Why not date a black girl?

Why not date a black girl?

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Find me one willing to date me and I will.

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Oh my,
robots hate ethnic girls even the white passing ones.
I know a girl that got rejected from a robot because she had brown eyes. He said she was cute, but her eyes ruined everything.
So imagine being tan, or black, with brown/black curly hair.
Sometimes it's hard for women to find a partner, even on a social outcast board :(

they smell, look like monkeys, are loud, they're stupid, ugly hair. What is their to like?

This mixed black chick got engaged to a friend of mine out of nowhere. He told me they do master x slave rp and she takes care of him.

why not just fuck a dog?

I don't know any

Because I am not a zoophile.

I love black girls but am Irish and black people don't exist here

That's bestiality, and I don't engage in that

First of all you are not black
Im black and I want a black robot bf.
Go pander somewhere else self hating bitch and yes you probably look like a monkey.


because it would be cringe

please post discord
i'm going to ireland after all that corona virus thing is done so

Blacks are a cursed race. Most blacks on Yas Forums hate themselves because they are black

I want a girl I actually find attractive, that is why

I would but I don't know how to approach women.

Black girls like me they think I'm a "wild nigga" but I'm too scared to talk to any woman.

You stink, you're probably the fattest woman I would known in my life, have no hobbies at least slightly related to mine, you're stupid, you don't have further education beyond a high school diploma, and your pussy is ridden with STDs despite being (which clearly not given your race) a virgin.

Perhaps become 2D and I MAY fuck you and give you my stinky NEET semen.

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Last time i posted discord on here a German guy sent me a picture of his chode so thank you babes but I'll refrain

I'd love to, find me one.

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>They do master x slave rp
WHat kind of basis for a relationship is that? As He'll regret everything as soon as he finds out that is son is a nigger and can't follow in his footsteps in any way.

who cares about race as long as you are in love

I fap to ebony porn almost every day. I have fapped to this wojack before. I would love to date a black fembot. The only problem is finding one who is not obese who is also attracted to me

If you're a black female, unironically add me on discord. Cisco #5376

That neutral butch goddamn, want me some of that
why does this have to be lesbos though

I would but no black girls are interested in me.

>fapped to this wojak

Would never date one due to the obnoxious attitude and inability to keep their mouth shut for 5 minutes, but would definitely fuck one if she actually wanted to for some reason.

Im white. It would be... unnatural

at least fap to the right black based wojak

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They're not attractive. And even when they are (rarely) they have this weird black identity bullshit. Sympathizing with retarded black ideas. Like, "Everything racist. Need money for dem programs. We high crime rate? White manz fault. OOGA BOOGA. Shake dat ass"

The chance of a black girl actually looking good AND acting like a decent human being is non existant.

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Only of she is pure

Not a lot of them here in Spain

this image really, really, REALLY terrifies me.
i- i just don't know what to do with it
i hate it
please user, please DELETE THIS

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I'd date one though

lol tell me your feels. How does it make you feeeeeeeeeeel?

Because black girls cant have red or blonde hair or blue or green eyes, or naturally wavy hair

What's your cat named bruhv?
Do you have any seafood related fobias?

They have weird hair.

They look and act like apes and if they don't their family's do. Why would I want low IQ children

tfw no chaotic femme gf

Bruv if you post here do the human race a favor and don't have children period.

You probably do look like a monkey too no matter how much of a mutt you are

tbqh I think they're cute, but I don't want kids that look nothing like me. And I don't want to have to deal with her ghetto ass family if she has one.

Hmm, I had a black gf once, briefly. Gave great head, flexible, smelled like cocoa butter so no complaints really desu.

>not wanting to associate with stupid people is bad
I have some bad news for you, bud

That's totally up to you. Would you date a white hispanic?

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Cute? I could understand if you said sexy, because they have oversized sexual characteristics. But cute? As in facial features? You've lost me now.

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Black women are cute in the way they behave, the ghetto stuff is only a thing before you have dicked them, once they have taken and cummed to your dick they become tammed kitties that would die for you, it is a very beautiful and pure love, and it is cute

I reckon black lasses must have massive gashes. Not appealing. Not like a lovely tight chink papercut. Oof!

Id love to..but there are no black girls in my country...and a few ones that exist are taken by chads

This, they have tight vaginas, it is heaven

cute as in the ones that are white-acting and want to be bleached. You can tell that
>they respect you just for being white
>she gets off on looking down on other sheeboons since she has a white boy and they don't
>they know it's hard enough to get a white man, let alone a good looking one, they will keep their asses in line
>I hate niggers, but I cant imagine how much white-washed blacks hate niggers, I'd be livid if these people were ruining the perception other people had about me
But even though I tell myself a rich whitewashed black girl could be fun, you see shit like the real housewives of atlanta and even these rich ones still act like ghetto trash (yes I know it's exaggerated for tv).

Oh I gladly would, but apparently they're not interested in me either. In fact, I met a qt black girl back in November at an event and we ended the night making out and exchanging numbers. Fast forward we go on one date and she ghosts me after that.

there are none in my country, and the ones that are here are deeply religious

I'm trying but who knows, she might not want to go out again.

Tried, she rejected mee

Absolutely based pic orgn

Then date me you stupid fucking bitch?

Scientifically black females have the tightest vaginal canals, not memeing or joking thats the legit science

I'd take a "light skin" as they say


Like, a quarter black.