Kek funny how much my existence bothers people, but worry not you for I will go easy on you normals for underestimating my abilities. My lack of success essentially stems from withing my own self destructive tendencies and even then I'm doing better than most people.
Yes I am a woman, yes I actually do believe this
>marriage was decided by wealth and power, not looks
Which is exactly why I said it is dysgenic and why taking away womens choice who they fuck/marry was a bad thing, so we agree?
>facts are bullshit
Ok retard. Ugly men were supposed to wife used goods and provide for Chads kid, not reproduce.
It actually pisses me off how little people try to hide the fact that they are baiting pieces of shit
You're an idiot.
>Another member of the research team, a biological anthropologist, hypothesizes that somehow, only a few men accumulated lots of wealth and power, leaving nothing for others. These men could then pass their wealth on to their sons, perpetuating this pattern of elitist reproductive success.
It's only about wealth and power. A guy that would be considered the virgin in your stupid meme talk could be exactly that. And the guy who is now considered a Chad with the good looks could've been a poor peasant
The average persons opinion on their fellow man is in a scarily low state. Dark times are ahead of us friends. Try and keep good will towards others.
In the end it doesn't matter because she is a woman. The only thing she can do is hope other men do something about it like start a war. She has no proof that the men that are wallowing in despair now wouldn't be the war heros in a war.
she's right, but women used to be even lower in hierarchy than the biggest failures of men. Things should get back to what they used to. Constant wars and women being objects
Make me. Better yet, come and try it.
future elliot roger detected
just kys incel. dont embarass yourself further.
Actually the real reason is back then women didn't have nearly the same social liberty they do now, and were forced to settle for economic reasons with unattractive men. This was a benefit to society as a whole because it kept those men engaged and productive by giving them a reason to work (supporting their family).
Wars killed a lot of men, but nearly enough to create imbalances that aligned with women's dating preferences.