/drugfeel/ - Where the fuck are my droogs edition

Anybody else having problems with shipping right now? I've ordered some hawaiian woodrose seeds and some RCs near the beginning of the month and they still haven't come in.
>Rate the drug combos you've tried
>What's the rarest drug you've done most people haven't?
>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?

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I want to try heroin so desperately but I live in a shit country where the only drugs avialable to me are DPH and shwagg, I did that combo and had some fun time, thinking of looking for shrooms when the rain season starts

>drink last robocough in a long time that I had saved last night
>get text from robocough this morning offering more on sale
... they're watching me aren't they?

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>Rate the drug combos you've tried
>What's the rarest drug you've done most people haven't?
>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?

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>last thread died at 400
That's why.

I don't get my drugs off the internet and that's one of the reasons why, I don't trust it too I would rather just do it "old" way and meet in person to people I know.

>Rate the drug combos you've tried
Old OC 80s or Heroin mixed with real Xanax and some Weed and you're doing the dope feen lean. Best nods. Also Shrooms and Weed. DXM some Weed and smoke some strong Salvia and holy shit you will be tripping hard for like 15 minutes did that a few times in high school. Are stores even allowed to sell Salvia anymore?
Not really rare but I doubt a lot of people on this board have done it but Ive been on a bunch Crack binges years ago. Don't smoke Crack guys I consider it worse than heroin
>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?
Not sure, Ive don't a lot of drugs but most of them aren't really underrated as they are overrated. Coke is the most overrated drug of all time but if I had to think of the most underrated it would be DMX because most people don't consider it a drug or just write it off as kid drug to simulate getting drunk if they have never done it. I haven't done DXM in over 10 years but I would be fucked up and tripping hard and I had to convince my friends in school to try it, they did but didn't like it.

But for today I got 30 10mg percs to add to my drug stockpile. Got home from work a little while ago and ate a 2mg xanax and 3 10mg vicodins smoking some bowls now ready for the lock down weekend. Then back to work Monday, at least I only work every other day now and still get paid for those days off. Basically working 5 days in the next 2 weeks.

>>Rate the drug combos you've tried
the only one was cannabis plus shrooms. i took like 2g of shrooms my first time and like 3 hours in i decided it wasnt strong enough so i took half an edible and that seemed to do the trick. next time im probably just gonna do 3 grams shrooms alone
>>What's the rarest drug you've done most people haven't?
probably DXM because most normies people dont know about it.
>>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?
ive only done LSD DXM cannabis and shrooms so i dont really have any underrated drugs besides DXM but i didnt really take enough for a complete experience. i would say shrooms because its often overshadowed by LSD

>>Rate the drug combos you've tried
CBA for a full rundown, but Molly + 4ACo/Molly + Shrooms is amazing. Irons out the autism and makes me utterly adore just talking to people.
>>What's the rarest drug you've done most people haven't?
Nothing particularly rare aside from an RC disso whose name I can't recall.
Does AB-FUBINACA count?
>>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?
2C-B. It's also the best drug I've ever done.

I feel like you have to have a certain kind of brain and personality to enjoy coke as anything other than basically better Speed.

I have never done drugs and got hold of some oxycodone, what am I in for if I take one tonight?


>what am I in for if I take one tonight?
The thing overly poetic nodders don't tell you: Safety.
It'll make you feel safe.

>It'll make you feel safe.
Ok, sounds good, I could use some comfort.

This morning I came off a 2 day bender of zopi, codeine, dph, dxm, booze, weed, and I think some lurasidone snuck in there toward the end.
I think I'm gonna just lie in bed all weekend and phonepost.

I hate my housing situation. I wanna trip but I just can't find the time, and with dad home I don't wanna try my 4-ho-met for the first time. I never done a tryptamine but I've done LSD and 1P many times.
I got 20mg Lizard Labs plls and I'm thinking of doing 10mg at night when he falls asleep, Tripping from like 7pm to 1-2am, I would really like to take it in the AM but I don't wanna day-trip with my elderly father.
thoughts anons?

The hell is lizard labs?

>The hell is lizard labs?
Clearnet RC vendor I think. No idea what Lizard labs pills are though.

got off a 42 hour nutmeg and weed binge, with a little bit of coke at the end. first multi day experience ive ever had and i want to best myself sometime soon. which drug is best for those sorts of things?

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Ate a grapefruit. Will drink hard liquor, popping benzos and opiate pills. Got no weed though.

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how did it go/feel like and how much did you take?

>Tripping from like 7pm to 1-2am
There's a post-trip period of multiple hours (usually the entire next day) where you'll feel confused and tired. Trips don't just last a couple of hours and you go back to normal just like that.

Always keep some sedative anti-psychotics (like quetiapine) if shit happens.

Does anyone on here do Poppy Seed tea?
Where did you buy your seeds from? I can't find any seeds that I know are unwashed.

>stoner, energy drinks
i'm so incredibly bored of everything that i do now.

hey does anyone know where to get league of legends accounts that are already at level 30? would be nice

>shrooms, weed and cough syrup
maybe had a psychosis, but it was like i was being haunted by spirits.
>cough syrup and weed
excellent but i would do it twice max because who knows how much that hurts you

rarest drug would be salvia. i didn't like it very much. made me extremely sensitive, was lying on a hill getting cut up by grass like it was fucking shards of glass

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>Rate the drug combos you've tried
Best combo. Codeine and weed.
>What's the rarest drug you've done most people haven't?
>In your opinion, what's the most underrated drug you've done?
Falling in love.

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Honestly, I tripped for the first time on 110ug LSD this week with my anti-drug family home. Dropped at 9 am and just let them take the lead the whole day. I managed to keep it together and it was a fun experience. My dad was not home till about 9pm, however. Might have been different with the big bad around on the peak, but observing my sober family while tripping was interesting. Just day trip a dose you can manage. Boomers get more pissed off if you sleep in the next day than if you are functioning on a 5 year old's level during the day.

>hey does anyone know where to get league of legends accounts that are already at level 30? would be nice
haha faggot league sucks
also ebay

I'm curious about salvia as a mild drug. I don't want to breakthrough or trip too hard, I just want something I can chew on and experience a little bit of weirdness while out and about. Does chewing salvia provide this effect?

dont try it ull fuck ur life up. it is worth everything but every night ull regret trying it. i really want to die keep trying to die from oxy so it looks like i over did it on my prescription i take almost 700mg every weekend and it wont kill me im so tired of not doing H and pretending im ok with it. should just go live in Camden w my uncle right next to dopesets btw yall are pussys woodrose seeds alcohol weed dxm dph benzedrex shit i havent touched since i was 16

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they're a lab that only resells in large quantities, where a lot of euro sites get their supply of dissos and some other things. they won't sell to you.

just got rejected from ucla (reach), ucsd (target), and uci (safety) university and my only hopes of going to school in cali (my dream location) are gone. best drugs for numbing emotions?

took 12g and it was really nice actually. i had a blast and smoked a lot of weed, but the nutmeg itself was like the fire and the weed was the fuel. Very heady high, i was quite zoinked all day, trippy almost.

>best drugs for numbing emotions?
any downers really. its ok though schools are all going to be closed for a year so might as well enjoy the NEET corona life

never tried it but from the looks of it
go on line and get KRATOMED

THANKS so much for the quick response i was just sitting here looking at my keyboard listening to steely dan like "wtf am i gonna do with my life now". gonna start off with getting really drunk off some alc i bought earlier myself. cool asian dude never even looks at my fake anymore when i go, i think he knows but its chill bc he always gives me recommendations on some of his favorite liquors.

careful with gettin sloppy cry drunk i guess. at least the other two you just pass out and die.

how did you even remember who you were?
also RIP your serotonin receptors

what do any of those have to do with serotonin?

dph and dxm are both serotonin reuptake inhibitors. if user was popping that shit for 2 days straight he was probably flooded with serotonin by the end of it.

ah i see. probably better than releasing agents like MDMA though. can't believe the amount retards abuse that.

I've given up on drugs. I've been sober this entire quarantine minus alcohol and nicotine. I guess I'm just based

me too except heroin

you'll be happier without heroin. trust me on this.

anons how do i get higher off of a pen? im on my last little drops now and i want them to be potent

Ate an edible,

decided to spend some time reading female:moral_degradation doujins for some odd reason. I just finished the shildol zelda genderbend one. Crazy shit. Ever think about how there's no way that the Zelda's shown in the games are the ONLY reincarnations. And what if there were a possibility that at least one out of an infinite amount of reincarnations was female? And what if they died/lost in at least one of those reincarnations?

Sorry for my rambling. Just felt the need to post this. read on I shall

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Same I literally can't take more than one hit or I cease all ability to communicate with the outside world and sink into paranoid thought loops deep within my mind as I can hear voices in head and hope to fuck that it doesn't last long. weed is worse than literally every drug except maybe datura and dph it's literally the devils lettuce why anyone promotes or encourages this terrible smelling psychosis plant is beyond me.

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Im the nootropic faggot.
Just took 300mg of phenylpiracitam. Testing it for cognitive affects

I just ordered Shrooms and Blue Lotus and getting it by the mail. I just hope it pulls through in time. If I gotta Quarantine, I better do it right

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Holy shit, I thought I was the only one. I get into really deep head space and I either dissociate , have a head rush, or hallucinate heavy with weed. There were times it took me into very bad dimensions that changed me.
Pro-Tip: Try to get weed with little to no THC or a higher ratio of CBD.

is dangerous is mixing xanax and alcohol? how much of each would guarantee a fatal overdose? I weigh 90kg and have no benzo tolerance and low-mid alcohol tolerance.

>is dangerous is mixing xanax and alcohol?

>how much of each would guarantee a fatal overdose?
a billion
you'll just blackout and puke tbqh

ok so I was getting high off my latest batch of jenkem and passed out and my face went further in the bag and I woke up and my mouth was covered in shit I licked it off out of instinct that was 6 hours ago and now I feel light headed and dizzy I hope it wasn't comtanimated with the Corona flu did I fuck up guys what do you think

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How ...poor are you, user?

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Fucking based don't worry about it you just did a really high dosage of jenkem sniffing is only the first plateau bro jenkam eating is like a plateau sigma dude.
You'll be good again in only 12 hours from now
This is a video of what a jenkem plateau sigma looks like

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He's just a troll. If he was telling the truth, he would show us proof and entertain us. But he doesn;t wanna do that. He's a boring troll, a huge niggerfaggot. i HOPE HE DIES SOON

not very much my mom has a steady job now and I'm staying with her I don't get much money but I survive every now and again I gotta make more of my supply but I usually am stocked up on good jenkem you betcha I am happy money or not

Buy REAL drugs like a normal fucking druggie, you degenerate.
At least chug down nutmeg or something. Jesus fuck....
Get a job.

idk bro it's a fun drug and I think pretty soon I'm gonna try selling it idk if ppl gonna buy it but it'd be nice to be able to buy some snacks and stuff every once in a while by myself idk bro it's served me well I think your just a hater

how would i prove it to you I don't have a camera and Mom won't let me use her phone anymore u sound like a dick

>idk bro it's a fun drug
Cocaine is a fun drug.
MDMA is a fun drug
LSD is a Fun drug
That's just gross.

>and I think pretty soon I'm gonna try selling it
Why would anyone buy something they could make their own?

>Why would anyone buy something they could make their own?
ask people who buy beer. some people just respect a good jenkem brewer.

well I don't think those drugs are good for you they sounds really bad and addictive I don't wanna do that stuff you know and I think people can make it themself but I eat lots of yogurt and it makes my gut germs healthy which means my jenkem is big quality more so Id sell it cheap to