication or trying to look good.
t. pedo. none of that matters id still put my ooaker in her dooaker.
>takes hours doing her hair and make up so she can be a insta/ tik tok thot.
no, so she can be my slave.
which girl are you talking about user? who do you like?
>implying I'd admit it publicly
It doesn't matter anyway since I'm not bothering. Forget it.
"publically" youre an user here user, you dont have a name. plus its just an egirl right? like muffy or kasper?
Whatever. Not doing it.
What's Kasper Instagram ? Can't find it
>having a crush
I need to stop browsing websites for teenagers.
this user cuts his wrists
die of china virus boomer
>What do you have to loose? Nothing.
You know, that made me think. Maybe you're right. She's worth nothing to me, so I really don't have anything to lose in the short term.
However, is what I chance to gain worth the effort expenditure? No. The generation of females today and following, are problematic in nearly every regard if you think in the long term. Legally they can destroy you on a whim, whether by misunderstanding or out of malice. They create social problems, drama and leave you constantly anxious as to what problem she will create next.
In the long term, I have a heart, hairline, my savings and social standing to lose. Females regardless of age or social rank are all landmines and should be avoided at all costs if one wishes to maintain a peaceful lifestyle.
i have to lose my respect for her or vice versa. it's better we don't know each other as much :)
I already blew it, she doesnt like talking anymore
>literally my perfect girl
Theres actually a lot to lose. Your dignity, your self respect, your self esteem could take a huge blow, your ego could be shattered, her rejecting you might send you on a downward spiral of depression that lasts for years or worse, a lifetime
I don't do anything like that. I just don't see the point in pursuing someone like that.