I just realized that r9k is kinda toxic
I really wanted that balloon to burst on her clit, that would have been a face expression for the ages
Are you retarded? Because you only need to spend five minutes here to come to that realisation.
Also "kinda toxic?" Only "kinda?"
>i just realized
so where do you go from here?
where else can you find fellow outcast frens tho?
Its someone pretending and roleplaying as Roz, I wonder if OP is actually schizophrenic? not the Yas Forums insult, but OP needs to seek help if he roleplays as random internet people for fun and not as a way to hide his identity
>where else can you find fellow outcast frens tho?
The internet.
elaborate can only think of crystal cafe
>kinda toxic
It's extremely toxic.
were have you been since infinit is shit where are your nudes gib me