I am so ugly. I feel disgusted by my own appearance.
I am so ugly. I feel disgusted by my own appearance
>tfw no bf to who loves you for who you are
I am too disgusting for a bf. I dont want a man to look at me, much less naked. Luckily wearing masks outside has become socially acceptable, though I might go full burqa soon.
half of the thread will call you a faggot for baiting
the other half will post their discords at the off chance you aren't a man
I'm an ugly male. You have no idea how much worse it is for us.
It's always weight. You can fix this.
It's a give and take. Being ugly and unattractive as a man is far far worse than as a woman. But men have the slim chance of becoming rich or successful, which will counteract most of the negatives from being a hideous goblin.
Now an equally unattractive female goblin will always find somebody desperate enough to take her, but she will never be able to earn a fat salary and have pretty boys chase after her. The only alternative is going to Gambia and bringing home a BBC that will leave 6 months later to sell heroin in the streets rather than eating out your stankhole every day.
No, doesnt matter if I weight 90lbs, my face is just fucking disgusting. When I pass a mirror I want to smash it. I hate when people look at me.
Its hard for men too. But as a woman, your looks is seen as your only value. People dont care how intelligent or successful you are, looks is always what women are judged on first. At least men can still earn respect and admiration for their other achievements.
Everyone gets old anyway, best to come to terms with it now.
Same lmao
Take the ogre pill
Get big, strong, and fearsome
If someone calls you ugly, make them afraid.
Everyone hates ogres but they also fear them
I dont even want a boyfriend anymore. Having a boyfriend would mean someone who is looking at me all the time, wants me to send selfies or nudes, be intimate etc. Being seen in a romantic or sexual context makes my skin crawl. I already know I will be a cat lady when I am old.
Actually pretty good advice, making normies recoil or scream would make me feel powerful.
I am not even ugly in an interesting way though. Just a plain old ugly hag.
You actually got a point there. I bet you're not as ugly as you think though.
I still have a lot of empathy for ugly men. Anyone who is ugly has it tough. Being attractive is the ultimate privilege.
Have you ever asked somebody to rate your looks? Some people just see themselves at ugly no matter how they look to other people.
Yes I have. They rated depressingly low and I think they were being nice, which means I am probably uglier LOL.
iktf. I feel like my bf deserves so much better and he's only with me because he feels sorry for me. same with my male friends..
It really is. There's still a lot to compensate for in other ways, I would know. Pick up a cool talent or skill, whatever you know
There is one thing though, I am curious to see what you look like since you think so low of yourself, I bet it's not so bad. Maybe you just have low self ezteem happens to a lot of people who are actually cute
I'm in the same boat. We need to fucking die fast. Good on that virus.
>People dont care how intelligent or successful you are
How would you know?
From looking at the way ugly women are openly ridiculed and mocked, even if they are athletes, doctors, scientists, talented musicians, etc.
post your face femanon, you can blur out your eyes but this thread is posted all the time by girls who are really like a 4-5.
Can you post a pic of what you consider a 5 and what you consider a 10 so I can get an idea?
post your face or add me on discord and ill rate you :)
The standards here vary wildly. I have seen robots rate 5/10s as 10s and 9/10s as 3s.
>People dont care how intelligent or successful you are
thats the same for guys too, women aren't impressed by some really ugly smart guy, it's like "oh, ok"
ill send a pic first i alwas get low scores aswell
i rate kelly as a 4/10 which i think is perfectly fair.
Stop attention whoring you know you could get average looking beta easily but all you want is Chad
They can still be highly respected in their field though. If a man is rich/talented/successful, he gets judged on that firstly, and looks second. With women, even if they win a gold medal at the Olympics, people will still ridicule her if she is ugly. Marilyn Monroe married Arthur Miller for his brains. You dont see Chad wifeing some ugly nerd girl lol. Attractiveness is important for everyone, but men have more loopholes.
post your feet let me do some research
yea i totally want a woman to be attracted to me for being successful... why do women think that is some type of compliment? i don't want you to be attracted to my achievements, that's fucking stupid. if guys were being honest with themselves i think most of them would just flat out say "i try to achieve because it increases my chances of women finding something about me attractive." that's all it is, some dumb song and dance mating ritual.
women don't need to be a supermodel to be considered attractive, as long as you aren't fat you're most likely perfectly good enough for the vast majority of men, unless you want some uber chad that fucks models.
If there was some businesswomen that made mad cash and ran shit, I would be attracted to her regardless of looks as long as she wasn't fat.
feet fetishes are a sin and you will go to hell
>if guys were being honest with themselves i think most of them would just flat out say "i try to achieve because it increases my chances of women finding something about me attractive."
Point being that men can actually do things that increase their attractiveness, whereas women are stuck with what theyve got unless they get various painful plastic surgeries. I never said I was average, I said I was ugly. Not a supermodel, fucking lol, if I posted my picture here robots would rip me to shreds. This isnt the oppression olympics, everyone who is ugly suffers.
Maybe you two should bang
Post poosy
yea, "do things," like make money. no guy wants a gold digger unless he's accepted he's ugly as fuck and the only thing he can do is be a bank for some asshole user of a girl.
I assume you don't speak from experience, coz you're just so wrong here. A better looking man might get the right first impression, but a charismatic man gets further.
post your hands let me do some research
you just lowered my self esteem a bit, how you will make me feel better now?
go repeat your red pill bullshit somewhere else, no one buys it anymore. charisma and confidence are just code words for being attractive and being fun. if you're ugly and fun you're just a friend.
post your bank balance let me do some research
Here you go
*chewing cigarettes to avoid stupid bot*
OP here. That reply wasnt me. I would never post in all lowercase. Do you have a hand fetish or something?
you can see if it's a woman by looking at the hands, not really a fetish, hands can tell a lot about a person
From the 5/10 to 7/10 range, charisma, humour and confidence can make a massive difference for men.
If you're really really ugly it's going to be harder and not matter that much.
If you're 8/10 or above that extra charisma/humour/confidence doesn't add that much anymore.
I'm in a sweetspot of being both 6'4 and have a 7/10 face, but most importantly I'm very confident and sociable.
I'm also not anxious to make strong eye contact, combine that with little smirks and little laughs and you've got yourself a winner.
I have depression and somehow can get girls to dig it and fall for me.
For the majority of guys charisma will improve your game, the more towards either end of the beauty spectrum you fall, the less it will matter
>I bet you're not as ugly as you think though.
If I got a cent every time I heard this absolutely worthless phrase, I'd be a fucking millionaire.
Holy shit, fuck off. You're not saving some shy, introverted cutiepie's life.
>I would never post in all lowercase.
High IQ.
I bet you also have bangs, because bangs are a sign of high IQ.
you surely doesn't look that bad as you are saying, do you have someone who is similar to you? An actress? Singer? give me a name
>bro im good looking, you just have to do X and girls will like you, trust me bro
no one wants to listen to you, you have no idea what it's like to be an average looking guy. average looking indian men are confident and charismatic and women fucking hate them. just stop giving average men advice, you don't live in our world. just go be happy in yours and leave us the fuck alone with your shit advice
>you surely doesn't
Damn, that sucks. Do you want to be my gf?
Damn, that sucks. Do you want to be my gf?
Damn, that sucks. Do you want to be my gf?
Damn, that sucks. Do you want to be my gf?
I see and yeah you are right. I have pretty nice hands but since I am too ugly for a bf its pointless.
>caring about grammar on fucking Yas Forums
go back to normieddit underag& newfag
Would you still be willing to post a hand pic?
I'm not even that user, but now I'm curious!
At least the positive comments might lift you up a bit.
I don't get this mentality.
Let's say you're a 5/10, you're not going to go out there and improve your chances as much as you can?
Get more fit? Get more experienced with talking to new people? Be more sociable? Work on your fashion sense? Get a better haircut? Grow some facial hair?
You'd rather give up and not try at all? Really?
Besides my height, I'm a little over average looking at best, I wouldn't consider myself ugly, but I'm nowhere near an 8/10, I might have even overrated myself with a 7/10.
Before I knew why my brain was so shitty, I was shy, couldn't look people in the eye and guess what: got no female attraction.
But I went to therapy, improved on my own, started to enjoy social gatherings etc etc and that resulted in female attraction.
Literally the same-looking dude in both cases.
This works for average guys, it just matters less and less the more you go towards 0/10 or 10/10.
Hands are one thing, but do you have cute feet?
Woman rated me 3,5 on /soc/ and gays rated me 7,8 even 9 what gives?
Robots standards are so much more higher than normal guys standards.
Please, do not interact with them they'll get mad at you for not looking like an anime girl or an instagram model.
a robot got mad at me and shamed me for having a mole on my neck.
would not recommend..
>tfw no gf with mole in her neck to give little bites
>I don't get this mentality.
it's very simple if you follow your own mentality. people like you always tell others they need confidence in themselves. i am confident that everything you are advising is largely a joke (because i've done some of it) and it's just a way to jump aboard the never ending self improvement train. once i jump aboard that train then every single failure i encounter will be met with guys like you saying "just try harder bro, you didn't try hard enough bro."
you're a good looking tall guy that stopped being shy and he got positive feedback from it. whenever i stop being shy i am met with scorn and disgust. so yea, you have nothing to give me
It's pointless to talk with incels.
Let them rot.
"nice mole on neck :)
but elbows too pointy. i'll rate you 3/10"
>I don't ask for a lot femanons
>mole in neck REEEEEEE
How do you people expect anyone to take you seriously or consider you as a partner?
That's what you got for dating a zoomer