Recently got diagnosed with macromastia, how's your day going?
Recently got diagnosed with macromastia, how's your day going?
if that's you, that looks like a really cute hand
Ouch, chestlets BTFO
post your fat tits you tub of lard
Let me suck licky licky bob milky pls vegana
post themm I'm literally crying and need to see giant tits to feel ok
Here, to shut you all up.
how inconvenient are they?
any benefits besides tiddies?
Well I personally think they look really cool and fun!
They're getting more and more inconvenient by the month. I went from a G 6 months ago to now an a L
are they more sensitive now?
Nope, sore but not sensitive
Remove your bra and post the timestamp faggot, or gtfo
Ask your friends on reddit
pretty good, i started writing some little notes on what i've learned from various books to help articulate my worldview
and my friend bought me animal crossing as an early birthday present so i guess i'm playing that tonight
That sounds so fun! I plan on relaxing and playing tonight too. I really don't think I'm much of a mommy though am I?
Sorry with tits like those you will always be mommy tier
That really doesn't do it for me. Urp
i hope you have fun user! i'll probably get around to it after reading for a little while, i want to work through the last of my books whilst the isolation lasts lol
and i don't know you personally so i can't say but i'm small and young so effectively everyone is in relation to me
>I went from a G 6 months ago to now an a L
why are they still growing
dont mind me just giving OP more attention like a good man does
Big. But not big enough.
Please don't post this here. You have no idea how quickly some men (read:me) go from perfectly neutral and content to heart-rending and desirous. It is illogical, and stupid but seeing this beauty makes my heart drop. All for sacks of fat.
You're a bit chunky there, though.
I plan on just getting baked and zoning out to it~ cannot wait for tonight
I guess I'll take it!
It says in my post lol, macromastia
Well don't worry I'm sure I'll be double this size in another 6 mo the
I wish I could type out blowing a raspberry
So how's that work exactly, excess milk? excess fat production?
you gonna get surgery?
Be a camgirl and make easy money
>excess milk?
what if macromastia was just too much milk and the only treatment was having it sucked out by good boys
holy shit is there a word for the feeling you get when you imagine the perfect world and realize youre not in it?
I've no hope about my future and I haven't had it for years because I am completely unable to break my phone and internet addictions though I know I am fucking my own life up
I honestly don't know what to do about it
Basically my body just thinks it's supposed to keep growing.
Maybe if I get big enough. That other user is right, I'm still not big enough.
Sounds like the latter then, unless it's not fat cells but muscle, either way you should be able to get it surgically removed or reduced
i'd ask to stick my meat rod in there before you do it but i'm sure you already have a guy selected for that
You are more than big enough. I will pay you exorbitant amounts of tokens to watch you suck your own nipples
We'll see, honestly I'm kind of excited? Like my life was pretty dull before but now I've got this interfering. Unless I actively can't move I don't think I'll get a reduction.
I dunno, I still see so many more girls bigger than me
>I plan on just getting baked and zoning out to it~ cannot wait for tonight
take care and be responsible! have you named your island yet? if not, what names do you have in mind?
if you had a camshow going right now id give you an irresponsible amount of money
I literally just spent over 100 dollars right now to get attention from another big titty camgirl because of you. You're missing out.
I made my dad jump this morning when entering the living room and he broke his toe.
I'm getting drunk so I'm fine and don't feel so guilty anymore even though he spent all day at hospital.
Well I can't start now but I'll definitely think about it!
if you dont like the time commitment of camming you can also just sell pics and vid clips
do whatever suits you
Very good idea. Start with a boobdrop video.
LOL I'd crush the camera! They're a lot heavier now
lol you dont drop them on the camera you just take off your bra/top and let them fall
Doi I'm dumb. I've never really watched big titty porn until recently. What's common in it?
Please post milkers miss
>What's common in it?
nothing special really, people who make porno arent too creative. playing with the boobs, jiggling the boobs, etc. just decide whether you're okay with showing nipples or if you want to be a never-nude tease forever and go from there.
I might, my nipples have gotten pretty big and I'm embarrassed about the
Already did!
ill die if i dont simp
Oiling, massaging, clapping, dropping, kissing, sucking, jumping, drooling, tittyfucking to name a few
I mean I'm doing most of those things already for fun lol
congrats, you're already worth more than other big titty camgirls
453,563,453,512 DEAD THOTS
I'm sure they do it for fun to! Honestly why wouldn't they?
You don't have to be the literal biggest girl in the universe, moo cow. You're already fucking big.
Besides, if you get a jump on it now and keep going for a while, fans with breast expansion fetishes will give you enormous amounts of money to hear you talk about your milkers growing.
Haha moo cow I like that! Don't make milk though. I'm probably going to be growing for a bit. At least a few inches a month
keep us updated!!
h-how old are you user?
Turning 20 in a month
m-mildly disappointing
Well pardon me!
just came to this pic
Thank you I think! I'm glad I can make people happy!
sorry user... i just wish you were a little older
you should post nudes before this thread dies desu
or at least some ass