Daily reminder that your future gf will never ever tell you her real body count and she's never tell you what kinds of...

daily reminder that your future gf will never ever tell you her real body count and she's never tell you what kinds of nasty perverted things she's done in the past. she could be the biggest slut in the universe and you wouldn't even suspect it

how does that make you feel anons?

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I don't care about what she's done in the past.
As long as she lets me do those same things to her currently in present I'm happy

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I don't care because I'm not an insecure incel.

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>idc because I like imagining the taste of other dicks in my mouth

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That's fair game. No future girl I'll ever meet can possibly know about all the escorts I've fucked or about all the girls of questionable age I've met online and recorded while they did stuff for me on webcam.

I don't care about women because I am a cosmic identity. I must balance the universe, I don't have time for women

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I hate when coomer normies ruin beautiful scenery like this.

Yet you have time to larp on a chinese bat cuisine forum

There is no gf in my future, what now op

I think it could be very hot.

Would femanons be into letting their boyfriends get cuckolded with a male of her boyfriend's choosing? I don't get turned on by the sight of my own dick fucking, but instead like big white cocks fucking and I don't care who knows desu. At least I'm not into nigger dick.

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This is fine as long as I'm not her beta provider. You're only a cuck if you're taking care of a reformed slut.


user wins

The thing is you can usually tell when most people are lying. The shit shows on your entire face and character. That being said some people have internalised lying mechanisms so you might be right

Doesn't even enter my mind. But you on the other hand sit there seething over it. Winning

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I dont care because I AM an incel.

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She's the most beautiful thing in the scenery imo

>Post some screenies.

I think the appeal is getting your dick sucked in such scenery

But that's a boy silly


Just so you know the vast majority of girls I've paid to fuck are just normal college/high school seniors and most of them have boyfriends and they all have totally normal lives. Accountability doesn't exist anymore. They can just find guys online on websites/apps their boyfriends and friends literally do not know exist and just fuck some dude like me who lives two towns over in a different age range who will never know anyone that they know. It's something you could literally NEVER find out about. Even if the girl still lives with her parents it makes no difference, it's a very easy thing to lie about. "my friends picking me up we are gonna see a movie" and then I drop them off home an hour and a half later and nobody knows shit. Don't trust anyone. I learned that from doing this shit. And as far as I'm aware most attractive young women do this. And to emphasize again, THEY PRETTY MUCH ALL HAVE/HAD BOYFRIENDS.

Daily reminder op is bitter faggot trying sully other minds like he was

I replied to my first post by accident, I meant to reply to you.

daily reminder that not everyone is a paranoid insecure incel like you. stop projecting.

When I sober up I will realize that I already know that hoe and ask her where is my wallet at. When she hands me the wallet filled with simp bux I will break up with her. So I guess not an issue, because I will wake up afterwards.

>gf cheated on you yesterday
>"wahhh i'm so sad"
it was yesterday. it's in the past bro who cares LMAO. the experience made her better at sex!

One question user: How?

heres a reminder that i dont give a shit, incel faggot

We need Islam unironically.
Arranged marriage and women can't even go out with being escorted by her husband or a male relative.
And she has to wear a burka which prevents her from showing off her body like a whore.
In the West we are stuck with Christianity aka the "love your enemies" flower-power hippy religion that no one follows anyway.

>future girlfriend
Yehahahaha, right..

Enjoy your 2/10 with a moustache.

What we need is voluntary chemical castration. No more issues with thots.

*go out with out
You know what I meant

Seekingarrangements ive fucked two girls off of

cityxguide.co/ I've fucked three girls off of

And unironically I've met up with two girls I met on Yas Forums and had sex with irl, and several others that don't live anywhere near me that send me nude snapchats and do stuff on webcam for me for really cheap.

Nah I'm good bro, Islamic communities have their own fair share of problems

Such as?

Original oreos

This is why so many white guys have gone gay. Women sleep with too many dudes!

We don't need Islam we just need to go back to Christian morality instead of Luciferian Kike morality.

Christian morality means that rich men get to fuck all the women while beta peasants took care of the baby

Christian morality? Like what? Forgiving your enemies? Doing good to those that persecute you? Sounds very cucky. Constant forgiveness of an enemy isn't Justice.

I seriously doubt that any of the white males in the West will ever have a girlfriend. Women only pick the top 10% of males to mate with

I didn't say return to medieval feudalism.

Yet somehow Christians were militarily, culturally, and technologically dominant for centuries.

keep white knighting for women and maybe your girlfriend will buy you Nintendo switch.

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>we should be cucks, but strong cucks
Trad Christian cultures are no longer dominant so that argument doesnt work. Something much better is winning

It will never happen. Christianity is on the way out, dude. People thought Obama was the AC. Now they think Trump is the AC. If we survive Coronavirus, then we can pretty much throw out all of Christian theology. If we look through Roman history we can find that all of the prophecies for the end of the world have already passed, and nothing happened. We're still going. Life just goes - evolution is very real, my dude. Some Christians like to say that Charles Darwin was an atheist, when if you actually read The Origin of Species he credits a creator multiple times. I have no doubt there is a creator, but he is not the one the Judeo-Christians cling to.

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Something else is winning yes but it certainly isn't better. Unless you think societal decay leading to collapse is better.
Wow the decline of the Roman Empire was so much better than the height of it's golden Republican age.

Decay of retards. Most of the good parts of society are thriving

Dont care. I have no future gfs.

The decadence before the collapse is a blissful ignorance.

>women being free BAD
>rape and beheading GOOD

I take it youre in the retard group that is dying

why couldn't she why do you think id care and not laugh at her ?

if you look closely you can tell it's the same person

But who cares? Everyone's had sex.

BBC is based but you seem ignorant

Which group is thriving? I see stagnation in most cultural endeavors. Their is definitely interesting things going on in many fields of science, but that's not really what I'm concerned with.

Fpbp. Pack it up lads

If there's a retard group that's dying then you're in it too mr Yas Forums poster. But doesn't address the wider problem of societal decay. Future generations are the real victims.

Since I'm not insecure and have a higher bodycount aswell, I wouldn't care.
Extremes like having fucked 100 guys+ might get a pass from me

Science, art, tech, music, quality of life, etc.
theres more accessibility and connectivity. People dont have to choose between career and family as much anymore like boomers did. More opportunity and mobility too.

Women are angels and I can't wait to marry one
I'd let her have all the male friends she wants because I am secure
I love the thought of women being free and happy and know she would be strong enough to make the right choices
The future is bright

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It's a house of cards. Weak, naive, decadent and immoral citizens will not be able to maintain it .

Maybe it's because I have a large penis but I'm not threatened by the number of partner's she's had. Life is meant to be enjoyed

As I've said I agree with this
Most of the interesting developments are in science right now and haven't moved down into tech yet. It's mainly optimization of our current engineering capability.

Their are some interesting consumer hobbies like FPV droning that I'll admit are becoming really interesting as they slowly move towards the current century of telecom tech. Not much of a substantial paradigm shift though.

Really? I'm not seeing any crazy new ideas being introduced in music. Then again I have always had fringe tastes and I don't see much potential for music as a hobby. As for production and instruments I'm also not seeing any new interesting developments. Most of the notable paradigm shifts came with the digital age and before that the analog age.

Way too vague for me to really comment on. Most cultures center themselves around an art or an artistic use of some idea or technology. If you mean visual arts, I'm really not seeing anything new or interesting here. Maybe AI generated artwork? Not really that interesting to me, sorry.

>quality of life
You'll have to go into more detail here because I have no idea what could go into this category other than some home automation things. That and X as a service; which I can't stand despite having a significant involvement in it's development.

>theres more accessibility and connectivity
Not always a good thing. Community dynamics are a complex topic and "add more people add more conversation" can be very negative. Look at where you're posting right now for proof of this. Accessibility means nothing without a meaningful subject matter to explore in the first place. No one goes to the mines without a prospect of gold. I'm waiting on scientific developments to bubble down to the other domains, but until then we're stagnating in limbo.