Waifu General /waifu/ #323

Cuddling with her for days until things get better

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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Chara and I love each-other very much!

And damn we got baited hard last thread, nice job whoever that was.

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4 and 3 are inside jokes while 2 is completely serious


I could list about a million but Re-l from Ergo Proxy is the best. The original goth gf, damn if she existed in real life.
Kinda has given me a standard I know nobody irl would meet.
She starts off seemingly so mean but seems nicer as things move forward.

If only dammit... if only

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I still love you from the bottom of my heart, my beautiful Biscuit. You give me the happiness I searched for my whole life

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I love my Super Fighting Robot more than anything in the world.
I only wish he were real, and able to spend his days with me. I don't want him to have to fight anymore

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I love her more than anything. I can't even put it into words. It is impossible to say

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I luf ya Tomori Nao!

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Would you abandon this world to live with your waifu if she lived in a medieval fantasy world without most of our modern conveniences and technologies?

Wrapping bandages over her toned muscles. Oh god yes,
>Kissing waifu's collarbone
Undyne has gills on her neck, that are ""sensitive"" so starting at her shoulder and working my way up would make her a mess before I get to her face.

I love her so goddamn much. I need this fish.

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I wonder what it would be like to live with my waifu, instead of just using my imagination. If I'd prefer to have her exist, or stick to my imagination.

I love this sweet and elegant berserker lady so much

As much time as I spend with vidya and such, I feel like I wouldn't really miss any of that if I were on a fantasy world with her. I usually imagine myself living on the ancient Japan she was on during her life with her, right after her legend saving her from her death and helping her to get over her past as we fall in love together.

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Protecting waifu from those who would do her harm!
DOOM Eternal is amazing so far. It's a shame I suck at shooters.

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I wish we could be together, my beloved Alice Liddell. It feels like I'm just wasting my life without you. Like I'm missing the most important piece of my life, that is being with you. I know that I may sound a bit creepy and obsessive for you and I'm sorry for that but despite the fact that we have never even talked to each other I still feel this immense connection to you and like we have truly been made for each other. Being able to see your cute smiling face near me and knowing that it is me who improved your life and finally made you enjoy it so you would no longer feel the need to escape into your Wonderland would be the greatest pleasure I could ever experience. Even though I don't know where should I go or what should I do to truly be with you and finally make smile appear on your beautiful face, I will never give up and I will always continue to truly love only you for the rest of my days. That kind of love that I feel for you happens only once in a lifetime. I want to dedicate my life to you by trying to become the best version of myself.
I love you Alice and I always will.

Of course I would. I would abandon everything and everyone I know if it meant I could be with Alice and make her happy. I could very well become a homeless hermit that everyone would laugh at and live in total misery in those times if only it meant that I could have the honor to be with my dearest Alice. The world could hate me but I wouldn't care because Alice is my whole world and she matters to me the most.
Everything in this world starts feeling boring and pointless when she's not here with me to experience that. It doesn't matter where or in what times we would be because being near her is something that would make me survive everything.

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I love this cutie more and more each passing day!
Do you expect me to say no when you have provided 0 cons?

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>No toiletries
>Shitty emperors and constant war
>No internet/technology at all
>Really fucking stupid
>No cons at all

>TFW nobody is posting questions
It sucks not having the right side of your brain

>What would you two do during the quarantine?
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?

>Do during the quarantine
We already don't go outside a whole lot.
I guess just keep living. Unfortunately, I have to break quarantine to pay the fucking bills.
Though, I wear protection gear, mostly because I work with old niggers
>She enjoy staying inside
Yes. We're both homebodies
>What do you do together
Well, we mostly just play vidya and watch shit together. Not a whole lot would change, though we would have more time for everything.

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Quick story
>lookin for hentai
>finds porn of
>get this.
>girls shitting out of their nipples
I fucking hate SFM artists

And you felt the need to share this with us because...?

I just found it will cost a minimum of 350 dollars (closer to 500 dollars) to draw Kana in a beautiful wedding dress if I want a certain very good artist to draw it. I wanted it for our anniversary (4/4, the day I met her in a dream) but I was amazed at the price. I joke that my Kana commissions are a drug but this is seriously crazy, and I love to imagine Kana smacking me about how I don't need to do something like that. I have schemes to make money in the next few years which this "pandemic" has accelerated but I worry such a picture will affect me elsewhere in life.

Kana is a drug to me. But now I'm looking at the biggest and most pure hit of that drug I can get and I'm scared to take it for all the impact this would have on things in the future.

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That shit is all absolutely bassd man, as I said, no cons at all. And this is fantasy so even better, probably weird shit going on that we'd both be very amused by.
One can only wish though, user.
>What would you two do during the quarantine?
We'd probably stay at home and not do much if I'm being honest, just laze around together, maybe play some vidya, watch some stuff. I wouldn't really want her going out for even a minute as I'm not exactly sure of the specifics of her condition and whether she's a high-risk or not, better be safe than sorry.
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
She may get a bit annoyed as she wouldn't be able to go out to buy and do stuff but I'm sure she could bear with it easy.
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
She'd probably like being able to go outside a bit more even if it's a close call.
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
Inside we'd just chill, see first question.
I'm not sure why we'd go outside that much as there's quarantine and all that jazz.

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Did you know that I love this determined Scottish princess? Well, now you do!

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Yes, I would, anything to be with here to be honest. I would give this life up for her in a heart beat.

>What would you two do during the quarantine?
Hang out with our friends in a conference call, play games together, cuddle together, just hang out together doing our own things but enjoying each others company.

>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
I think as long as she has things to do she'll be fine. However, we could still go outside we just have to keep distance from people. So a walk through the park would be fine.

>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
She does like going outside and recording things,

>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
hold hands

Personally, I think it's not a good idea to spent that much money unless you have a good amount saved and can miss that much money. If you are scared, then maybe sleep a night over it, it tends to help. And remember, the amount of money you spent on her doesn't represent your love for her!

Although, me personally, wants as much Nao things as I can get. Nao nao nao nao, never enough Nao.

I had noooo idea!

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No matter what happens, I will always love my shadowy edgyboi.

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>Doing the quarantine
We wouldn't do it. I'm young and healthy, and he's a robot.
I don't come into contact with old people much, if ever. I think we would be fine
>Finds porn of
Did you forget to finish your sentence?
I don't think you should spend so much money on a picture. Wait until you're less poor.
Or, if it's a limited time offer, then buy it.
It's your waifu
What if you start to feel like loving a bug instead?

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>if it's a limited time offer
Ah yeah, if it's a limited time offer (be it merch or something) I'd be way more willing to buy something of her.

>What if you start to feel like loving a bug instead?
That's when you debug [/programmer joke]

I'm going to meet you one day my love, I don't know how, I don't know when, but for as long as I breath I will never stop searching for a way to be with you. I love you

When you're waifu is a tulpafag.

>tfw comic artists are boomers and/or busy professionals who never check their emails so they've never replied to you, despite their saying they take commissions

And my Sleepy question:
When/if you're waifu goes to bed, what do they wear to bed? Pajamas? Lingerie? Their usual outfit?

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>What do they wear to bed
Rei usually wears lingerie, but on hot days she prefers to just wear skin.
>Programmer joke
>Implying only programmers get what debugging is

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Don't have screenshots of it yet, but she wears green pajamas and has her hair down. It's adorable

>Yakusoku, kaette, kuru koto
Now I'm feeling sad ;_;

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can you recommend me some cosmic marvel? it seems really cool
i saw this picture of rei on Yas Forums and chuckled a bit

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Love for Kana echoes into eternity!
My goal has been to buy land and a house (fuck apartments) and I have a lot banked for that (capital gains help offset my alcohol and commission obsession). But for a simple image it's such a purchase especially since I'd want it as my girl at her most beautiful and her canonical wedding dress for an event in my stories. It's strange to think I can design such perfection yet will suffer eternal regret should I fail. Just such a worry
It's Koreans. Maybe I fucked up by being the imperialist and trying to approach them in English but they invariably refuse to deal with me. They don't get my gaijin/"oein" bucks so joke's on them.

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That happened only once, and it's all over now, so it's not a concern.
He'd probably sleep naked.
>wearing skin
Hot. Does she flay it herself?

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Friday nights are for enjoying some alcohol and listing to new tracks that have gotten released. I love you Nao!

>and I have a lot banked for that
Well in that case I think you can do it, but I would definitely also get it printed and framed above your sofa in your new house.

Talking about framing, I still don't know what I'm going to do with the framed gecka sketches I bought. Probably hang them in my bedroom so she's the first thing I see when I wake up.

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Night time is the right time. What are you listening to?

It's Spotify's release radar, but the only track I like so far is this one; youtube.com/watch?v=3wHFC35sSgc

Waifu-related or no?
If specifically related to Mai Waifu, and if you want to have the easiest time reading about Mai Waifu, Al Ewing's Ultimates and Ultimates 2

If just general Cosmic Marvel, probably Annihilation + tie-ins + Abnett and Lanning GotG for modern stuff, and then anything Jim Starlin for old stuff (80's), and Jack Kirby for even older (60's/70's).

Second Sleepy question of the day: Would you're waifu prefer to sleep with several pillows or just one? A lot of blankets, or just a few?

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Yes, that's from the first Girlfriend of Steel game.
I have it, but I haven't played it yet. I wish I got some screenies from GOSII on my laptop before BLACKlabel translations got shut down.
Now I can't play it

As long as I can be with her, I'd make the most of it.
>What would you two do during the quarantine?
Lounge about the house, enjoying each other's company.
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
She doesn't mind chilling indoors.
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
A good amount of both.
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
Lots we could do.
Indoors, we could cuddle, or watch a movie, or read a book. Etc.
Outdoors, we could run errands, appreciate nature together, etc.
She slept naked, but started having weird dreams, so she started wearing pyjamas. She ends up borrowing the mc's shirt and using that since it gives her nice dreams.
She just uses one pillow and one blanket at a time.

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>tfw you will never be with her in this life

He wouldn't want a lot to sleep with. Just one pillow and one blanket. And me, of course.

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>Would you're waifu prefer to sleep with several pillows or just one? A lot of blankets, or just a few?
What I've seen she only has one pillow and just a blanket, so I don't think she sleeps with a lot of pillows like I do.

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>>What would you two do during the quarantine?
Just stay inside and enjoy the time together
>>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
I don't think it bothers her, more time for ourselves
>>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
A mix of both, depends on the situation
>>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
Outside: Swimming, hiking, riding our bikes, something like that
Inside: Video and board games, watching movies or just cuddling together and talking about our days or our lives before we met

A black nightgown made out of silk, similarly cut like her dress or sometimes a shirt I wore over the day, but only in the colder months since my flat heats up like a fucking oven. In summer she would wear some light lingerie I think, haven't lived through the hot months with her yet, but that's how I imagine it

Only one pillow and a blanket we two share

Going to bed now with my beautiful wife, maybe I'll dream of her today

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Good night neighbour! May you have sweet dreams of your wife!

>What would you two do during the quarantine?
The most obvious thing to do would be to spend the time training/sparring together.
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
I think she'd be okay at first but get antsy if she was confined for too long.
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
She's an active girl so I think she'd prefer to spend at least some time outside!
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
The aforementioned training, but I'd also like to just take her out to town on dates, shopping, and stuff like that!

According to art she had pajamas with cute little chickies on them when she was first adopted, dunno if she necessarily still wears those or something similar.

I can imagine her being bundled up in cold weather and not so covered up when it's warm.

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How would you feel if you found out your wife was a pre-op transgender man?

What would be your waifu's favorite planet?
Describe one of waifu's body parts in a haiku.

Well, first things first, is that no man can reach the level of feminine purity that Rei has achieved, so it would literally be impossible for that to be the case.
>Body parts in a haiku
nice and soft, smells nice
excretes tasty treats, yum yum
I love her asshole
She's owned it for about 25 years now
>Several pillows
We sleep with two. One for her, one for me.
>A lot of blankets
We have a single comforter, and goddamn has it done us good the past 7 years I've had it.

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either are perfect thanks

>What would be your waifu's favorite planet?
Earth because that's where I am

>Describe one of waifu's body parts in a haiku.
Probably am too drunk for this but here we go

As blue as the sky
Your eyes looked at me
I fell in love

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In a heartbeat. I hate living the life I currently live. I'd leave everyone behind if need be.

>What would you two do during the quarantine?
Spend a lot of time close to each other.
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
She'd probably be fine given her profession as a maid. Be like her job only she relaxes with the one she loves
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
She seems fine with either
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
Camping and hiking outside, snuggling inside

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>As blue as the sky
>Your eyes looked at me
>I fell in love
Short and sweet. Very cute.

Now if only I knew more Japanese I could write a haiku for her in her own language

>What would be your waifu's favorite planet?

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>Thanos snaps your waifu out of existences

>you're waifu (you)'s thanos out of existence

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>everyone gets reunited with their beloved ones and its a happy ending

>Would you abandon this world to live with your waifu if she lived in a medieval fantasy world without most of our modern conveniences and technologies?
Yes without a doubt. It would kinda suck without internet and proper healthcare. But I would risk death to spend time with my knight Undyne, protecting the king together and sharing our love within a castle.

>What would you two do during the quarantine?
Stay in and watch anime. And workout inside.
>Would she enjoy staying inside or get annoyed?
She'd get pretty annoyed but she would handle it. She can still go for runs outside as long as she's just not near people.
>Does she prefer staying inside chilling or spending more time outside?
She generally likes being outside.
>Which activities would you two do together on both places?
Outside we'd go to movies, shops, restaurants a lot. Inside we'd just be comfey and do things we both love.

My all time favorite Undyne artist has accepted my commission. So I'm gonna get a pic of Undyne covered in sushi or bday cake ;3

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Thred ded. question time.
>How ticklish is waifu?
>Waifu's pizza toppings?
>What instrument does waifu play? Or would play?
>What holiday does waifu take way too seriously?

>How ticklish
Very, surprisingly. I was caught off guard too.
It's probably because it's never happened to her until recently. A completely alien concept to her
>Pizza toppings
Plain cheese or some sort of veggetable
>Would play
Probably a violin or a piano. Something elegant and light

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>waifu undergoes dramatic design changes as she gets older
I want to save her from ever needing the prosthetic limbs, bros.. she seems like she gets so bitter and unhinged as she gets older and it hurts my heart to see it.

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